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illuminati Verve
MARANELLO - More about the illuminati. Ferrari 2015 will be called 666... Ferrari's Cavallino=little horse... H is considered a devilish letter, because horned and also initial of hell (made of 4 letters). The illuminati god is called Horus, god of war. Shitty illuminati Noel Gallagher said he made a career "thanks to war" (with Liam)...
New driver Vettel from Germany (where the illuminati started) was wearing a WHITE helmet for the test...on 29-11...
Noel chose this song for his favourites. "The leading horse is WHITE, the second horse is RED..." (this year's new WHITE h-elmet of H-amilton, with h-orned number 44 on the car written in red numbers). Formula 1 is all about illuminati, about money
"...I was dealing, sold a bit of the WHITE..." (drug)
nothing is random, it's typically calculated, masterplanned...this album was immediately very successful... (typical illuminati) ...with LIGHT behind from a sort of V (behind not randomly, just like the sun rises behind triangular Duomo, that is Milan cathedral partly projected by Leonardo Da Vinci, containing a scientific sundial... and Zodiac signs... and triangular illuminati "only one eye" symbols on the confessionals...)
Ashcroft was wearing a white h-at... And it was meant to be shown ONLY ONE EYE of the 5 members... penta-illuminati.
I also remember the Verve had to add "THE" for not being confused (i.e : copyright issue, money) with a label called Verve Records from Usa... California... where Hollywood illuminati are...
Noel had dedicated Cast No Shadow to Richard Ashcroft : "he walks along the open road of Love and Life... as he faced the sun he cast no shadow..." ...he was part of the light... and it's about surviving... (Beady Eye didn't survive because they "decided they didn't like being part of the plan"...) ...at those times Ashcroft was struggling for SUCCESS...
"as they TOOK HIS SOUL, they stole his pride..." ... you know, artists "sell their soul" to the illuminati to be successful...
by the way, Hollywood... Tarantino - Jackie Brown. Band Apart logo is made of 4 men. Still about surviving, "across 110th street is a HELL of a tester..." (11-0th Street).
view from her side, still "only one eye" supposed to be shown... illuminati going forward, advancing, PROGRESSing like science, technology... then when she accelerates it's an airplane behind going her same way...she's like a horse...
oaSiS (a" horned" word about something apart, that reached something better...) have always been linked to brands like Adidas from Germany (triangular symbol) and Milan Ray-Ban... famoulsy always wearing sunglasses they could bear the illumination...
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New driver Vettel from Germany (where the illuminati started) was wearing a WHITE helmet for the test...on 29-11...
Noel chose this song for his favourites. "The leading horse is WHITE, the second horse is RED..." (this year's new WHITE h-elmet of H-amilton, with h-orned number 44 on the car written in red numbers). Formula 1 is all about illuminati, about money
"Anyone who has intelligence may interpret the number of the beast. It is a man's number. This number is 666"
(The Bible, Apocalypse of John)
The hypnotizing second part of the song sounds like the VerVe the roLLing People from 4:04 :"...I was dealing, sold a bit of the WHITE..." (drug)
nothing is random, it's typically calculated, masterplanned...this album was immediately very successful... (typical illuminati) ...with LIGHT behind from a sort of V (behind not randomly, just like the sun rises behind triangular Duomo, that is Milan cathedral partly projected by Leonardo Da Vinci, containing a scientific sundial... and Zodiac signs... and triangular illuminati "only one eye" symbols on the confessionals...)
Ashcroft was wearing a white h-at... And it was meant to be shown ONLY ONE EYE of the 5 members... penta-illuminati.
I also remember the Verve had to add "THE" for not being confused (i.e : copyright issue, money) with a label called Verve Records from Usa... California... where Hollywood illuminati are...
Noel had dedicated Cast No Shadow to Richard Ashcroft : "he walks along the open road of Love and Life... as he faced the sun he cast no shadow..." ...he was part of the light... and it's about surviving... (Beady Eye didn't survive because they "decided they didn't like being part of the plan"...) ...at those times Ashcroft was struggling for SUCCESS...
"as they TOOK HIS SOUL, they stole his pride..." ... you know, artists "sell their soul" to the illuminati to be successful...
by the way, Hollywood... Tarantino - Jackie Brown. Band Apart logo is made of 4 men. Still about surviving, "across 110th street is a HELL of a tester..." (11-0th Street).
view from her side, still "only one eye" supposed to be shown... illuminati going forward, advancing, PROGRESSing like science, technology... then when she accelerates it's an airplane behind going her same way...she's like a horse...
oaSiS (a" horned" word about something apart, that reached something better...) have always been linked to brands like Adidas from Germany (triangular symbol) and Milan Ray-Ban... famoulsy always wearing sunglasses they could bear the illumination...
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2014 mix
like Andy's compilation last year, not only songs from 2014.
+ would add Liam's My Generation @ The Who anniversary
+ would add Liam's My Generation @ The Who anniversary
Elvis supercompilation
new mix, Liam Gallagher's favourite (even his tattoo faith-spirit-discipline TCB take care of business), photo @ Milan fashion week
Britalian Minchella mix
new compilation, one of the best bassists (from Ocean Colour Scene and Paul Weller), also playing with the Gallaghers, The Who, Jimmy Page, Paul McCartney, Paolo Nutini, Amy Winehouse, etc. will also play on Richard Ashcroft new album
Italia orecchionica
MILANO - Italia-Croazia (che meritava ampiamente di vincere), papera di Buffone... che novità!
Zaza e Immobile due scarponi... che sono stati definiti "bomber", sì due fenomeni, e Balotelli "amato dalla stampa"... (amatissimo eh)
telecretino Rai pagato da noi che si ricorda solo quello che vuole :
"nella prima partita Conte ha funzionato (??) Zaza-Immobile, poi qualcosa non ha più funzionato..."
ma dai? sarà mica perchè era un'amichevole inutile e l'Olanda ha giocato tutta la partita con uno in meno? Tutti i gol sbagliati da solo davanti al portiere anche in altre partite se li è persi.
Zaza non passa la palla e tira da lontano e ovviamente non segna,
telecretino Rai che vede solo quello che vuole : "ha fatto benisssssimo Simone"...
se fosse Balotelli, i giornalai (che lo amano) : egoista, chi si crede di essere...
Viene ammonito Immobile, telecretino Rai accecato: "correttissimo, non ha protestato perchè ha capito di aver sbagliato"
nel frattempo lo inquadrano che manda a quel paese arbitro e avversario.
fosse Balotelli : solito arrogante...
