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2023 recap & New Year's Eve 2024
album of the year : Council skies
songs : I'm not giving up tonight, Being stupid again (Public Image Limited, Johnny Rotten Lydon of Sex Pistols), There she blows, Viaggio intorno al sole (Paradiso)
video : Noel "Rod Stewart" at San Siro stadium, fastest Italian Tonali goal 6 minutes debut in Britain, the bear near us in the mountains, almost all of Gialappa's "4 amici al bar" (Moscow Mule e va a dà via el cu)
drinks : hydromel (mead) for bears ^^, hot cider as Led Zeppelin used to drink, Alpine version Spritz, sweet vino novello, Moscow Mule
concerts of the year : Cristina D'Avena sounding better than Liam, same day. Noel @ Forum.
games : Napoli superchampions vs Milan 0-4 (and also winning in Champions League), Milan-Psg 2-1 feat. Noel, Beckham etc, Inter-Manchester City : Rodriiiiii goal
spiritual angel of the year : "Britalian" Indi, the "Angel child" (funeral in Milan's Nottingham with Italian flag). Live forever
losers of the year : Inter (the 2nd is the first loser), Ukrainazi, EU making a fool of themselves, Burioni and all of them childish fake scientists for money, 3 childish touchy ones : Materazzi, Hamilton always, pathetic hypocrite liar Liam always
books : il Mondo al contrario by Vannacci, Cosa vi siete persi by Gerry Scotti, many old ones
"I'm afraid of Americans" because of 2024 election, and Italians should vote, we are a colony... It's from Showgirls film, on 31 we could go to a lapdance club (as Bowie did too... see the recent film). Staying at home, "stand up beside the fireplace"... (also on Oasis first album... ours is historic) ...in the big countryhouse with cats, because humans are stupid and scare them to death with fireworks. Also dogs and squirrels in Milan. Human stupidity is exraordinary... if someone says something different from their comfortable (zone) flock of sheep, they get angry and run away scared.
Noel Gallagher in Milan : that friend who never betrays +not Matecazzi
Noels' voice in Düsseldorf was not 100% perfect live but very close to the songs on the album... nasal autotuned frog Liam very far...
Liam made pay for online gig, Noel "the one interested in money", not. We remember in front of evidence, Liam even said he didn't make pay... liar.
we are for life as Oasis were, also for the current Indi Gregory kid on the newspapers. Those silent fankids were more for depression... they look more dead than alive. Nice name Indi, as indie independent music, we automatically support her life
Lo sfottò è il sale del calcio e degli Oasis, evidentemente non li conosce.
Liam voice @ Ippodromo : could hear nothing. Good that you exchanged Liam expensive tickets with Rolling Stones tickets (even if them millionaires did a part supporting Ukraine and now the truth is coming out... truth always comes out with time...). And audience in Lucca is SITTING in front (didn't he say that about Noel's gigs... in Liam's psychiatric problems, everything he says about Noel, money etc it's about himself). New fankids prefer him because they're more similar to that dickhead
some artists (unexpectedly in some cases) proved to be REAL rebels anti-system during Covid or Ukraine war or terrorism or fake green or politically "correct"... Santana, Lydon of Sex Pistols, Waters solo of Pink Floyd, Ian Brown solo of Stone Roses, sometimes Weller and Ashcroft come out with something different, Morrissey of Smiths... 95% of Noel too. He was ok against : green, pol correct, them they bullshit, facemasks etc just lost himself apparently with jab and Russia... those other ones are probably not 100% rebels, so Noel more than them. Liar being a rebel : he's 95% fake, to get attention (even posts in favour of politically correct, racist violent Blm, Ukraine etc) and 5% when the old real Liam comes out (doesn't mean it's a good thing...) still nowadays homophobic insults, menaces, stalking, hooliganism etc. He supported Blm robbing, but when it was the same for his stores, he wanted a sniper... hypocrite much
Noel Gallagher spiritual Milan afterparty radio ("servizio navetta" spaziale Supernova) *UPDATING*
About the new album with John Squire, he had also said a similar thing : best record you'll hear in the next 50 years about the first album of BEADY fucking EYE hahahahahaha what an asshole... 12 years later nobody even knows who they were. Oh splitting up a band, how strange for him... more proof about him...
We shoud make a list of things he "had said"... hypocrite Liar...
69 -> 2023 Alps mountains (aka happiness)
There are also some more by Noel mentioning mountains... The dying of the light, Let the Lord shine a light on me etc
Some original versions are missing on Spotify (broadcasting transsexual children publicity... nothing against them but find a doctor 'cause they're sick... but still better than Lgbt Mixcloud becoming unusable, apart for a few chic ones paying money to use it, both for copyright and nonsense politically correct rules even against women) as "Lei balla sola" by Vanni, and "Non so che darei" by Alan Sorrenti, "Heaven" by Bose., all on YouTube
exclusive : Liam Gallagher is gay !!1!!11!! * updated *
* parka : MILITARY clothes, if you were soldiers like us, you'd know 2 or 3 things about that... in fact, we didn't need to buy it, we already owned the original one before Liam... parka fashion is from mod film Quadrophenia with Italian scooters, the director said Jimmy would've voted BNP...
The name parka comes from Russia... that new fankids hate, following "Nazi Ukraine Liam"... good luck... ! you'll need a lot of that in your future... (also his idol John Lennon hated gays... even almost killed a man telling him he was one...).
BRILLIANT, GREAT AND VERY PROUD... about the violent one who killed and still betrays Oasis... and faking to want a reunion. If you don't belong to the new blinded generation that "role model" LiaR corporations represent, you can see how the new fankids weren't even born... ("Liam fanpage" : fan since 2 YEARS ago...) even useless to start explaining them... the media devastated their life, "stole their future" as one of their "Nobel prizes" said...
Knewbworth KNOBworth album aumber 1 sure it's VERY difficult with NINE albums from Taylor Swift 316 weeks in the chart and new ones called Bowie, Elton John... Liam sounds more like a has-been...
he still suffers from inferiority complexes... talks again after months just because of "the charts"... still has to reach Noel Gallagher's 12 consecutive albums record...
Liam recently also referred to some black people typical feature in derogatory terms...
Sometimes they refer to Liam as gay because he's interested in fashion... you remember (not you fankids) Pretty Green was a big tension with Noel in the final days before the split...
(anticipatiiiion of our book)
daily blinded fankid about the plums player destroying guitars : " Liam hes so funny hes hilarious his sense of humor is top notch " ...
It's true his pink parka looks gay... "and your fashion sense is 2nd rate like your perfume"... (Noel with Paul Weller). If you say he's gay, we sincerely believe you, you're an expert about those things... hysterical violent Liar was the death of Oasis
There are many episodes in the books when violent Liam wanted the end of Oasis... (even when they were at their top) ...more proof about it... (violent even onstage sometimes). Basically he's a hysterical drama queen, diva (yes "Liam is gay !!!!1!!!11!!"), complains for nothing acting like a crybaby (that's why he uses Twitter... 'cause he wants no reunion...) and blames the others. A half man with no balls, not taking his responsibilities. This type of men take refuge for themselves in violence. Psychiatrist for children needed
It's amazing how a person as him gets good press in today's "correct" world, even a media darling, probably because (he's sick as them) he gives them a lot of "news" (that are not even news) to write about. He sucks the right corporations dicks... says a lot about how the media have gone rotten.
Liam Gallagher EVOLVES as a person?!?!?! ahahahaha the level of blindness among his fankids is not comparable in other celebrities (probably because he's the most stupid, so attracts stupid people). Evolving like : he got WORSE, sending death menaces as a teenager, not to mention his behaviour with women in the recent years (more to be discovered...), using disabed people etc etc. An artist ? he's paying money, both to his new corporations and for Oasis songs. They "make them laugh"... we often see they're no Oasis fans at all, they think to be him and tell stupid things about Noel, did they consider what Liam caused with his "funny" things ? they even call him " angel", "adorable" etc. Liam and John Lennon can't even stay in the same sentence, one always ready to tell bad words to his brother even when that one says nothing, he's not a pacifist even in his daily life. Well, if you consider homophobic Lennon also using violence on women and almost killing a man saying Lennon was a gay, that can be similar to Liam. But Lennon was involved in pacifism against war. Liam supported Nazi Ukraine and Ukrainians always told us they've never been for peace. That says a lot. His fankids are almost all sons of the "new world", blinded by politically correct media, they clearly have psychological problems, they should seek help not in one like Liam Gallagher... (even wishing him happy birthday... we wish them to get a life).
He supported racist Blm with their violence and "shoplifters" to say the least, but when it regarded his Pretty Green stores, he wanted to use a sniper... hypocrite celebrity much
now Liam will receive the No(B)el prize for peace and literature, the man who can talk only insulting, menacing of death, sayingfucking, can't even speak his language, and never read a book, as the Nobel for medicine 2023 is for those of Covid vaxx, not working and causing so many side effects (so those were the purposes? ...), cancer (also in our family), sudden deaths... and effects in the future? Nobel for economics one who plays videopoker at the bar... same chances of vax.
if Liam wasn't a celebrity, he would be a criminal, not only for what he's done with women, drugs, violence etc and killing Oasis...
more to add soon
summer 2023 songs * UPDATED 2 *
not even if they paid us millions... won't give him 1 fucking Euro again...
concert in Codogno 1 July same day even better Cristina D'Avena for children and Spagna, all night long party.
