The new fake politically correct conformist loser Liam, the fake rebel, tweeting an Ukraine flag, perfect hypocrite desperate to have more fans (he's not having Oasis real ones). Do you also remember after September 11 he said he wouldn't have put a foot in America anymore... as if it was the fault of all Americans. Always no brains from Liam... the violent "man" who never read a book in his life.
Now many are doing the same with Russians. Now he's sucking corporate dick and Dave Grohl, who hates Noel.
Liam made a career thanks to war, fighting with everybody to be on the media, we remember a quotation about himself and war, now he posts John Lennon songs for peace (his idol who used violence with women as Liam). Hypocrite much... “karma is gonna get you”...
The jinx Liam also brought bad luck to the Queen with Covid... (he was always against the Royals, now likes her).
The "pacifists" asking in rallies to "stop the war", do they know that means 3rd World War? ... they want "no war ever" (so they would've kept Hitler) ...everybody blaming Putin but do they know what happened in Donbas all these years? more than Putin, it's the Western leaders fault who didn't prevent this war... that is not really about Ukraine but business, the West did everything do have war, also giving weapons, the Usa against Russia business with Germany that rules the EU...
"hilarious" days listening to West politicians : clowns Boris Johnson & Biden : UNPROKOVED attack (including saying Ukraine in Nato the day before the invasion? that is a declaration of war, who told Ukrainian president to say that?), VERY provoked... Von Der Leyen talking like a MILITARY leader with threats... we'll show how strong are DEMOCRACIES (so not EU and not us, Italy, Letta saying the same), several "democratic" (dem, demented democraP) left governments not even voted by the people... they even ask Russia to RETIRE...
RETIRE YOU CLOWNS paid by us for nothing...
Putin must be trembling for their menaces... he's not afraid even of the WW3, third WorldWar...
Nowadays situation shows the West & Eu are bureaucrats, no concreteness.
"Pacifist" left "democratic" politicians sending weapons to Ukraine with the EU, wasn't that of Lgbt & peace flag? boycotting Russia shows they are afraid and know they are weak... it's like discrimination. We wonder if these weapons are going also to criminals leaving Ukraine... coming up next in your streets...
hypcrite Liam after using Oasis as always, now uses Ukraine to show he’s oh such a good person… he’s probably crying with money as handkerchiefs... fuck Ukraine and their shit, they won’t bring the West to their shit. Fighting for peace, ridiculous... retire you losers
Now many are doing the same with Russians. Now he's sucking corporate dick and Dave Grohl, who hates Noel.
Liam made a career thanks to war, fighting with everybody to be on the media, we remember a quotation about himself and war, now he posts John Lennon songs for peace (his idol who used violence with women as Liam). Hypocrite much... “karma is gonna get you”...
The jinx Liam also brought bad luck to the Queen with Covid... (he was always against the Royals, now likes her).
The "pacifists" asking in rallies to "stop the war", do they know that means 3rd World War? ... they want "no war ever" (so they would've kept Hitler) ...everybody blaming Putin but do they know what happened in Donbas all these years? more than Putin, it's the Western leaders fault who didn't prevent this war... that is not really about Ukraine but business, the West did everything do have war, also giving weapons, the Usa against Russia business with Germany that rules the EU...
"hilarious" days listening to West politicians : clowns Boris Johnson & Biden : UNPROKOVED attack (including saying Ukraine in Nato the day before the invasion? that is a declaration of war, who told Ukrainian president to say that?), VERY provoked... Von Der Leyen talking like a MILITARY leader with threats... we'll show how strong are DEMOCRACIES (so not EU and not us, Italy, Letta saying the same), several "democratic" (dem, demented democraP) left governments not even voted by the people... they even ask Russia to RETIRE...
RETIRE YOU CLOWNS paid by us for nothing...
Putin must be trembling for their menaces... he's not afraid even of the WW3, third WorldWar...