"sorprendentemente esce Immobile", già sostituito.... ma dai?
"e sono 4 le conclusioni di El Shaarawy!"
piccolo particolare : il bimbominkia la porta non l'ha presa proprio... (ma 1 gol in 2 anni, era da chiamare assolutamente)
ancora con sti Negramaro portasfiga nella sigla... bene così.
A momenti all'Italia andava di culo come al solito e potevano vincere a tavolino causa razzi.
Chirico (che odia Balotelli a morte, come l'orecchione Cristian da Mantova, ce l'hanno su anche contro la cresta, perchè non hanno capelli) si lamenta (con sceneggiata orecchionica isterica... non a caso l'avevamo incontrato alla Fnac, con sciarpa di boa di piume rosa e amichetto... infatti in tv Gianluca Rossi lo prende sempre x il culo x le sue tendenze strane ma dice che ha la ragazza... si vergogna?) si lamenta che tutta la gente difende Balotelli sulle mail che ricevono...
l'orecchione dev'essere sordo perchè se ne sentono solo CONTRO Balotelli... come mai se a favore ce ne sono tante, ne leggono al massimo 1?
Pensavo che i culattoni non fossero contro i neri, perchè entrambi rappresentano una minoranza perseguitata... ma ormai gli orecchioni non sono più una minoranza... e neanche più i neri in Italia, con loro si vincono le elezioni...
Cristian da Mantova chiama OGNI SANTO GIORNO (di solito lo proibiscono...), è evidente che è uno che cerca di farsi pubblicità per i suoi motivi (promozione dell'orecchionismo isterico? se ne sente il bisogno...)
e A LUI permettono tutto, anche di dire parolacce (che di solito sono bandite categoricamente) e lo RINGRAZIANO sempre calorosamente...
Un giorno ce l'aveva su con la minigonna di Barbara Berlusconi... beh certo a lui non interessa... (è arrabbiato ancora per il Trofeo Berlusconi... spiegategli che non è una Messa...)
Un altro giorno addirittura ha ringraziato Dio che suo padre è morto presto così non vede questo Milan...
L'ignoranza (anzichè informazione come credono di fare) che diffondono programmi come TopCalcio24 è da manuale.
L'interista con la barba Marco Signorelli ha esaltato l'inno francese alla base della nostra società. Per la cronaca (non nel senso della stampa ignorante italiana), la Marsigliese parla di "andare alla guerra" (senza averne neanche mai vinta una), quando era già stato detto tutto 100 anni prima nella Rivoluzione inglese (non violenta, unlike quella dei francesi che hanno ammazzato una marea di gente e poi si sono ammazzati da soli) e il pubblico milanese (che trattandosi di una partita dell'Italia non era ovviamente costituito da soli milanesi) lo fischiò perchè Domenech insultò razzisticamente per una settimana gli italiani
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Zaza e Immobile due scarponi... che sono stati definiti "bomber", sì due fenomeni, e Balotelli "amato dalla stampa"... (amatissimo eh)
telecretino Rai pagato da noi che si ricorda solo quello che vuole :
"nella prima partita Conte ha funzionato (??) Zaza-Immobile, poi qualcosa non ha più funzionato..."
ma dai? sarà mica perchè era un'amichevole inutile e l'Olanda ha giocato tutta la partita con uno in meno? Tutti i gol sbagliati da solo davanti al portiere anche in altre partite se li è persi.
Zaza non passa la palla e tira da lontano e ovviamente non segna,
telecretino Rai che vede solo quello che vuole : "ha fatto benisssssimo Simone"...
se fosse Balotelli, i giornalai (che lo amano) : egoista, chi si crede di essere...
Viene ammonito Immobile, telecretino Rai accecato: "correttissimo, non ha protestato perchè ha capito di aver sbagliato"
nel frattempo lo inquadrano che manda a quel paese arbitro e avversario.
fosse Balotelli : solito arrogante...
"sorprendentemente esce Immobile", già sostituito.... ma dai?
"e sono 4 le conclusioni di El Shaarawy!"
piccolo particolare : il bimbominkia la porta non l'ha presa proprio... (ma 1 gol in 2 anni, era da chiamare assolutamente)
ancora con sti Negramaro portasfiga nella sigla... bene così.
A momenti all'Italia andava di culo come al solito e potevano vincere a tavolino causa razzi.
Chirico (che odia Balotelli a morte, come l'orecchione Cristian da Mantova, ce l'hanno su anche contro la cresta, perchè non hanno capelli) si lamenta (con sceneggiata orecchionica isterica... non a caso l'avevamo incontrato alla Fnac, con sciarpa di boa di piume rosa e amichetto... infatti in tv Gianluca Rossi lo prende sempre x il culo x le sue tendenze strane ma dice che ha la ragazza... si vergogna?) si lamenta che tutta la gente difende Balotelli sulle mail che ricevono...
l'orecchione dev'essere sordo perchè se ne sentono solo CONTRO Balotelli... come mai se a favore ce ne sono tante, ne leggono al massimo 1?
Pensavo che i culattoni non fossero contro i neri, perchè entrambi rappresentano una minoranza perseguitata... ma ormai gli orecchioni non sono più una minoranza... e neanche più i neri in Italia, con loro si vincono le elezioni...
Cristian da Mantova chiama OGNI SANTO GIORNO (di solito lo proibiscono...), è evidente che è uno che cerca di farsi pubblicità per i suoi motivi (promozione dell'orecchionismo isterico? se ne sente il bisogno...)
e A LUI permettono tutto, anche di dire parolacce (che di solito sono bandite categoricamente) e lo RINGRAZIANO sempre calorosamente...
Un giorno ce l'aveva su con la minigonna di Barbara Berlusconi... beh certo a lui non interessa... (è arrabbiato ancora per il Trofeo Berlusconi... spiegategli che non è una Messa...)
Un altro giorno addirittura ha ringraziato Dio che suo padre è morto presto così non vede questo Milan...
L'ignoranza (anzichè informazione come credono di fare) che diffondono programmi come TopCalcio24 è da manuale.