Liam new fankids sound like those wankers watching films of 40 years ago, drooling for some actress, to finally discover they're 80 now...
he aged very bad, also as a person, still childish... grow the fuck up
The tv news mocked Liam because the people were singing only Oasis songs... (he pays for them).
BRILLIANT, GREAT AND VERY PROUD... about the violent one who killed and still betrays Oasis... and faking to want a reunion. If you don't belong to the new blinded generation that "role model" LiaR corporations represent, you can see how the new fankids weren't even born... ("Liam fanpage" : fan since 2 YEARS ago...) even useless to start explaining them... the media devastated their life, "stole their future" as one of their "Nobel prizes" said...
Knewbworth KNOBworth album aumber 1 sure it's VERY difficult with NINE albums from Taylor Swift 316 weeks in the chart and new ones called Bowie, Elton John... Liam sounds more like a has-been...
he still suffers from inferiority complexes... talks again after months just because of "the charts"... still has to reach Noel's 12 consecutive albums record...
Annalisa ha perso punti perchè ha fatto la canzone coi due deficienti
Noel vs coward Liar Gallagher 3-0... again. No stadium with Noel...
Liam attacked him taking a thing of almost 30 YEARS AGO... (Noel on drugs against Blur, wishing 2 of them caught Aids)...
We always said Liam USES Oasis and fans, and now Noel said so...
(most hilarious thing is blaming Noel for being a media darling). Liar is not in the right position to defend the fans... he's not Oasis himself.
Noel said that thing of catching Aids and the people laughed, Blur included... (and they're friends today) ...and 2 members of Blur are not “the people”.
fankids (not even born at Oasis times) seriously seek help, find BRAINLESS Liam’s same psychiatrist... idolising millionaire celebrities you don’t even know... blinded fangirling is a disease. “Noel’s mistakes” like : Liam killing Oasis with his famous violence, faking to want a reunion for years to get attention he would NOT have with “his” songs (in fact he pays Noel for Oasis songs), proof is shite Beady Eye, now paying Warner Bros corporations (that's why he always says that "cowboys" thing about Noel), and insulting Noel for years, stalking his wife on the phone who had to call the police, avoiding to meet Noel for years, film premieres, football games at the stadium etc etc wants the reunion SO MUCH and everytime he’s got chances : nothing. Makes no sense. You live in Liam’s arse and talk like him, sick of blaming other people... not credible Liar... you're no angel...
He thinks Oasis fans are on his side... we have news for him : the great majority of Oasis real, historic fans are gone... they have families, jobs etc much more important stuff to think about in their life. The new bunch of idiotic fankids generation blinded by the media and with no future are all the opposite of Oasis and their fans...
And never in Manchester... then he says things against Noel about Manchester... Liam London chic diva
we're amazed by the idiocy of Liar fankids... it’s true the blinded fanbase becomes similar to the millionaire celebrity they idolise... even himself is even proud to be an idiot... poor new generation lost... he even makes a fool of them and they don’t even realise about that... What if they do someday ? mass suicides ? that’s what the new society is teaching them...
another proof in that book that Liam was always thinking of KILLING Oasis (words used by Liam), even when they were @ the top. Suffering from inferiority complexes #liamgallagher #oasis #noelgallagher
Liam "not looking back in anger" for terrorists in Manchester... and looking back in anger for everything else everyday...
more to add soon
Un appunto sul Giro d'Italia di ciclismo. Rai : "un mondo senza confini, CE LO AUGURIAMO"... ma chi? ma perchè? ma chi vi paga per dire ste cose? (noi). Ma perchè gli sloveni non possono avere un proprio paese con la loro storia, tradizioni ecc? la cosa bella del mondo non erano le diversità? invece "tutti uguaaaali"? Poi si vantano degli ascolti in tv... o è tutta gente che vi manda a fanculo, o gente che rincoglionite con le vostre boiate. Cervelletti globalizzati .. l'avranno detto perche' hanno visto troppe bandiere nazionali e c'era pericolo fasismooooo .. i pensierini mielosi patetici, solo gli ingenui ci possono cascare e in Italia ce ne sono tanti... pretendono sempre di parlare per noi... solo quello che dicono i "democratici" è giusto... E tutto quello che dicevano sulla scandalosa posizione irregolare di Roglic... Alla fine hanno detto che sono aziendalisti .. lecchini .. è dimostrato che tutti quelli che lavorano in Rai sono raccomandati
Champions League final four 2023
warmonger Noel fighting Russia (updates) + Primo Maggio & Eurovision utter shite
Liam using disabled people to insult and karma is not making him walk properly yet... he "plays" the gig in 1 month but if we had the tickets we'd be worried, as always with his concerts because of frog voice, quarreling etc. We also had the experience these years with cancelled gigs, not refundable tickets, dictatorship pass necessary etc
we've heard Noel repeating at least twice, also in Milan, that we (also himself) "must fight Russia"... remember when Noel said he loves books about Nazism, the nihilism because all the people are dead... that will be the result of fighting Putin, not only because Russia has the biggest nuclear power, also because if they use it, also fucking Nato will use it, and they'll destroy everything
utter shite Eurovision is proof that the West deserves to be destroyed... so yes Noel go fight Russia (hidden in your chic villa...). Noel must've gone crazy (old?) saying it's great. They are "against nationalisms" (,so also their Ukaine...) and ALL the show is continuously FULL of national flags. The "music" quality is so low that is not even music, it's global rubbish. UK the land of great music was penultimate and also "playing at home" in Liverpool, the Beatles home turf... what a shame
good we don't buy the new album... soon the leaked link to download it... we don't give him 1 Euro...
expected much with orchestra, but already Dead to the World is shit (obvioulsy Liam and everybody says it's beautiful), Council Skies mediocre.
The people disliked Pretty Boy because of the video... not Oasis.
Probably the majority of the new generation is influenced by tv series,"fanfics", fiction and those things. Servants of the system, and they even think to be rebels. They're not very smart... even less than fake rebel Liam... they're gullible believing all he says. The only good point of Liam nowadays is that he makes a fool of them, but we see the result, more people into politically correct bullshit.
Noel in Milan also said he doesn't give a fuck about politically correct
recensione-commenti durante il "Concertone" del 1° Maggio, "festa"dei "lavoratori"
(i sindacati della Cgil Cisl Uil non invitano più Noel? se sapesse cosa sono e cosa (non) fanno, non ci metterebbe più piede)
Piero Pelù eletto "l'uomo più affascinante d'Italia" (chissà gli altri) con maglietta di Mattarella (pensavamo fosse Leone di Lernia, milanista). "La musica scatena dentro un cinema"... una finzione, non fa cambiare nulla neanche ai tempi del Vietnam come diceva proprio il Noel politico...
"non vogliamo diventare migranti anche noi... no cervelli in fuga"... non so se molti pensano che lui sia un cervello, ma essere mikranten non era bello? non sappiamo se in questi anni c'era più la sua bandiera della "pace" o la sua canzone Gigante... ma basta... sempre quella
" ma chi ci ammazza? " .. diremmo Nato , solite guerre degli Usa , vaccini .. " Mattarella esorcizza tutto il male e ci unisce " ...concordiamo che El Diablo era riferito a lui .. strategia mediatico-massonica-satanica di dire il contrario , mostrando l'evidenza contraria
il Presidente della Repubblica proprio garante della Costituzione in questi anni... Repubblica fondata altro che sul lavoro... su vaccini e pass obbligatori per lavorare e invio armi ecc
come Fedez due anni fa, chi ha negato lavoro era dalla sua parte...
ci ha colpito uno "ribelle" duro, che tenero : "non posso dirlo perchè siamo in tv"... avevano un modo di fare moralista di educare i giovani (età media del pubblico : 12 anni) ma poi le canzoni dicevano cose tipo "anche la droga non basta ma non voglio smettere" (Rose Villain), un'altra : "mi trovi come pusher agli angoli" (Wayne Santana) ecc ecc
di quali ideali contrari parlano che il mainstream del sistema va dalla loro parte (si vedono i risultati), di quale coraggio che hanno tutto spianato, quali ribelli...
Perfino la Meloni e la "destra" inglese e francese fanno le stesse cose della sinistra, di cosa si lamentano
Ambra Angiolini (fidanzati cantanti, allenatori ricchi tipo Allegri, milionari) che parla di Costituzione aha 😂 tipo che sono stati dalla parte di quelli di invio armi, e pass e vaccini obbligatori per lavorare, ecc
facevano gli honestoni democratici demento-cratici che lasciano libertà di opinione agli ospiti... Grazia ar cazzo, sono tutti de sinistra... non sapevano che il professore Rovelli attaccava una persona, oh poverini (di Crosetto non ce ne po' fregà)
Lezione del professorone espertone (i futuristi milanesi vomiterebbero) senza contraddittorio, "non fanno niente per l'ambiente a causa di interessi di qualcuno". Stupidini noi che sapevamo il contrario...
Ligabue (the king del veltroniano "ma anche") aveva un vasto repertorio di canzoni molto diverse da cui scegliere haha, ne ha fatte 2 tra cui "l'inno" dell'Inter
un sedicente cattocomunista ora pro-famiglia Lgbt
Non sanno piu' con chi prendersela , perfino la Boldrina .. "architetta" nun se po' sentì... instillano solo odio tra uomini e donne .. il capo dei " comunisti " ha postato che erano sponsorizzati da una banca (Intesa San Paolo) e dall'Eni ..
altre perle : Ambra piange e inquadrano uno che ride...
elenca i diritti e inquadrano la gente che se ne va...
Levante : fate grandissimo applauso x lavoratori... nessuno applaude.
Hanno invitato a imbrattare i muri "per cambiare il mondo"...
sembrava tipo salvare il pianeta spegnendo le luci...
Avevano un gusto nel vestirsi tipo l'armocromista Schlein, no fashion sense...
I rappettari a dare il " gimme 5 " americano ancora nel 2023 ..
altro da aggiungere presto
summer 2023 anticipation (no AI updates)
Page & Plant (Led Zeppelin) live in Milan
For the new stadium they're not gonna choose this "oasis" with rings, because humans are stupid.