Nowadays situation shows the West & Eu are bureaucrats, no concreteness.
Macron (and Boris?) said to militarily attack... go with your atomic shit bombs enough to fuck yourselves.
The media (complete jokes) full of fakenews videos (even videogames) to raise hate towards Russia.
The most ridiculous is sports boycott of Russia... sports boycotting themselves (as F1 Sochi Grand Prix), Serie A football playing 5 minutes later aha and no Champions League... very wise...
MADONNA said it's a nonsense war... said from one with a lot of sense... where was her sense in the last 8 and more years? she made WWIII about her...thrusting her crotch at the camera is so wise and meaningful...
Putin go destroy this weak West of hypocrites : Sleepy Joe Bidet, shite globalized European "Union" and FARCE France of Macron etc
The media (complete jokes) full of fakenews videos (even videogames) to raise hate towards Russia.
The most ridiculous is sports boycott of Russia... sports boycotting themselves (as F1 Sochi Grand Prix), Serie A football playing 5 minutes later aha and no Champions League... very wise...
MADONNA said it's a nonsense war... said from one with a lot of sense... where was her sense in the last 8 and more years? she made WWIII about her...thrusting her crotch at the camera is so wise and meaningful...
Putin go destroy this weak West of hypocrites : Sleepy Joe Bidet, shite globalized European "Union" and FARCE France of Macron etc
"Moscow rules"
Poor you plagiarised by media and politically correct... we DON'T have to think "all the same"...
the dem media are enthusiastic because Ukraine people changed the directions of the streets signs to confuse Russians... the SS did that... see NOEL book about Nazi. We are in 2022 and even Google Maps is enough... "Russia won't stop with just Ukraine"... PLEASE PUTIN COME TO ITALY AND SET US FREE FROM UTTER SHITE
the dem media are enthusiastic because Ukraine people changed the directions of the streets signs to confuse Russians... the SS did that... see NOEL book about Nazi. We are in 2022 and even Google Maps is enough... "Russia won't stop with just Ukraine"... PLEASE PUTIN COME TO ITALY AND SET US FREE FROM UTTER SHITE
"Pacifist" left "democratic" politicians sending weapons to Ukraine with the EU, wasn't that of Lgbt & peace flag? boycotting Russia shows they are afraid and know they are weak... it's like discrimination. We wonder if these weapons are going also to criminals leaving Ukraine... coming up next in your streets...
Biden is in a position OPPOSITE to Oasis philosophy : whatever he does, whatever he says, you know it's all WRONG.
everybody blames Putin but war is the result, not the cause... they continue saying he planned it, but it was the West... Von der Leyen welcomes migrants... because it's us paying. They hate nationalism but it's ok only in case of war...
EU and USA think they are the centre of the world... Russia can survive without them. Another thing like Nazi now : forbidding Russian books...
sanctions are another declaration of war... "pacifists" can take us to war
We are reading Russian classic books (also Karamazov brothers by Dostoevskij) while the world is starting to boycott even their culture... more proof of the weak West stupidity that this time will make the West lose... doesn't even have a masterplan of what to do... the "dem" always obtain the opposite effect... the world is hating Putin because he's intelligent and they're afraid of their weakness...
Liam is like corrupt politicians : they speak about PEACE (with Putin and Noel) and then they insult, menace etc (our stadium drinks seller Minister even said "worse than an animal" during this nuclear risk... very wise). They need a psychiatrist
A good thing about Ukrainians is they are "no-vax"... but that is against our politicians (Ukraine fans)... in fact, they already started to say they need no greenpass... (Italians still do... forever maybe) ...confirming it was bullshit.