L'interista con la barba Marco Signorelli ha esaltato l'inno francese alla base della nostra società. Per la cronaca (non nel senso della stampa ignorante italiana), la Marsigliese parla di "andare alla guerra" (senza averne neanche mai vinta una), quando era già stato detto tutto 100 anni prima nella Rivoluzione inglese (non violenta, unlike quella dei francesi che hanno ammazzato una marea di gente e poi si sono ammazzati da soli) e il pubblico milanese (che trattandosi di una partita dell'Italia non era ovviamente costituito da soli milanesi) lo fischiò perchè Domenech insultò razzisticamente per una settimana gli italiani
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Liam @ Who T.Cancer Trust
LONDON - The Who's 50th anniversary, Teenage Cancer Trust, Shepherd's Bush Empire.
Can't Explain - Andy Burrows
The Kids Are Alright - Wilko Johnson + The Strypes
Getting In Tune - Tom Odell
Behind Blue Eyes - Amy Macdonald
Who Are You? - Rizzle Kicks
You Better You Bet - Rich Hall
5.15 - Ricky Wilson
Bell Boy - Ricky Wilson + Phil Daniels
Love Reign O'er Me - Joe Elliott
Acid Queen - Sheila Ferguson
The Seeker - Geddy Lee
Baba O'Riley - Leslie Mendelson
My Generation - Liam Gallagher
Naked Eye - Eddie Vedder
Won't Get Fooled Again - Eddie Vedder
Listening To You - Eddie Vedder
Substitute - Roger Daltrey
Young Man Blues - Roger Daltrey
a Conte brucia il culo
MILANO - Italy coach Conte called up Balotelli after some months, and the real reason is because it's a tricky game vs Croatia and he needs someone to blame...
it's just like Noel Gallagher blaming other people...
shame on Liverpool fans swapping their Balotelli jersey after two months only and not supporting...
shite fans.
shite fans.
o forse per scaricarlo definitivamente... facile segnare con Malta, azeri e company eh...
Intanto in tv leggono solo i messaggi contro Balotelli, compreso "la stampa è a favore di Balotelli" ahahaha bella battuta...
Nuova boiata di Gianluca Rossi : l'Inter è stata "fondata dai seguaci di Marinetti, del Futurismo"... il Futurismo è nato nel 1909 !!
e c'è gente che ci crede, anche perchè che battuta sarebbe sennò?
continua a coprire il fatto che l'Inter è nata da una costola del Milan per far giocare gli immigrati...
E la storiella che ripete sempre del Milan nato alla Fiaschetteria Toscana è l'ennesima balla, essendo stato fondato all'Hotel du Nord et des Anglais, oggi Hotel Principe di Savoia dove andavamo a incontrare gli Oasis.
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Oasis @ Glastonbury 2015
He revealed that he's been talking a lot to Noel and Liam, and according to Noel, who had talked about a "5-year break" in 2009, the brothers are on good terms
illuminati caused Beady split
well this is nothing new if you followed carefully the whole story since Oasis and you're not one of Noel's naive, ignorant fankids. This is the real heart of the matter...
Beady Eye always mocked Noel's illuminati, even in their very strange name "Beady Eye", in their lyrics, in their artworks, in their songs, Bring the light (Lucifer the light bringer, also named in Girls in uniform), Shine a light, in their videos, etc. etc. (Four Letter Word is not really "fuck", but 4 is the most typical illuminati number, HELL is a 4 letter word...), and to a superficial viewer they might have seemed to belong to the illuminati, but they clearly were not, or they would've had a huge success...
A few months ago they had to erase their participation @ Coachella festival and didn't give a reason... and no more concerts then... and now the split...
Also, Gem's repeated injuries were quite mysterious...
On the media now it's all like : Beady Eye split, Noel Gallagher returns...
Can you imagine one belonging to the illuminati like the slow fuck (and media darling) Noel publishing his 2nd new album 2 years after Beady Eye's second album, and in the same 2015 year Beady Eye would've published their 3rd... not allowed...
More about the recent "new" Noel : now you can even BUY an interview of Noel Gallagher... how appropriate for the money-driven bitch.
I have a good friend who was a studio guitarist for a major record label. He was quite successful, worked with many great artists and all of a sudden quit and had to move back to his hometown. I asked him why he left and he said that the illuminati are real, they are involved in all aspects of entertainment and are very dangerous. If you don't join, they will either destroy your career or worst. Like most of the world, Noel's fans are in a hypnotic trance (typical illuminati mind-controlled) and you can't have an intelligent conversation with any.
Stay awake my friends.
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Beady Eye always mocked Noel's illuminati, even in their very strange name "Beady Eye", in their lyrics, in their artworks, in their songs, Bring the light (Lucifer the light bringer, also named in Girls in uniform), Shine a light, in their videos, etc. etc. (Four Letter Word is not really "fuck", but 4 is the most typical illuminati number, HELL is a 4 letter word...), and to a superficial viewer they might have seemed to belong to the illuminati, but they clearly were not, or they would've had a huge success...
A few months ago they had to erase their participation @ Coachella festival and didn't give a reason... and no more concerts then... and now the split...
Also, Gem's repeated injuries were quite mysterious...
On the media now it's all like : Beady Eye split, Noel Gallagher returns...
Can you imagine one belonging to the illuminati like the slow fuck (and media darling) Noel publishing his 2nd new album 2 years after Beady Eye's second album, and in the same 2015 year Beady Eye would've published their 3rd... not allowed...
More about the recent "new" Noel : now you can even BUY an interview of Noel Gallagher... how appropriate for the money-driven bitch.
I have a good friend who was a studio guitarist for a major record label. He was quite successful, worked with many great artists and all of a sudden quit and had to move back to his hometown. I asked him why he left and he said that the illuminati are real, they are involved in all aspects of entertainment and are very dangerous. If you don't join, they will either destroy your career or worst. Like most of the world, Noel's fans are in a hypnotic trance (typical illuminati mind-controlled) and you can't have an intelligent conversation with any.
Stay awake my friends.
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Beady Eye split, Noel's fans fault
There would be a lot to say... maybe little by little...
It's all the shite Noel Gallagher's fankids fault not supporting, typically blinded by the media lying asshole. Beady Eye are too classy to blame them for the split.
It's all the shite Noel Gallagher's fankids fault not supporting, typically blinded by the media lying asshole. Beady Eye are too classy to blame them for the split.
TRANSSEXUAL journalists (usual paid bitches) supporting money-driven illuminati Noel of the media with no music knowledge are happy Beady Eye split up... that would be "enough said".
THEY were Oasis.............. now Noel's idiotic blinded fankids must be happy...Good memories... Thanks for the messages I'm reading from the fans genuinely sad, very good people really... (unlike someone else...)