New blinded fankids (they are like : "born 2005", fucking hell never even seen Oasis) confusing the Gallaghers ancient tradition of the RINGS with Gallaghercest... (you know, the sick relationship of sex between brothers). It’s exactly the opposite of their absence of tradition and “cancel culture”... never imagined humans could become so stupid and ignorant, losing themselves. New sick generation, see the results...
IF Liam Gallagher (no balls) really went to film premieres... (*updates*)
On the contrary, we have GULLIBLE One Direction fans (all ugly girls as Liam's fans) who believe every bullshit the drugs addict tells, even that he's devastated for some of their member as Louis Tomlinson he couldn't give a shit about. In Oasis we have something called (typical) Oasis banter... obviously they don't understand it, as they're no Oasis fans. He's not even going to see a Beatles film, and went on for months about being "scared"... (even Oasis new fankids believing him).
At some point in your life you feel you're "older than you wish to be" (to mention Oasis) but it's still better than being born too late...
sure we wouldn't want to be like them.
Liam is a prisoner of the character he plays... an attention bitch since he was born, a pathetic hypocrite with a guilty conscience playing the victim, wanting Oasis reunion, not having it, and insulting again and again, even when Noel says nothing... clearly suffers from inferiority complexes, wanting to be bigger than the band, doing Knebworth without the rest of the band... caring about charts, because Noel's got the record of consecutive number 1s albums... all Liam can do is having songs written and produced by corporations who have nothing to do with Oasis, and paying money to "sing" Oasis...
The new generation prefers the brainless brother beause he's more similar to them, with psychiatric problems.... he's got no balls, menacing behind the internet... great man... He’s become too “standard”, not nonconformist at all. In fact, he says politically correct bullshit part of the blinding system... the opposite of Oasis... pointless virtue signalling (that doesn't make you a rockstar, a rebel), he’s oh such a good person... an angel. Fake role model.
It’s good there are still a few Oasis real fans, those insulting Liam the hater... maybe they're not even Oasis fans but they're more Oasis fans than the current Oasis new fankids who are One Direction fans (!)
The point is not 1D fans, they can listen to their shit, but even new “Oasis” fankids calling themselves Oasis fans. Also happened yesterday with Glastonbury2023, he’s making a fool of them (that's the only good point remained in Liam).
The new lost blinded brainless generation never ceases to amaze us... it's even necessary to explain them, and repeat always the same things, they don't even understand the simple game of saying the opposite of what you think, that we remember was typical in th 90s (they weren't even born), a cool attitude.
Sure he needs a psychiatrist, and probably he's got one, no problem for celebrities... in fact sometimes he's about "finding himself"... a bit late at 50 years old eh...
a few days later... UPDATE : seriously?? Liam didn’t go?? hahahahaha but fankids believed that... oh HE sent Gene the genius, already famous for being racist, with a Nazi father...
Liam fankids were insulting Noel’s new song Dead to the world, and then Liam said it’s beautiful, so they had to quickly change their mind hahahahaha just another proof theylive in his sick arse
The reason why the truth is Liam refuses the reunion is because he wants to have success on his own
(paying as an (attention seeker) bitch), because his ego is full of psychological inferiority complexes towards Noel.
new blinded fankids (they are like : "born 2005", fucking hell never even seen Oasis) confusing the Gallaghers ancient tradition of the RINGS with Gallaghercest... (you know, the sick relationship of sex between brothers). It’s exactly the opposite of their absence of tradition and “cancel culture”... never imagined humans could become so stupid and ignorant, losing themselves. New sick generation, see the results...
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Women names day
springtime 2023 (feat. best of Sanremo festival 2023)
Chiara Ferragni (orrenda, uno scheletro nasale, nell'Italia del buon cibo piace quella...) schiava di internet (anche durante la diretta) anche mentre caga... Noel la distruggerebbe e senza esser patetico come lei.
il "record di ascolti / share" è fakenews sbandierato a "media unificati" x rincoglionimento di massa... negli anni '80 e '90 arrivavano fino al doppio di 9 milioni, e peggiora con gli anni, tra l'altro ci sono sempre circa 49 milioni che non lo guardano...
Appena visto 11 milioni abbiamo detto come può essere record se anche Striscia ha fatto anche di più.
Mentono su tutto, Covid, vax, green, ambiente, macchine elettriche, decoder e tv nuove che in realtà sono inutili dopo lo switchoff per il 5G ecc (sono andati avanti 2 anni a far comprare), perfino dati incontrovertibili degli ascolti.
Se la "nuova normalità " fosse quella dei due coglionettti Fedez & Rosa Chemical (c'è veramente gente che segue Fedez?), perchè dopo la scenetta dell'inculata che fa schifo pure ai gay (persone sensibili), il servo Amadeus (che ha fatto più confusione coi nomi che altro) si affrettava a dire : meglio mandare la pubblicità...
il buffone Fiorello (quello che rideva dei Novax... vediamo se ride per ultimo tra 2 anni e mezzo con effetti collaterali o gli capitano 2 tumori in famiglia come a noi subito dopo i vaccini) anche a dire che licenzieranno bla bla... ridono come cretini di essere (pagati) come una dittatura intoccabile...
Tutto già combinato, ovviamente poteva vincere solo il politicamente corretto gay Mengoni pure con il coretto corretto dalla multietnica Londra.
Uffici Sinistri dicono vedete che ha parlato delle foibe .. si' senza nominare il comunismo , cosi' il pubblico ignorante riferisce tutto al fasismo .. se poi il resto 98% tratta gender e puttanate ..
Se c'è un fatto conclamato... non può far passare in generale che in Italia ci sia razzismo, sennò l'atteggiamento razzista è il suo contro gli italiani.
Non è un po' assurdo che nel festival politically correct arrivano in finale 5 uomini? (anche Mengoni è uomo fino a prova contraria)
Tutte sceneggiate su libertà e razzismo solo perche' la Meloni ha vinto le elezioni (non l'abbiamo votata... uguale a Draghi specialmente su guerra e invio armi a Zelensky l'amichetto usato dagli americani)
Non poteva mancare il Presidente della Repubblica delle banane, SerVo Mattarella, il "garante della Costituzione" (anche nel discorsone di fine anno) col comico fallito Benigni... obbligo di vaccino per lavorare, invio di armi per risolvere questioni internazionali ecc ecc proprio costituzionale by definition....
anche le feste e manifestazioni tolte improvvisamente... altro che libertà di pensiero.
Speriamo in Morgan 2024...
"Prima di morire curerò un'edizione del festival di Sanremo come direttore artistico, e quando succederà non solo si avrà la stessa sensazione di liberazione da una dominazione tirannica ma, e non ci si potrà quasi credere, tornerà la musica in questa povera patria"
Liam Gallagher Nazi fans (as his tattoo)
Come on Russia & China teach them a lesson they deserve, bomb Washington Paris Berlin
POOR victim LiaR, hips operation must've been hard for a millionaire celebrity with private surgery... and acting like a communist on Twatter (otherwise he wouldn’t sell anything...). He needs surgery for his HEAD
his fankids are interesting because they are the total opposite of Oasis (says a lot...), no self-confidence, politically "correct" etc (as "new Liam" in an awkward way), and they don’t even know who they / he /she / it / them are etc (they don’t “need to be themselves, they are someone else...”). In fact they weren’t even born.
Noel "on the phone begging for forgiveness and reunion" was a desperate move by media attention whore Liar, because all attention is on Noel with new album and divorce with Sara. After killing them, Liam always USES Oasis. What is worse is his new blinded fankids believing him, as when he says he's devastated for some One Direction bullshit he couldn't give a shit about etc they don't even understand Oasis banter
the Lennonesque hypocrite, “peace & love” was back (after saying he was off for one year because he "lost himself"... ony a few noticed that), a question mark as if he was the innocent angel, “role model”, after stalking Sara and creating tensions. He was probably suspended from Twitter after "virtual" menaces (no balls) and insults using disabled people too
“get your boots off, skinhead”
Liam also often made Nazi gestures as salutes from balconies, we remember also in Buenos Aires, Milan as Mussolini etc and also when young he had a skinhead (also during shite Beady Eye and Be Here Now sessions), also Oasis president, we remember Noel saying he had a skinhead.
he has Americans (corporations) writing & producing his songs, and says he can’t have a tour in the Usa because “can’t find anyone to support”… better laughing eh
not breaking America is sign of half success
Noel not since 1998, Liam STILL uses drugs (class A, not just marijuana) and it's clear in the confusing contradictory things he says. That’s why the new bilinded fankids like him more, he’s more similar to the lost generation. You remember days ago we wrote about our teacher of Spanish from Colombia continuously touching her nose after the toilet, Zelensky now did the same... that’s probably why Liam posted an Nazi Ukraine flag
more to add soon
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- ► August 2006 (12)
2022 Noel Gallagher gigs
- 4 June - In It Together festival, Margam, Wales UK
- 8 June - Dreamland Margate Summer Series, England UK
- 9 June - Rock'n'Roll Circus, Newcastle, England UK
- 11 June - Summer Sessions, Dundee, Scotland UK
- 12 June - Cannock Chase Forest, Staffordshire, England UK
- 15 June - Eden Sessions, Cornwall, England UK
- 16 June - Delamere Forest, Cheshire, England UK
- 18 June - Stadiwm Eirias stadium, Colwyn Bay, Wales UK
- 19 June - Kenwood, Hampstead Heath, London England UK
- 21 June - The Piece Hall, Halifax England UK
- 22 June - Bristol Sounds, Bristol Harbourside, England UK
- 25 June - Glastonbury festival, England UK
- 22 September - Football event, Emirates Old Trafford cricket ground, Manchester, England UK
- 2 December - Peter Blake concert - Royal Festival Hall, London, England UK
- more soon