They already started to say risk of new variants with Ukrainians.. so politicians are happy...
is there anyone worse than Putin? of course. In Italy today many people of communist "work associations" (should think about jobs and shit greenpass they love... many people can't even work) refuse to protest against war because they want ARMIES intervention for Ukraine... "pacifists" leading us to 3rd World War. NOEL PLEASE YOUR NEW POLITICAL PARTY
is there anyone worse than Putin? of course. In Italy today many people of communist "work associations" (should think about jobs and shit greenpass they love... many people can't even work) refuse to protest against war because they want ARMIES intervention for Ukraine... "pacifists" leading us to 3rd World War. NOEL PLEASE YOUR NEW POLITICAL PARTY
hypcrite Liam after using Oasis as always, now uses Ukraine to show he’s oh such a good person… he’s probably crying with money as handkerchiefs... fuck Ukraine and their shit, they won’t bring the West to their shit. Fighting for peace, ridiculous... retire you losers
The Usa (and now EU following them) are always making the same mistakes : creating another Afghanistan for a long war for years in Europe, giving weapons to neonazi Ukrainian militias units. Facebook even suggests there’s “a right type of Nazis” (!) (Azov were banned before, because of hate and racism...)
Biden says Putin planned war, but there were already Usa weapons in Ukraine and sent them more last December...
Another social network gone rotten is Linkedin : the users, instead of being interested in jobs (more proof of the failed West) post about Ukraine, and Linkedin even feels to have the right to decide on your opinions, removing your posts
the real spirit, character, soul of Oasis is egotistical... fact. Not fake Liam on Twitter
multimillionaire Liam (but according to him and his blinded fankids : only Noel is rich... they're jealous and suffer from inferiority complexes as Liam) doesn't care that millions of poor people will have no gas... he supports Ukraine, makes him cool... A lot of money that people need now more than ever (crazy bills to pay, fuel and after-Covid crisis), go for weapons to HELP UKRAINE... it’s only helping us to be in World War 3
Liam even sells the album of Down by the River Thames concert that he made even pay to see on the internet... he can fuck off... man of the people our ass
more soon
I politici italiani sono peggio della guerra, probabilmente vorranno più soldi nel loro stipendio per adeguarlo alla crisi globale... Le sanzioni faranno male solo all'Italia... (gas, turismo, affari ecc) ...sanno solo fare cazzate, anni e anni di esperienza... e la Rai il peggio come sempre...
Linus "non cadete nella banalità con la guerra", da che pulpito... e hanno sviato il fatto della guerra più sentita causa social, badanti, nucleare, prossimità, bla bla senza tener conto del vero motivo, che siamo schiavi della cultura Usa... ottimo che Putin ha chiuso Facebook e ora internet...
il filo-americano Linus :"se tutti, destra e sinistra, riportano le stesse cose, cazzo..."
...Sono tutti coglioni, cazzo.
il PD ha già fatto differenza tra guerra d'attacco e difesa... bombe cattive e bombe buone... ma la Costituzione (tutto ok secondo loro) dice no guerra neanche per risolvere...
A proposito di idioti : siamo in allerta NUCLEARE e Di Maio risponde che Putin più atroce, peggio di un animale... menomale che facciamo ridere.
la Segre era a bere cocktail in Florida durante i bombardamenti Nato e Italia dell'Ufficio Sinistri in Jugoslavia... Letta : regime non democratico... ma se Putin è stato votatissimo, mica come la serie di governi dell'Ufficio Sinistri coi giochi di palazzo...
Non potevano mancare i bimbi plagiati al Tg1Rai : "Putin è cattivo perchè nero" (!). Poi solo l'Ucraina ha cultura eh, "anche la scalinata della Corazzata Potemkin", ah beh allora... comici
I russi stanno e staranno molto meglio di noi, altro che le storielle di crisi che raccontano i nostri media... autonomia energetica nazionale, e hanno tanti a cui vendere. "L'economia russa vacilla"... vedi come vacilliamo noi poi...
Mattarella : ci POTREBBERO essere costi per l'Italia... Vedi poi quando i prezzi raddoppiano ancora come con l'Euro...
il Pnrr con digitale e green... NOEL impazzirebbe, li detesta entrambi
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