(it's years we're saying this)
Liam has already been planning a big comeback, he's set to perform with The Who’s backing band at a massive Teenage Cancer Trust gig next month.
Comments from the haters are always the same ignorant shit:
"the talent of Oasis was Noel"... talent in copying songs. Oasis without Liam simply wouldn't have existed. He formed, named and fronted the band. And Noel used him on the media... Also, Noel would have never attracted the girls, that was fundamental.
"Oasis were formed by the frontman Noel, and Liam"... Oasis' frontman was called Liam... and Noel did NOT form Oasis, he joined later with the songs by the Real People...
Also, they always say "who cares" and still they're interested in them, even taking the time to go on articles and even comment. They also say they're shite, and if you look at their music interests, they like "bands" like Scissor Sisters...
And they always say "Noel outsold Beady Eye"... Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber outsold Noel, so according to their reasoning they're better than Noel...
so Andy said Liam's heart wasn't into it anymore...
I remember the people shouting "Oasis" (and "Noel") at some Beady Eye gig made him nervous... and he had already warned that he would've hated that... Those were Noel's fankids knowing that and disturbing... I even know their names...
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Liam has already been planning a big comeback, he's set to perform with The Who’s backing band at a massive Teenage Cancer Trust gig next month.
Comments from the haters are always the same ignorant shit:
"the talent of Oasis was Noel"... talent in copying songs. Oasis without Liam simply wouldn't have existed. He formed, named and fronted the band. And Noel used him on the media... Also, Noel would have never attracted the girls, that was fundamental.
"Oasis were formed by the frontman Noel, and Liam"... Oasis' frontman was called Liam... and Noel did NOT form Oasis, he joined later with the songs by the Real People...
Also, they always say "who cares" and still they're interested in them, even taking the time to go on articles and even comment. They also say they're shite, and if you look at their music interests, they like "bands" like Scissor Sisters...
And they always say "Noel outsold Beady Eye"... Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber outsold Noel, so according to their reasoning they're better than Noel...
so Andy said Liam's heart wasn't into it anymore...
I remember the people shouting "Oasis" (and "Noel") at some Beady Eye gig made him nervous... and he had already warned that he would've hated that... Those were Noel's fankids knowing that and disturbing... I even know their names...
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oaSiS @ San Siro 2015
new setlist, turn up the sun in an oasis fucking in the bushes at the legendary San Siro they never played.
Noel find some balls, the "5 year break" Noel promised from Milan's 30 August 2009 "would've been" last gig is over. Stop with other shit at least to play this and reform.
Pretty Green tequila Patrón
new "Mexican" compilation, the Roller's "an alcohol lemon haze" :), the tequila of the Pretty Green cocktail made by Liam
Pinketts mix
new compilation, the book dedicated to me, also about the models bar.
La gazza ladra è la Gazzetta che mi rubava i video da paparazzo, Rossini l'ha scelto Pinketts, Baccini è un suo amico
La gazza ladra è la Gazzetta che mi rubava i video da paparazzo, Rossini l'ha scelto Pinketts, Baccini è un suo amico
marriage mix
new compilation. Milan :
"Beady Eye" first gig (Oasis without Noel, May 2000), Pretty Green start (March 2009), "would've been" last Oasis gig (August 2009), "will be" reunion after the "5 year break" Noel said? 5 already passed...
un'Italietta per froci
LA VALLETTA - (ahahaha di quale programma?) Un frocio isterico invidioso (il solito Cristian da Mantova che insulta sempre qualcuno) chiama per insultare Mario e i suoi amici senza neanche conoscerli ovviamente, e quelli della tv gli danno ragione e dicono grazie grazie (tra l'altro era già stato un cafone con loro altre volte, e poi dà del cafone ad altri, da che pulpito...). Se dovessimo giudicare superficialmente lui dalla sua voce allora... Chissà che gente frequenta quello... (una volta fa: "lei non è nessuno"... perchè invece Cristian da Mantova?)
E' veramente TUTTO TUTTI contro Balotelli, anche quando non gioca (questo dice già tutto su tutte le balle), così come "ovviamente" era stata colpa sua la disfatta del Mondiale. Non è neanche proprio il giorno adatto eh...
L'ignoranza di TopCalcio24 tocca vette irraggiungibili per chiunque, ma non solo di argomenti generali... persino di calcio, il loro "lavoro". Un ragazzino che consulta la Wikipedia ne sa di più. La cosa preoccupante è che va in onda in pratica 24 ore su 24.
Immobile rifiuta le interviste italiane, "devo andare in Germania, già mi fanno troppe interviste".
Immobile chi??????? ah il sedicente ignorante... compatiamolo.
Il FENOMENO (mediatico, dell' "Italia che cambia") Zaza : eliminato.
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E' veramente TUTTO TUTTI contro Balotelli, anche quando non gioca (questo dice già tutto su tutte le balle), così come "ovviamente" era stata colpa sua la disfatta del Mondiale. Non è neanche proprio il giorno adatto eh...
L'ignoranza di TopCalcio24 tocca vette irraggiungibili per chiunque, ma non solo di argomenti generali... persino di calcio, il loro "lavoro". Un ragazzino che consulta la Wikipedia ne sa di più. La cosa preoccupante è che va in onda in pratica 24 ore su 24.
Immobile rifiuta le interviste italiane, "devo andare in Germania, già mi fanno troppe interviste".
Immobile chi??????? ah il sedicente ignorante... compatiamolo.
Il FENOMENO (mediatico, dell' "Italia che cambia") Zaza : eliminato.
Sempre in tv, "L'attacco qualcosa lo combina"??? gol con l'Olanda in amichevole giocando in superiorità tutta la partita. 1 autogol con la Norvegia che non sarebbe entrato + difensore. Zaza 3 gol sbagliati da solo davanti al portiere in 3 partite. 2 gol di un difensore (Chiellini) con il Barbagianni-Azerbaigian. 1 gol con Malta giocando in superiorità numerica.
Peggior partita nella storia della Nazionale, peggio delle sconfitte.
Tutto tranne Conte che non sottovaluta MALTA cazzo...
Quando gli capita la Germania cosa fa, si caga addosso.
è la volta buona che la Germania finalmente ci batte.
che Italietta..... specchio dell'Italietta
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Peggior partita nella storia della Nazionale, peggio delle sconfitte.
Tutto tranne Conte che non sottovaluta MALTA cazzo...
Quando gli capita la Germania cosa fa, si caga addosso.