more or less, not precise
Noel Gallagher gigography
Cannock Chase Forest, Rugeley
Kenwood House, London
Show DC Arena, Bangkok, ประเทศไทย, Prathet Thai, Thailand
27 Nov 2019
Optus Stadium, Perth, Australia
23 Nov 2019
Sydney Cricket Ground, Sydney, AU
22 Nov 2019
Sydney Cricket Ground, Sydney, AU
19 Nov 2019
The Oval, Adelaide, AU
15 Nov 2019
Marvel Stadium, Melbourne, AU
12 Nov 2019
SunCorp Stadium, Brisbane, AU
09 Nov 2019
Mt. Smart, Auckland
08 Nov 2019
Mt. Smart, Auckland, New Zealand
31 Aug 2019
Shoreline Amphitheatre, Mountain View, CA
29 Aug 2019
Five Points Amphitheatre, Irvine, CA
28 Aug 2019
North Island Credit Union Amphitheatre, San Diego, CA
25 Aug 2019
Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion, Houston, TX
24 Aug 2019
Dos Equis Pavilion, Dallas, TX
23 Aug 2019
Walmart Arkansas Music Pavilion, Rogers, AR
21 Aug 2019
Ameris Bank Amphitheatre, Atlanta, GA
20 Aug 2019
PNC Music Pavilion, Charlotte, NC
19 Aug 2019
Blossom Music Center, Cleveland, OH
17 Aug 2019
Merriweather Post Pavilion, Columbia, MD
15 Aug 2019
Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre, Chicago, IL
14 Aug 2019
DTE Energy Music Theater, Detroit MI
13 Aug 2019
Budweiser Stage, Toronto
10 Aug 2019
Darien Lake Performing Arts Center, Darien Center, NY
09 Aug 2019
Northwell Health Jones Beach Theatre, Wantagh, NY
08 Aug 2019
BB&T Pavilion, Camden, NJ
11 Jul 2019
Mad Cool Festival Madrid, Spain
09 Jul 2019
Mantova Arte E Musica, Mantova, Italy
08 Jul 2019
Pistoia Blues Festival, Pistoia, Italy
06 Jul 2019
Roskilde Festival, Denmark Roskilde, Denmark
30 Jun 2019
Sunday Sessions, Powderham Castle, Exeter
29 Jun 2019
Concert At Sea (Festival) Netherlands
16 Jun 2019
Malahide Castle, Dublin
14 Jun 2019
Isle Of Wight Festival
08 Jun 2019
Bught Park, Inverness
07 Jun 2019
Heaton Park, Manchester
26 May 2019
Sunday Sessions, Earlham Park, Norwich
25 May 2019
This Is Tomorrow Festival, Exhibition Park, Newcastle
24 May 2019
Cardiff Castle Cardiff Castle, Wales
20 May 2019
Olympic Hall, Olympic Park Seoul
19 May 2019
Olympic Hall, Seoul, South Korea
17 May 2019
Festival Hall, Osaka
16 May 2019
Aichi Arts Centre, Nagoya
15 May 2019
Makuhari Messe, Tokyo
11 May 2019
Bonus Arena Hull
09 May 2019
The London Palladium
08 May 2019
Venue Cymru Llandudno
07 May 2019
Edinburgh Playhouse
04 May 2019
Warm Up Festival Murcia
01 May 2019
Concerto del Primo Maggio, Piazza San Giovanni, Roma
10 Nov 2018
KM de Vantagens Hall, Belo Horizonte, Brasil
08 Nov 2018
Summer Break Festival, Brazil Anembi, Sāo Paulo
07 Nov 2018
Summer Break Festival, Brazil The Pedreira Paulo Leminski, Curitiba
04 Nov 2018
Luna Park , Buenos Aires, Argentina
03 Nov 2018
Metropolitano, Rosario, Argentina
31 Oct 2018
Velódromo, Santiago, Chile
30 Oct 2018
Gimnasio Municipal, Concepción, Chile
02 Sep 2018
Bingley Music Live Bingley, West Yorkshire
01 Sep 2018
The Downs, Bristol
31 Aug 2018
Electric Fields Festival, Dumfries & Galloway
26 Aug 2018
Festival du Roi Arthur, Rennes, France
19 Aug 2018
Summersonic Festival, Osaka
18 Aug 2018
Summersonic Festival, Tokyo, Japan
16 Aug 2018
Olympic Hall, Olympic Park, Seoul
22 Jul 2018
Lollapalooza, Paris
21 Jul 2018
Tramlines Festival, Sheffield
19 Jul 2018
Edinburgh Castle, Scotland
18 Jul 2018
The 02 Ritz, Manchester
14 Jul 2018
Bilbao BBK Live
08 Jul 2018
Rock Werchter festival, Belgium
07 Jul 2018
Greenwich Music Time, Old Royal Naval College, Greenwich, London
06 Jul 2018
Scarborough Open Air Theatre, Scarborough
04 Jul 2018
Open'er Music Festival Gdynia-Kosakowo Airfield, Gdynia
23 Jun 2018
I-Days Festival Milano, Italia
22 Jun 2018
Roma Summer Fest, Auditorium Parco della Musica, Cavea, Rome, Italia
21 Jun 2018
Etes Arena Flegrea, Napoli, Italia
19 Jun 2018
Teatro Antico Taormina, Italy
16 Jun 2018
Pinkpop Festival Landgraaf, Netherlands
15 Jun 2018
Nocturne At Blenheim Palace, Blenheim Palace
02 Jun 2018
Adrenaline Stadium, Москва, Moscow, Росси́я, Russia
01 Jun 2018
A2 Green, Санкт-Петербург Sankt-Peterburg, Saint Petersburg, Russia
27 May 2018
Neighbourhood Weekender Festival, Victoria Park, Warrington, UK
26 May 2018
Scone Palace (Radio 2's Big Weekend) Scone Palace, Perth, UK
14 May 2018
Watford Colosseum Rickmansworth Rd, Watford
10 May 2018
3Arena, Dublin, Ireland
09 May 2018
SSE Arena, Belfast, UK
07 May 2018
First Direct Arena, Leeds, UK
06 May 2018
Motorpoint Arena, Cardiff, UK
04 May 2018
Manchester Arena, UK
03 May 2018
Metro Radio Arena, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK
01 May 2018
Arena, Birmingham, UK
30 Apr 2018
Motorpoint Arena, Nottingham, UK
27 Apr 2018
SSE Arena, Wembley, London, UK
25 Apr 2018
AECC BHGE Arena, Aberdeen, UK
24 Apr 2018
The SSE Hydro, Glasgow, UK
22 Apr 2018
Brighton Centre, Brighton, UK
20 Apr 2018
Rockhal Esch Sur Alzette, Luxembourg
19 Apr 2018
AFAS Live Amsterdam, Netherlands
17 Apr 2018
Schlachthof, Wiesbaden, Germany
16 Apr 2018
Max-Schmeling-Halle, Berlin, Germany
14 Apr 2018
Lucerna Velký sál, Prague, Česká republika, Czech Republic
12 Apr 2018
Zenith, Die Kulturhalle, München, Germany
11 Apr 2018
Fabrique, Milan, Italy
09 Apr 2018
Mitsubishi Electric Halle, Düsseldorf, Germany
08 Apr 2018
Mehr! Theater am Großmarkt, Hamburg, Germany
06 Apr 2018
Forest National / Vorst Nationaal, Brussels, Belgium
04 Apr 2018
L'Olympia, Paris, France
03 Apr 2018
L'Olympia, Paris, France
17 Mar 2018
Vive Latino (Festival) Mexico City
13 Mar 2018
Orpheum Theatre, Los Angeles, US
12 Mar 2018
Orpheum Theatre, Los Angeles, US
10 Mar 2018
Fox Theater, San Francisco Bay Area, US
09 Mar 2018
The Chelsea, The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas, US
06 Mar 2018
Majestic Theatre Dallas - Fort Worth, US
05 Mar 2018
Austin City Limits Live at The Moody Theater, Austin, US
03 Mar 2018
House of Blues, Houston, US
02 Mar 2018
Orpheum Theater, New Orleans, US
28 Feb 2018
The Tabernacle, Atlanta, US
27 Feb 2018
Ryman Auditorium, Nashville, US
25 Feb 2018
Murat Theatre, Old National Centre, Indianapolis, US
24 Feb 2018
Chicago Theatre, US
23 Feb 2018
Goodyear Theater, Akron, US
20 Feb 2018
Sony Centre for the Performing Arts, Toronto, Canada
18 Feb 2018
Place des Arts, Montreal, Canada
17 Feb 2018
Boston Opera House, Boston / Cambridge, US
15 Feb 2018
Radio City Music Hall, New York, US
13 Feb 2018
Merriam Theater, Kimmel Center, Philadelphia, US
12 Feb 2018
The Anthem, Washington, US
10 Feb 2018
Express Live! Columbus, US
09 Feb 2018
Scottish Rite Cathedral Theatre, Masonic Temple Detroit, US
01 Nov 2017
York Hall, London
25 Oct 2017
Estádio Cícero Pompeu de Toledo (Morumbi) São Paulo, Brazil
22 Oct 2017
Estádio Cícero Pompeu de Toledo (Morumbi) São Paulo, Brazil
21 Oct 2017
Estádio Cícero Pompeu de Toledo (Morumbi) São Paulo, Brazil
19 Oct 2017
Estádio Cícero Pompeu de Toledo (Morumbi) São Paulo, Brazil
14 Oct 2017
Estadio Nacional, Santiago, Chile
