September 11, we remember Liam insulting all the Arab people... (was the Twin Towers attack really by the Arabs?) ...Apart from autotune for singing, he always forgot the songs lyrics... he's got earphones and also reads lyrics... Kamala Harris is not able of a speech without preparing it... but we don't think she was helped because she told bullshit anyway. During the election debate we've seen her laughing about that thing of animals, pets, from Trump, being eaten by immigrants, true or not it wasn't nice to laugh (and it's absolutely true, happens everywhere, also in Italy). Obviousy the media told "fake news" (FART fact checkers) and there's proof they do that.
The "dem" (demented, fake democratic) want to repeat the debate, just as FRANCE wanted vs Argentina. Sore losers.
Oasis are still banned in "fucking communist" China, the leftists should know about dogs & cats eaten by their Chinese friends.
Oasis are still banned in "fucking communist" China, the leftists should know about dogs & cats eaten by their Chinese friends.
The Usa killed 70,000 people in Italy, also in Milan, also women & children, but there's no servant politician, left or right, with the balls to tell it. You and I are gonna be a colony foreeeeever
If even leftist CNN says Trump winning... we couldn't care less about the election, but the media consider it as if we had to vote (because the Usa have several colonies around...).
Taylor Swift "wise" fankids voting Kamala is good, at least with no future the Usa won't bomb other countries with their wars...
they eat pets not because of hunger (they're helped in many ways, also 35 Euros per day, they get more than us nothing for free) but voodoo...
If even leftist CNN says Trump winning... we couldn't care less about the election, but the media consider it as if we had to vote (because the Usa have several colonies around...).
Taylor Swift "wise" fankids voting Kamala is good, at least with no future the Usa won't bomb other countries with their wars...
they eat pets not because of hunger (they're helped in many ways, also 35 Euros per day, they get more than us nothing for free) but voodoo...
soooo... surprise surprise... the fucking corrupt EU is officially at WAR vs Russia............ Noel "we have to fight Russia", but apparently even the Usa and Uk (and Italy and Hungary) don't want to attack Russia... Today the Eu voted and even German Carola Rackete (fake pacifist as Liam, the Ukrainazis supporter) the "RASTA" (word that Liam uses) voted for war... The only change in environment we saw around is not doing works... their WW3 will help climate...........
The same ones who put bombs in stations, today pay sheep to deface monuments [idiotic "cancel culture", that Noel hates], send clandestine ships [to create disorders and crime @ your home, that Noel hates], and delude young people making them think that the new energies [fake green that Noel hates] that are impoverishing Europe are clean, after having hysterically hysterized them in lgbt sauce [woke, that the Gallaghers hate]. Who? The foreign secret services, obviously.
Liam, yankees corporations servant (the opposite of a rockstar), to get attention faked to support Blm, Ukraine, lgbt... but when the real Liam comes out : homophobic insults, wanted a sniper to protect his own destroyed stores, etc
Liam, yankees corporations servant (the opposite of a rockstar), to get attention faked to support Blm, Ukraine, lgbt... but when the real Liam comes out : homophobic insults, wanted a sniper to protect his own destroyed stores, etc
The Usa are clearly behind everything Israel is doing...
"Covid" (labs in Ukrainazi) -> to sell fake vaccines not working, often harmful with time
"OASIS reunion" -> to sell tickets (not their fake "love", it was "now or never" before Liam's voice is completely dead... millions to pay their women)
"Climate change" -> to sell fake green wind turbines (also killing birds... they say nothing about that), solar panels, making people spend money on the house, etc
Ukrainazis war -> to sell weapons
etc, corrupt Eu, Von der Pfizer Bomben Mikranten lost the election and is still there
more to add soon