è la volta buona che la Germania finalmente ci batte.
che Italietta..... specchio dell'Italietta
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Italia aZERO
PALERMO - I telecretini della Rai sono tutti esaltati (perchè c'è la rappresentazione di quelli che vogliono cambiare l'Italia... è tutta una cosa mediatica) ma contro l'Azerbaigian stanno facendo letteralmente cagare, come cazzo si fa a non segnare neanche un gol contro gli aZERI in 44 minuti (gol di un difensore), world class players...
"il fenomeno" Zaza e Immobile che si pestano i piedi (e la faccia), e l'ennesima occasione davanti al portiere.
Ma sì Immobile, vantiamoci pure di essere ignoranti... proprio come il media darling Noel Gallagher "proud to be ignorant", tanto poi alla tua buona reputazione ci pensano i media... infatti secondo loro, Zaza è un fenomeno... (1 autogol che non sarebbe mai entrato contro una squadretta di dilettanti che neanche ha giocato i Mondiali, e 2 gol sbagliati da solo davanti al portiere... fosse stato Balotelli : crocifissione in piazzale Loreto, senza processo)
L'ignoranza è proprio quello che ha bisogno l'Italia adesso eh, visto che tutti prendono ad esempio il calcio...
Tra l'altro l'Italia non ha mai avuto difficoltà nelle qualificazioni perchè sono squadrette. Vediamo se segna ad esempio una doppietta decisiva in una semifinale contro la Germania come Balotelli.............
adesso Zaza rappresenta quello che si dà da fare per cambiare l'Italia... siamo a posto...
Non abbiamo mai sentito una quantità e "qualità" (pessima) di scuse accampate (dando la colpa agli altri) come da Mazzarri l'allenatore dell'Inter, neanche da Noel Gallagher, Lewis Hamilton, le donne e l'ufficio sinistri ("colpa del governo precedente"... quale governo? il loro)...
more soon
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"il fenomeno" Zaza e Immobile che si pestano i piedi (e la faccia), e l'ennesima occasione davanti al portiere.
Ma sì Immobile, vantiamoci pure di essere ignoranti... proprio come il media darling Noel Gallagher "proud to be ignorant", tanto poi alla tua buona reputazione ci pensano i media... infatti secondo loro, Zaza è un fenomeno... (1 autogol che non sarebbe mai entrato contro una squadretta di dilettanti che neanche ha giocato i Mondiali, e 2 gol sbagliati da solo davanti al portiere... fosse stato Balotelli : crocifissione in piazzale Loreto, senza processo)
L'ignoranza è proprio quello che ha bisogno l'Italia adesso eh, visto che tutti prendono ad esempio il calcio...
Tra l'altro l'Italia non ha mai avuto difficoltà nelle qualificazioni perchè sono squadrette. Vediamo se segna ad esempio una doppietta decisiva in una semifinale contro la Germania come Balotelli.............
adesso Zaza rappresenta quello che si dà da fare per cambiare l'Italia... siamo a posto...
Non abbiamo mai sentito una quantità e "qualità" (pessima) di scuse accampate (dando la colpa agli altri) come da Mazzarri l'allenatore dell'Inter, neanche da Noel Gallagher, Lewis Hamilton, le donne e l'ufficio sinistri ("colpa del governo precedente"... quale governo? il loro)...
more soon
100th compilation
new mix with other favourites.
Grignani perchè ci piacciono quei personaggi che molti odiano (moralisti gelosi perchè non sono abbastanza cool, probabile che ce l'hanno piccolo, che poi ne combinano di peggio)... Liam Gallagher, Mario Balotelli... cosa fanno poi di male, "lol"... sono altri quelli pessimi...
cool Liam and Mario
MILAN - Liam features on Vogue Italia.
"90% of fashion people are idiots" had an effect on them aha (me too was on Vogue, it's not that difficult lol)
The models bar of the book dedicated to me is finally open.
At this fashion week there was also Oasis' friend Kate Moss again, not the Beady Eye nuns this time, but a girl on roller skates @ Moschino (just call me the roller). And that idiotic diver Neymar.
The music was not as good as usual, seems like they had to pay royalties (ask the little bitch Noel Gallagher about that, he's an expert about paying...)
So many birthday messages for Liam... cheers thanks. Usually not so many for Noel... he gets those from the media...
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"90% of fashion people are idiots" had an effect on them aha (me too was on Vogue, it's not that difficult lol)
The models bar of the book dedicated to me is finally open.
At this fashion week there was also Oasis' friend Kate Moss again, not the Beady Eye nuns this time, but a girl on roller skates @ Moschino (just call me the roller). And that idiotic diver Neymar.
The music was not as good as usual, seems like they had to pay royalties (ask the little bitch Noel Gallagher about that, he's an expert about paying...)
So many birthday messages for Liam... cheers thanks. Usually not so many for Noel... he gets those from the media...
About Balotelli racially abused by Manchester United idiots for just a "lol", perfectly shows what a bunch of assholes the Scum United fans are.
So many people must be terribly uncool for not understanding how cool is Mario.
And it's not about the money... many people have money. It's just like Liam, many people attacking them. jealous.
Vidic... tsk tsk... what a joke. After being sent off, second game he plays : caused Palermo's goal.
"At least Torres won't get a yellow card like Balotelli"
... Torres plays 10 minutes, and all he did : yellow card.
Ah bravo Zaza eh.... decisivo... 7-0 persino dall'Inter...
Torres si è già fatto male (El Sharaawy idem) ancora prima di iniziare... e come a solito : "e io l'avevo detto..."
Much ado about nothing... so the Scots all that fuss since Braveheart and then no... wtf e.c.c. e che cazzo.
The people vote for the "left wing" politicians (Obama, Hollande in France, it was also Noel's friend Blair, etc. like the Italians in the early 90s bombing) because they're against war... so they're fucking for virginity now...
(non abbiamo capito perchè) ci hanno chiesto se siamo del Comune di Milano... (era un insulto) ...no, abbiamo la fedina penale pulita...
Secondo il solito Gianluca Rossi, in Inghilterra non ci sono incivili ahahahahaha lui che racconta le solite balle di sua "madre inglese" seeeeeeeee
Ci sono solo gli uomini primitivi... quest'estate hanno persino bruciato bandiere italiane tipo Medio Oriente-MedioEvo...
tra l'altro come si può paragonare quello che è succede a Balotelli con Lampard? come potrebbero mandare insulti razzisti a un bianco???
So many people must be terribly uncool for not understanding how cool is Mario.