11 Oct 2017
Estadio Único de la Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina
10 Oct 2017
Estadio Único De La Plata, Buenos Aires
07 Oct 2017
Estadio el Campin, Bogotá, Colombia
04 Oct 2017
Foro Sol, Mexico City
03 Oct 2017
Foro Sol, Mexico City
01 Aug 2017
Stade Roi Baudouin / Koning Boudewijn Stadion, Brussels, Belgium
29 Jul 2017
Amsterdam ArenA, Netherlands
25 Jul 2017
Stade De France, Paris
22 Jul 2017
Croke Park, Dublin, Ireland
18 Jul 2017
Estadi Olímpic Lluís Companys, Barcelona, Spain
16 Jul 2017
Stadio Olimpico, Rome, Italy
15 Jul 2017
Stadio Olimpico, Roma, Italia
12 Jul 2017
Olympic Stadium, Berlin, Germany
09 Jul 2017
Twickenham Stadium, London, UK
08 Jul 2017
Twickenham Stadium, London, UK
06 Sep 2016
O2 Academy Brixton, London, UK
04 Sep 2016
Festival Number 6 2016, Criccieth, UK
03 Sep 2016
Electric Picnic 2016, Galway, Ireland
02 Sep 2016
Singleton Park, Swansea, UK
28 Aug 2016
Victorious Festival 2016, Portsmouth, UK
26 Aug 2016
Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, UK
23 Aug 2016
Titanic Belfast, UK
20 Aug 2016
Lowlands Festival, Holland
19 Aug 2016
Pukkelpop Festival, Belgium
18 Aug 2016
Open Air Gampel 2016, Gampel, Switzerland
17 Aug 2016
Pukkelpop 2016, Hasselt, Belgium
16 Aug 2016
Tvornica kulture, Zagreb, Croatia
15 Aug 2016
Sziget Festival, Budapest, Magyarország, Hungary
13 Aug 2016
Pure & Crafted Festival 2016, Berlin, Deutschland
12 Aug 2016
A Summer's Tale 2016, Hamburg, Germany
11 Aug 2016
Koncerthuset, Koncertsalen, Copenhagen, Denmark
04 Aug 2016
Proms Arena Lytham Green, Lytham St. Annes, UK
04 Aug 2016
Lytham Green, Lytham, UK
03 Aug 2016
Scarborough Open Air Theatre, York, UK
29 Jul 2016
Y Not Festival 2016, Derby, UK
28 Jul 2016
Kendal Calling 2016, Penrith, UK
15 Jul 2016
Arena District, Columbus, US
15 Jul 2016
PromoWest Fest 2016, Columbus, US
14 Jul 2016
Pemberton Music Festival 2016, Vancouver, Canada
13 Jul 2016
Stage AE, Pittsburgh, US
12 Jul 2016
Meadow Brook Amphitheatre, Detroit, US
10 Jul 2016
TD Echo Beach, Toronto, Canada
09 Jul 2016
Place des Arts, Montreal, Canada
06 Jul 2016
Artpark Amphitheater, Buffalo, US
06 Jul 2016
Ottawa Bluesfest 2016, Ottawa, Canada
05 Jul 2016
Beacon Theatre, New York, US
02 Jul 2016
Ryman Auditorium, Nashville, US
01 Jul 2016
The Tabernacle, Atlanta, US
30 Apr 2016
Bournemouth International Centre (BIC) Bournemouth, UK
29 Apr 2016
Genting Arena, Birmingham, UK
27 Apr 2016
First Direct Arena, Leeds, UK
25 Apr 2016
Echo Arena, Liverpool, UK
25 Apr 2016
O2 Academy, Liverpool, UK
24 Apr 2016
Aberdeen Exhibition & Conference Centre (AECC) Aberdeen, UK
21 Apr 2016
The SSE Hydro, Glasgow, UK
18 Apr 2016
AFAS Live, Amsterdam, Nederland
17 Apr 2016
Forest National / Vorst Nationaal, Brussels, Belgium
15 Apr 2016
Palladium, Köln, Germany
12 Apr 2016
Planet.tt Bank Austria Halle Gasometer B, Vienna, Österreich
12 Apr 2016
Zenith, Die Kulturhalle, Munich, Germany
11 Apr 2016
X-TRA, Zürich, Switzerland
09 Apr 2016
Sant Jordi Club, Barcelona, España
08 Apr 2016
La Riviera, Madrid, Spain
01 Apr 2016
Crown Theatre, Perth, Australia
30 Mar 2016
Adelaide Entertainment Centre, Adelaide, Australia
29 Mar 2016
Margaret Court Arena, Melbourne, Australia
27 Mar 2016
Tyagarah Tea Tree Farm, Gold Coast, Australia
26 Mar 2016
Hordern Pavilion, Sydney, Australia
26 Mar 2016
Tyagarah Tea Tree Farm Gold Coast, Australia
24 Mar 2016
Byron Bay Bluesfest 2016 Gold Coast, Australia
19 Mar 2016
Lollapalooza 2016, Buenos Aires, Argentina
17 Mar 2016
Lollapalooza 2016, Santiago, Chile
16 Mar 2016
Luna Park, Buenos Aires, Argentina
15 Mar 2016
Teatro De Verano "Ramón Collazo", Montevideo, Uruguay
13 Mar 2016
Lollapalooza 2016, São Paulo, Brazil
09 Mar 2016
Teatro Metropólitan, Mexico City, Méjico
08 Mar 2016
Teatro Diana, Guadalajara, Mexico
10 Dec 2015
Royal Albert Hall, London, UK
08 Dec 2015
The SSE Hydro, Glasgow, UK
02 Dec 2015
O2 Apollo, Manchester, UK
24 Jul 2015
Fuji Rock 2015, Niigata, Japan
24 Jul 2015
Ansan Valley Rock Festival 2015, Ansan, Republic of Korea
16 Jul 2015
Latitude Festival 2015, Southwold, UK
16 Jul 2015
Festival Internacional de Benicàssim - FIB 2015, Valencia, Spain
16 Jul 2015
Super Bock Super Rock 2015, Lisbon, Portugal
14 Jul 2015
Live at the Marquee, Cork, Ireland
11 Jul 2015
Summer in the City 2015, Manchester, UK
11 Jul 2015
Castlefield Bowl, Manchester, UK
10 Jul 2015
T In The Park 2015, Auchterarder, UK
09 Jul 2015
Rock in Roma - Ippodromo delle Capannelle, Rome, Italy
08 Jul 2015
Anfiteatro Camerini, Vicenza, Italy
06 Jul 2015
Summer Arena Assago - Area Esterna Mediolanum Forum, Milan, Italy
04 Jul 2015
Calling Festival 2015, London, UK
02 Jul 2015
Gröna Lund, Stockholm, Sverige
27 Jun 2015
Roskilde Festival 2015, Roskilde, Danmark
25 Jun 2015
Rock Werchter 2015, Werchter, België
23 Jun 2015
OUÏ FM Festival 2015, Paris, France
19 Jun 2015
Best Kept Secret Festival 2015, Hilvarenbeek, Netherlands
06 Jun 2015
Boston Opera House, Boston / Cambridge, US
06 Jun 2015
The Governors Ball Music Festival 2015, New York, US
04 Jun 2015
Lincoln Theatre, Washington, US
03 Jun 2015
Merriam Theater, Kimmel Center, Philadelphia, US
02 Jun 2015
House of Blues, Cleveland, US
31 May 2015
Royal Oak Music Theatre, Detroit, US
30 May 2015
Pabst Theatre, Milwaukee, US
29 May 2015
Riviera Theatre, Chicago, US
26 May 2015
Teatro Metropólitan Mexico City
23 May 2015
The Joint, Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Las Vegas, US
22 May 2015
The Joint, Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Las Vegas, US
20 May 2015
Orpheum Theatre, Los Angeles, US
18 May 2015
The Warfield, SF Bay Area, US
16 May 2015
Humphrey's Concerts by the Bay, San Diego, US
14 May 2015
Majestic Theatre Dallas - Fort Worth, US
13 May 2015
House of Blues, Houston, US
10 May 2015
Civic Theatre, New Orleans, US
08 May 2015
Shaky Knees Festival 2015, Atlanta, US
07 May 2015
Webster Hall, New York, US
04 May 2015
Sony Centre for the Performing Arts, Toronto, Canada
03 May 2015
Sony Centre for the Performing Arts, Toronto, Canada
16 Apr 2015
Nippon Budokan|日本武道館 Tokyo, Japan
15 Apr 2015
Nippon Budokan|日本武道館 Tokyo, Japan
13 Apr 2015
Zepp Nagoya Nagoya, Japan
11 Apr 2015
Zepp Fukuoka Fukuoka, Japan
09 Apr 2015
Hiroshima Bunka Gakuen (HBG) Hall - 広島文化学園HBGホール Hiroshima, Japan
07 Apr 2015
Osaka Festival Hall (フェスティバルホール) Osaka, Japan
06 Apr 2015
Osaka Festival Hall (フェスティバルホール) Osaka, Japan
04 Apr 2015
Walker Hill Theater, Seoul, Republic of Korea
03 Apr 2015
Walker Hill Theater, Seoul, Republic of Korea
28 Mar 2015
Royal Albert Hall, London, UK
22 Mar 2015
Ancienne Belgique (AB) Brussels, Belgium
20 Mar 2015
TivoliVredenburg, Utrecht, Netherlands
19 Mar 2015
Mitsubishi Electric Halle, Düsseldorf, Germany
17 Mar 2015
VEGA Musikkens Hus - Store Vega (Main Hall) Copenhagen, Denmark
16 Mar 2015