And it's not about the money... many people have money. It's just like Liam, many people attacking them. jealous.
Vidic... tsk tsk... what a joke. After being sent off, second game he plays : caused Palermo's goal.
"At least Torres won't get a yellow card like Balotelli"
... Torres plays 10 minutes, and all he did : yellow card.
Ah bravo Zaza eh.... decisivo... 7-0 persino dall'Inter...
Torres si è già fatto male (El Sharaawy idem) ancora prima di iniziare... e come a solito : "e io l'avevo detto..."
Much ado about nothing... so the Scots all that fuss since Braveheart and then no... wtf e.c.c. e che cazzo.
The people vote for the "left wing" politicians (Obama, Hollande in France, it was also Noel's friend Blair, etc. like the Italians in the early 90s bombing) because they're against war... so they're fucking for virginity now...
(non abbiamo capito perchè) ci hanno chiesto se siamo del Comune di Milano... (era un insulto) ...no, abbiamo la fedina penale pulita...
Secondo il solito Gianluca Rossi, in Inghilterra non ci sono incivili ahahahahaha lui che racconta le solite balle di sua "madre inglese" seeeeeeeee
Ci sono solo gli uomini primitivi... quest'estate hanno persino bruciato bandiere italiane tipo Medio Oriente-MedioEvo...
tra l'altro come si può paragonare quello che è succede a Balotelli con Lampard? come potrebbero mandare insulti razzisti a un bianco???
summer songs 1977->2014
new compilation, election of the song of every summer in these decades since 1977. Some are shit or called "tormentoni" but those were the (s)hits those years. Also some Italian music, 2 by Oasis and 2 by Beady Eye.
In 2014 Coldplay, the song is ok probably because it doesn't sound like Coldplay
Zaza a chi?
better Vidic shuts the fuck up, he had 6 historic goals from Balotelli's Manchester City and was also eliminated in the semifinal of the first cup won in 35 years thanks to Mario man of the match. Jealous as fuck. He could only join Inter Milan the fake one.
First game in Italy for Vidic : red card ahahaha legge del contrappasso.
Un nuovo interista testa di cazzo, ha preso 6 pappine da Balotelli, oltre all'eliminazione in semifinale della prima coppa vinta in 35 anni grazie a Mario man of the match, e parla.
Intanto i pagliacci in Italia : "Balotelli fuori dai coglioni, Conte : non è ancora titolare nel Liverpool"
prima partita : titolare.
Tra l'altro stava per segnare dopo 1 minuto e non è più primo rigorista o avrebbe segnato.
Italia-Olanda e Norvegia (aka Nessuna)-Italia
gol sbagliato da Zaza davanti al portiere con l'Olanda, l'avesse fatto Balotelli sarebbe scattato il processo contro "la macchina o la villa di Balotelli"... (gli altri giocatori invece sono poveri eh...)
tipica Italia moralista.
Tra l'altro partita finta con un'espulsione dopo pochi minuti.
OSLO - gol di culo di Zaza (autogol), tra l'altro con fuorigioco proprio sulla traiettoria del tiro. L'avesse fatto Balotelli : non è valido.
Zaza ancora da solo davanti al portiere gol sbagliato!!!!!!!!! e la Rai : "colpo sotto fantastico"???????????? "e chi li toglie nelle prossime partite"????????? si sa già che la Rai non capisce una mazza... "che giocatore Zaza, che grande acquisto per la Nazionale"...
Zaza ha fatto un'altra vaccata e quelli della Rai "che grande cosa di Zaza" e addirittura si ricordano "che ci ha deliziato con un tocco di petto nella partita con l'Olanda" (non succederebbe mai per i tocchi di qualcun altro eh...)
Non abbiamo ancora visto Zaza azzeccarne una e parlano di un fenomeno... (*warning* : nuovo media darling tipo Noel Gallagher), c'è questa voglia matta di liberarsi di Balotelli (come se l'Italia si liberasse degli immigrati africani), che ha salvato il culo nell'ordine : all'Inter (gol decisivi quando mancava Ibrahimovic), al Manchester City (derby storico 1-6, man of the match in finale x prima coppa in 35 anni, assist decisivo x primo campionato in 44 anni) all'Italia (Germania, Europeo, qualificazioni Mondiali, tra l'altro unica partita vinta) al Milan (qualificazione Champions aka 30 milioni), ovvero a tutte.
A noi piace Conte ma i giornalisti dicono che Zaza è "molto umile", "solo Balotelli parla in 3a persona"...
prima intervista a Zaza giorni fa : parla già in terza persona senza aver fatto ancora niente e dice che diventerà il migliore... umilissimo. Dicono che "è uno che la mette", ma va per i 24 anni, come esperienza internazionale ha giocato nell'Ascoli Picchio arrivato 20°, retrocesso in Serie C (Lega Pro), e ha segnato 9 gol in 33 partite in una squadretta, vediamo il migliore che farà ad esempio una doppietta decisiva contro la Germania... Zaza è fuffa.
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First game in Italy for Vidic : red card ahahaha legge del contrappasso.
Un nuovo interista testa di cazzo, ha preso 6 pappine da Balotelli, oltre all'eliminazione in semifinale della prima coppa vinta in 35 anni grazie a Mario man of the match, e parla.
Intanto i pagliacci in Italia : "Balotelli fuori dai coglioni, Conte : non è ancora titolare nel Liverpool"
prima partita : titolare.
Tra l'altro stava per segnare dopo 1 minuto e non è più primo rigorista o avrebbe segnato.
Italia-Olanda e Norvegia (aka Nessuna)-Italia
gol sbagliato da Zaza davanti al portiere con l'Olanda, l'avesse fatto Balotelli sarebbe scattato il processo contro "la macchina o la villa di Balotelli"... (gli altri giocatori invece sono poveri eh...)
tipica Italia moralista.
Tra l'altro partita finta con un'espulsione dopo pochi minuti.
OSLO - gol di culo di Zaza (autogol), tra l'altro con fuorigioco proprio sulla traiettoria del tiro. L'avesse fatto Balotelli : non è valido.
Zaza ancora da solo davanti al portiere gol sbagliato!!!!!!!!! e la Rai : "colpo sotto fantastico"???????????? "e chi li toglie nelle prossime partite"????????? si sa già che la Rai non capisce una mazza... "che giocatore Zaza, che grande acquisto per la Nazionale"...
Zaza ha fatto un'altra vaccata e quelli della Rai "che grande cosa di Zaza" e addirittura si ricordano "che ci ha deliziato con un tocco di petto nella partita con l'Olanda" (non succederebbe mai per i tocchi di qualcun altro eh...)
Non abbiamo ancora visto Zaza azzeccarne una e parlano di un fenomeno... (*warning* : nuovo media darling tipo Noel Gallagher), c'è questa voglia matta di liberarsi di Balotelli (come se l'Italia si liberasse degli immigrati africani), che ha salvato il culo nell'ordine : all'Inter (gol decisivi quando mancava Ibrahimovic), al Manchester City (derby storico 1-6, man of the match in finale x prima coppa in 35 anni, assist decisivo x primo campionato in 44 anni) all'Italia (Germania, Europeo, qualificazioni Mondiali, tra l'altro unica partita vinta) al Milan (qualificazione Champions aka 30 milioni), ovvero a tutte.
A noi piace Conte ma i giornalisti dicono che Zaza è "molto umile", "solo Balotelli parla in 3a persona"...
prima intervista a Zaza giorni fa : parla già in terza persona senza aver fatto ancora niente e dice che diventerà il migliore... umilissimo. Dicono che "è uno che la mette", ma va per i 24 anni, come esperienza internazionale ha giocato nell'Ascoli Picchio arrivato 20°, retrocesso in Serie C (Lega Pro), e ha segnato 9 gol in 33 partite in una squadretta, vediamo il migliore che farà ad esempio una doppietta decisiva contro la Germania... Zaza è fuffa.
ice bucket Gallagher
Liam nominated Noel Gallagher for the ice bucket challenge, but obviously Noel won't do it.
What would you expect from an old boring moaning fuck not doing things "not even for starving children"...
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What would you expect from an old boring moaning fuck not doing things "not even for starving children"...
Balotelli @ Liverpool
LEAVErpool, still better than Arse-anal. From walking on them to PARKING on them ahaha
Curioso paese l'Italia : accoglie migliaia di immigrati per la nostra vena solidaristica che ce la fa poi prendere nel culo con tutti i problemi che portano, e si libera del "negro imbecille" che le ha fatto battere la Germania e arrivare 2a agli Europei, battere l'Inghilterra, andare in Champions il Milan, segnato più gol di tutti in Serie A nell'intero anno 2013, ecc. per non parlare del Manchester City che ha vinto la sua prima in 35 anni con Balotelli man of the match, primo campionato in 44 anni con assist decisivo di Balotelli, storico derby vinto 1-6, ecc.
Qui da noi sembra che i soldi li prenda solo lui... Per non parlare ancora di quanto sono MOLTO più imbecilli i giocatori in Inghilterra.
In questo paese ormai si è abituati a pensar male... se sono giornalisti (giornalai) poi è automatico.
I "grandi" opinionisti di Top Calcio 24... vengono persino pagati per dire cagate.
Balotelli ha fatto il messaggio d'addio ai tifosi milanisti in lingua inglese "e quindi" l'ha fatto perchè i tifosi del Liverpool bla bla... Balotelli e il Milan sono amatissimi in tutto il mondo (sembrerebbe tranne che in Italia...)
Il milanista Vito Elia il peggiore di tutti, un ubriacone da bar da due soldi. Adesso via Balotelli e "tutto score"... sì, scoregge. Credono persino alle boiate dei tabloid inglesi. L'interista Ravaioli, cosa c'entra che gli attaccanti del Liverpool sono coloured? Ed è fallito Balotelli o il Milan?? non mi pare che in questi tempi abbia una grande squadra... Deve crescere Balotelli o gli italiani?
Nella pubblicità per abbonarsi a San Siro, si vede Balotelli che segna e fa i suoi magic tricks in campo... ecco così adesso ci prendono pure per il culo.
Beatles fate largo, la Premier League torna a essere interessante : torna Balotelli. Ci vuole un bel coraggio a tornare negli stessi posti di merda e coi tabloid che rompono i coglioni. Sempre meglio degli italiani teste di cazzo.
Tra tante puttanate fatte dall'AC Milan, altra conferma che la rovina del Milan ovvero BB Berluschina (perchè è lei che non lo voleva per la nuova gestione, non Galliani) non capisce una mazza di calcio. Chiunque prendano, i gol li fa il bimbominkia El Shaarawy. Siamo pronti per la B.
Accettazione del fallimento del Milan, quelli che sapevano rinvigorire tutti.
Che grandi nomi poi si fanno come sostituti di Balotelli... persino Torres lo scoppiato, lo scarto, quello rotto... largo al progetto giovani... deve pure rinunciare a tanti soldi, chissà come giocherà bene...
La rimozione forzata di Seedorf, altra boiata. Se non fosse per il bene che vogliamo a Inzaghi, ci sarebbe da desiderare una stagione fallimentare.
Questa cessione suona anche un po' come scusa per il fatto che Mario non sarà proprio titolarissimo con Conte nell'Italia, e si sa come vengono trattati i giocatori italiani all'estero (Giaccherini docet). Qui da noi sono tutti già d'accordo e (non) lo sappiamo.
more to add soon
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Curioso paese l'Italia : accoglie migliaia di immigrati per la nostra vena solidaristica che ce la fa poi prendere nel culo con tutti i problemi che portano, e si libera del "negro imbecille" che le ha fatto battere la Germania e arrivare 2a agli Europei, battere l'Inghilterra, andare in Champions il Milan, segnato più gol di tutti in Serie A nell'intero anno 2013, ecc. per non parlare del Manchester City che ha vinto la sua prima in 35 anni con Balotelli man of the match, primo campionato in 44 anni con assist decisivo di Balotelli, storico derby vinto 1-6, ecc.
Qui da noi sembra che i soldi li prenda solo lui... Per non parlare ancora di quanto sono MOLTO più imbecilli i giocatori in Inghilterra.
In questo paese ormai si è abituati a pensar male... se sono giornalisti (giornalai) poi è automatico.
I "grandi" opinionisti di Top Calcio 24... vengono persino pagati per dire cagate.
Balotelli ha fatto il messaggio d'addio ai tifosi milanisti in lingua inglese "e quindi" l'ha fatto perchè i tifosi del Liverpool bla bla... Balotelli e il Milan sono amatissimi in tutto il mondo (sembrerebbe tranne che in Italia...)