Max-Schmeling-Halle, Berlin, Germany
14 March 2015
12 Mar 2015
Zénith de Paris, France
10 Mar 2015
The O2 Arena, London, UK
09 Mar 2015
Manchester Arena, UK
07 Mar 2015
The SSE Hydro, Glasgow, UK
06 Mar 2015
Motorpoint Arena, Nottingham, UK
04 Mar 2015
3Arena, Dublin, Ireland
03 Mar 2015
SSE Arena, Belfast, UK
Revention Music Center, Houston, US
08 Nov 2012
Austin Music Hall, Austin, US
07 Nov 2012
Verizon Theatre at Grand Prairie Dallas - Fort Worth, US
05 Nov 2012
Ryman Auditorium, Nashville, US
04 Nov 2012
Louisville Palace, Louisville, US
03 Nov 2012
The Venue, Horseshoe Casino, Chicago, US
01 Nov 2012
Arvest Bank Theatre at The Midland, Kansas City, US
31 Oct 2012
Roy Wilkins Auditorium, St. Paul Rivercentre Twin Cities, US
30 Oct 2012
Centennial Concert Hall, Winnipeg, Canada
28 Oct 2012
Stampede Corral, Calgary, Canada
27 Oct 2012
Edmonton Expo Centre At Northlands, Edmonton, Canada
25 Oct 2012
24 Oct 2012
WaMu Theater, Seattle, US
23 Oct 2012
Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland, US
12 Oct 2012
Le Bikini, Toulouse, France
11 Oct 2012
Transbordeur, Lyon, France
08 Oct 2012
Capitol, Offenbach, Germany
06 Oct 2012
Paladozza, Bologna, Italy
05 Oct 2012
Teatro Obihall, Firenze, Italy
03 Oct 2012
Mitsubishi Electric Halle, Düsseldorf, Germany
27 Sep 2012
Twinkle Rock Festival 2012, Taipei, Taiwan
25 Sep 2012
Jiulongwan Zhanlan Zhongxin, Hong Kong, China
21 Sep 2012
Singapore Formula 1 Grand Prix 2012
20 Sep 2012
Bitec Bangna, Bangkok, Thailand
12 Sep 2012
iTunes Festival 2012, London, UK
10 Sep 2012
Motorpoint Arena, Nottingham, UK
09 Sep 2012
Motorpoint Arena, Cardiff, UK
07 Sep 2012
SSE Arena, Wembley, London, UK
06 Sep 2012
O2 Academy, Liverpool, UK
06 Sep 2012
Echo Arena, Liverpool, UK
04 Sep 2012
Bournemouth International Centre (BIC) Bournemouth, UK
25 Aug 2012
Rock en Seine 2012, Paris, France
23 Aug 2012
19 Aug 2012
V Festival, Stafford, UK
18 Aug 2012
V Festival 2012, Chelmsford, UK
17 Aug 2012
V Festival 2012, Wolverhampton, UK
16 Aug 2012
Austria Green Park, St Polten
27 Jul 2012
Fuji Rock 2012, Niigata, Japan
17 Jul 2012
Edinburgh Castle, Scotland, UK
15 Jul 2012
Festival Internacional de Benicàssim - FIB 2012 Valencia, Spain
13 Jul 2012
Musilac 2012, Chambéry, France
07 Jul 2012
Les Déferlantes d'Argeles 2012, Perpignan, France
06 Jul 2012
T In The Park 2012, Kinross, UK
05 Jul 2012
Heineken Jammin Festival 2012, Milano, Italia
04 Jul 2012
Auditorium Stravinski, Montreux, Switzerland
29 Jun 2012
Montreux Jazz Festival 2012, Switzerland
29 Jun 2012
Kollen 2012, Oslo, Norge, Norway
28 Jun 2012
Rock Werchter 2012, Belgium
23 Jun 2012
Isle of Wight Festival 2012, UK
21 Jun 2012
Isle of Wight Festival 2012, UK
20 Jun 2012
Plac Zebrań Ludowych, Gdańsk, Polska, Poland
14 Jun 2012
Hultsfredsfestivalen 2012, Hultsfred, Sweden
10 Jun 2012
Maxidrom Festival 2012, Moscow, Russian Federation
29 May 2012
Yes24 Live Hall, Seoul, Republic of Korea
28 May 2012
Yes24 Live Hall, Seoul, Republic of Korea
26 May 2012
Municipal Central Gymnasium (大阪市立中央体育館) Osaka, Japan
24 May 2012
Great Hall, Aichi Prefectural Arts Theater - 愛知県芸術劇場 大ホール 愛知 Nagoya, Japan
23 May 2012
Nippon Budokan|日本武道館 Tokyo, Nippon
08 May 2012
Jockey Club del Paraguay, Asunción, Paraguay
06 May 2012
Club Gimnasia y Esgrima (GEBA) Buenos Aires, Argentina
03 May 2012
Vivo Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
02 May 2012
Espaço das Américas, São Paulo, Brazil
26 Apr 2012
Municipal Central Gymnasium (大阪市立中央体育館) Osaka, Japan
24 Apr 2012
Great Hall, Aichi Prefectural Arts Theater - 愛知県芸術劇場 大ホール 愛知 Nagoya, Japan
23 Apr 2012
Nippon Budokan|日本武道館 Tokyo, Japan
20 Apr 2012
Pearl Concert Theatre, Palms Casino Resort, Las Vegas, US
20 Apr 2012
Coachella 2012, San Diego, US
18 Apr 2012
Orpheum Theatre, Phoenix, US
17 Apr 2012
Balboa Theatre, San Diego, US
13 Apr 2012
Coachella 2012, San Diego, US
11 Apr 2012
Teatro Metropólitan, Mexico City
Teatro Metropólitan Mexico City
10 Apr 2012
Auditorio Banamex - Monterrey, Mexico (cancelled)
06 Apr 2012
The Tabernacle Atlanta, US
Egyptian Room, Old National Centre, Indianapolis, US
03 Apr 2012
Pabst Theatre, Milwaukee, US
01 Apr 2012
Riviera Theatre, Chicago, US
31 Mar 2012
Royal Oak Music Theatre, Detroit, US
29 Mar 2012
Express Live! Columbus, US
28 Mar 2012
Warner Theatre, Washington, US
15 Mar 2012
Komplex 457, Zürich, Switzerland
13 Mar 2012
Atlantico, Roma, Italia
11 Mar 2012
Tonhalle - Kultfabrik, Munich, Germany
09 Mar 2012
Max-Schmeling-Halle, Berlin, Germany
08 Mar 2012
Sporthalle Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
06 Mar 2012
Le Grand Rex, Paris, France
04 Mar 2012
Razzmatazz, Barcelona, Spain
01 Mar 2012
The Ballroom, Birmingham, UK
01 Mar 2012
The Other Room, Birmingham, UK
01 Mar 2012
Barclaycard Arena, Birmingham, UK
29 Feb 2012
O2 Academy Brixton, London, UK
26 Feb 2012
The O2 Arena, London, UK
24 Feb 2012
Scottish Exhibition & Conference Centre (SECC) Glasgow, UK
23 Feb 2012
Metro Radio Arena, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK
21 Feb 2012
The BRIT Awards 2012, London, UK
19 Feb 2012
Sheffield Arena, UK
17 Feb 2012
The Grand Social, Dublin, Ireland
16 Feb 2012
SSE Arena, Belfast, UK
14 Feb 2012
Aberdeen Exhibition & Conference Centre (AECC) Aberdeen, UK
14 Feb 2012
Manchester Arena, UK
13 Feb 2012
31 Jan 2012
Big Day Out 2012, Melbourne, Australia
29 Jan 2012
Big Day Out 2012, Melbourne, Australia
26 Jan 2012
Big Day Out 2012, Sydney, Australia
23 Jan 2012
Big Day Out 2012, Sydney, Australia
22 Jan 2012
17 Jan 2012
Tokyo Dome City Hall (東京ドームシティホール) Tokyo, Japan
16 Jan 2012
Tokyo Dome City Hall (東京ドームシティホール) Tokyo, Japan
10 Dec 2011
Valley View Casino Center, San Diego, US
10 Dec 2011
KROQ Almost Acoustic Christmas 2011, Los Angeles, US
06 Dec 2011
Casino De Paris, France
04 Dec 2011
Palladium, Cologne, Germany
03 Dec 2011
Koncerthuset, Koncertsalen, Copenhagen, Denmark
01 Dec 2011
Ancienne Belgique (AB) Brussels, Belgium
30 Nov 2011
26 Nov 2011
La Riviera, Madrid, Spain
19 Nov 2011
Orpheum Theatre, SF Bay Area, US
18 Nov 2011
Royce Hall, UCLA, Los Angeles, US
17 Nov 2011
Royce Hall, UCLA, Los Angeles, US
15 Nov 2011
Beacon Theatre, New York, US
14 Nov 2011
Beacon Theatre, New York, US
12 Nov 2011
Wang Theatre, Boch Center, Boston / Cambridge, US
11 Nov 2011
Academy of Music Philadelphia, USA
08 Nov 2011
Massey Hall, Toronto, Canada
07 Nov 2011
Massey Hall, Toronto, Canada
31 Oct 2011
Roundhouse, London, UK
30 Oct 2011
O2 Forum, Kentish Town, London, UK
29 Oct 2011
Eventim Apollo, London, UK
27 Oct 2011
coming up next... main events calendar
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What's the story morning glory - the most famous Oasis album - London at dawn, Soho, Berwick Street, known for its independent record shops. On the left it's Sister Ray records shop, then it went into administration...

2000, Twin Towers down there... before September 11... on the single "Sunday morning call" there was New York with a fallen glass... New York City skyline from the rooftop of the Rockefeller Center. The album's title was taken from the words made famous by Sir Isaac Newton: "If I can see further than anyone else, it is only because I am standing on the shoulders of giants". Noel saw the quote on the side of a £2 coin while in a pub and liked it so much he thought it would be a suitable name for the new album. He then wrote the name on the side of a cigarette packet while drunk. When he awoke in the morning, he realised he had written "Standing on the Shoulder of Giants", not "shoulders"
Our Lady, Milan symbol in "Stop crying your heart out" video. Oasis have catholic origins

Heathen chemistry - the title came from a t-shirt Noel bought in Ibiza which featured a logo reading, "The Society of Heathen Chemists"

in the little picture: Rodney Marsh, 1972-75 City player (and next to the tv: George Best). A poster of a young Burt Bacharach. They were watching The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, spaghetti western movie by Italian director Sergio Leone, music by the great maestro Ennio Morricone. The room was at Bonehead's house. On the floor, a glass of wine, but it was bilberry juice

as all the greatest music albums covers, almost all Oasis albums covers have summat mysterious, it seems a curse. The last one had an atomic bomb... then they split. In '95 they put the pier of Weston-super-Mare on "Roll with it" cover, then it was burnt
Music never moved anything, not even in the '60s, at Vietnam times. Rock influences look, attitudes, but not politics. Maybe knowing him Lennon was an idiot, I wouldn't got on well with him and would have hated him. People speak too much of his life, pacifism, and so on, I'm interested only in his songs.
..... vote for Noel Prime Minister: 1) a good politician is a rich one, 2) more police on the streets
Video with a final surprise at the end...........
I played this song till my fingers bled.
The shape of England is not so different from Italy one.
Notice the images and the turtle as my turtle Alberta in "I'm older than I wish to be" :) (and the turtle then is also on Noel plectrum, he played with it, I played with it).
And yes, that pier in Weston-super-Mare was burnt. And Oasis are over now (definitely maybe).
For going around we were still using a tour bus, and as it was our first time there, we had a big surprise when a bus full of British people overtook us, all of them smiling and waving their hands but suddenly they turned and showed us their arses ahahaha
That was the meaning of the word "Oasis", an isolated place in a desert.
"As a remedy to life in society I would suggest the big city. Nowadays, it is the only desert within our means".
Noel Thomas David Gallagher

(Jack Kerouac)
The gig was amazing, the kind of gig you'd never want to end. Easily my favourite so far."
4 elementi li contraddistinguono: il calcio, la musica, la famiglia e l'amore per l'eleganza. I miei amici italiani sono dei fighi, indossano vestiti e scarpe stupende, sciarpe favolose, occhiali da sole anche di notte e donne bellissime al loro fianco. Beh, sono considerato una figura santa in Italia. E' Milano... l'Italia è grande amico, cazzo se mi piace andarci".
4 elements mark them: football, music, family and love for elegance. My Italian friends are cool, they wear wonderful clothes and shoes, fabulous scarves, sunglasses even at night and beautiful women by their side. Well, I'm considered quite a holy figure in Italy, It's Milan... Italy's great man, I fucking love going there.
..... Balotelli ahahaha and City symbol on Noel's guitar :). This tune was my alarm clock to wake up in the morning from '97 to 2000. At a 1997 gig after the first chord of 'Be here now' I was literally flying, gone fuckin' mad fer it, continuously shouting and jumping embraced with all the people. Best fun of my life.

Be here now: a Milano Lambretta (name from Milan river Lambro), owned by Noel, and a Rolls-Royce. Photo at Stocks House hotel in Hertfordshire

Oasis 1st album: they were watching The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, spaghetti western movie by Italian director Leone, music by the great maestro Morricone

Milan last gig

our club

Milano... seems like going to Paris for splitting up...
Pretty Green "fan" Hateley

Milan Futurism and photos by Harri Peccinotti (Milano Pirelli calendars 1968 & 1969)
..... Oasis' Hung in a bad place, by Gem
SAINT MARK'S CHURCH 1880 (West Gorton)

Man City since 1894
..... in Budapest, Hungary. Go let it out + Roll with it + Led Zeppelin's Whole lotta love

similar shape

meaningful contact: Man's creation by Michelangelo

oasisblues - English tabloid, Italian paparazzi ^_^