Il milanista Vito Elia il peggiore di tutti, un ubriacone da bar da due soldi. Adesso via Balotelli e "tutto score"... sì, scoregge. Credono persino alle boiate dei tabloid inglesi. L'interista Ravaioli, cosa c'entra che gli attaccanti del Liverpool sono coloured? Ed è fallito Balotelli o il Milan?? non mi pare che in questi tempi abbia una grande squadra... Deve crescere Balotelli o gli italiani?
Nella pubblicità per abbonarsi a San Siro, si vede Balotelli che segna e fa i suoi magic tricks in campo... ecco così adesso ci prendono pure per il culo.
Beatles fate largo, la Premier League torna a essere interessante : torna Balotelli. Ci vuole un bel coraggio a tornare negli stessi posti di merda e coi tabloid che rompono i coglioni. Sempre meglio degli italiani teste di cazzo.
Tra tante puttanate fatte dall'AC Milan, altra conferma che la rovina del Milan ovvero BB Berluschina (perchè è lei che non lo voleva per la nuova gestione, non Galliani) non capisce una mazza di calcio. Chiunque prendano, i gol li fa il bimbominkia El Shaarawy. Siamo pronti per la B.
Accettazione del fallimento del Milan, quelli che sapevano rinvigorire tutti.
Che grandi nomi poi si fanno come sostituti di Balotelli... persino Torres lo scoppiato, lo scarto, quello rotto... largo al progetto giovani... deve pure rinunciare a tanti soldi, chissà come giocherà bene...
La rimozione forzata di Seedorf, altra boiata. Se non fosse per il bene che vogliamo a Inzaghi, ci sarebbe da desiderare una stagione fallimentare.
Questa cessione suona anche un po' come scusa per il fatto che Mario non sarà proprio titolarissimo con Conte nell'Italia, e si sa come vengono trattati i giocatori italiani all'estero (Giaccherini docet). Qui da noi sono tutti già d'accordo e (non) lo sappiamo.
more to add soon
Germany sucks
RIO DE JANEIRO - This is proof Germany sucks... world champion my ass, tonight Italy would've won 3-0, winning as always vs ze Germanz. They couldn't even beat Ghana and not easily Algeria, even needed extra times... At the pub only the fucking fake CHINESE were supporting Germany... says a lot...
Germany also had one day of rest more, quite important with warm temperatures of these days... and they didn't really played the semifinal, while Argentina played until penalties with Holland... But Germany winning was obvious, Brazil wouldn't have let Argentina win on their soil...
Germany also had one day of rest more, quite important with warm temperatures of these days... and they didn't really played the semifinal, while Argentina played until penalties with Holland... But Germany winning was obvious, Brazil wouldn't have let Argentina win on their soil...
the last World Cup they won 24 years ago, Germany-Argentina 1-0 @ Italia 1990 final... Inter Milan's Klinsmann diving, red card for Monzon, referee from Uruguay... They also won thanks to a fake penalty, scored by another Inter player, Brehme
Shangri-La mix (Menorca)
new compilation, songs and videos reminding us of this island (Minorca, not Mallorca), where we had a lot of fun, also in the most beautiful disco in Europe (Cova d'en Xoroi)
fairplay un cazzo
Sfatiamo un mito, un luogo comune che rappresenta qualcosa che in realtà non esiste : gli inglesi dal comportamento sportivo e corretto, e il loro fair-play. Uè Oxford, ma de che?
Se parli con loro anche su internet, trattano la musica ("canzonette") come una guerra tra band (Oasis? fanculo io sono dei Coldplay), noi poi li imitiamo. E riempiono di insulti chiunque osi dire una parola diversa dalle loro, e persino su recensioni cosiddette "serie", se poi sei straniero non hai diritto di parola (saranno forse meno razzisti - perchè le persone di colore sono presenti da più tempo nella loro società - ma estremamente xenofobi).
Giusto per ricordare gli eventi più recenti, dopo Italia-Inghilterra hanno bruciato bandiere italiane, roba tipo Medio Oriente con le bandiere americane (se l'avessimo fatto noi italiani : ma tu guarda quegli africani...). Sarà anche stato un episodio ma l'hanno fatto. Tra l'altro dovrebbero anche essere abbastanza abituati a perdere... (con l'Italia in partita ufficiale non vincono da 37 anni, dal 1977).
Durante il Gran Premio di Gran Bretagna, Rosberg ha avuto un problema tecnico e ha dovuto ritirarsi. Il pubblico britannico ha esultato come a un gol, uno di quelli che non hanno fatto ai Mondiali... Tra l'altro è la stessa macchina del loro Hamilton, quindi poco da stare allegri (la gara non era finita ed Hamilton aveva avuto un problema ancora prima della partenza, quindi ancora a rischio). Poi i tabloid inglesi ci fanno le morali, anche solo quando fischiamo Vettel (cosa che hanno fatto un po' ovunque).
Più che fairplay, gli inglesi sono ancora vicini ad essere hooligan...
Mandria di ubriaconi che il Cielo ha punito con pioggia tutto l'anno, una nazionale che non vince mai, e mangiare di merda.
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Se parli con loro anche su internet, trattano la musica ("canzonette") come una guerra tra band (Oasis? fanculo io sono dei Coldplay), noi poi li imitiamo. E riempiono di insulti chiunque osi dire una parola diversa dalle loro, e persino su recensioni cosiddette "serie", se poi sei straniero non hai diritto di parola (saranno forse meno razzisti - perchè le persone di colore sono presenti da più tempo nella loro società - ma estremamente xenofobi).
Giusto per ricordare gli eventi più recenti, dopo Italia-Inghilterra hanno bruciato bandiere italiane, roba tipo Medio Oriente con le bandiere americane (se l'avessimo fatto noi italiani : ma tu guarda quegli africani...). Sarà anche stato un episodio ma l'hanno fatto. Tra l'altro dovrebbero anche essere abbastanza abituati a perdere... (con l'Italia in partita ufficiale non vincono da 37 anni, dal 1977).
Durante il Gran Premio di Gran Bretagna, Rosberg ha avuto un problema tecnico e ha dovuto ritirarsi. Il pubblico britannico ha esultato come a un gol, uno di quelli che non hanno fatto ai Mondiali... Tra l'altro è la stessa macchina del loro Hamilton, quindi poco da stare allegri (la gara non era finita ed Hamilton aveva avuto un problema ancora prima della partenza, quindi ancora a rischio). Poi i tabloid inglesi ci fanno le morali, anche solo quando fischiamo Vettel (cosa che hanno fatto un po' ovunque).
Più che fairplay, gli inglesi sono ancora vicini ad essere hooligan...
Mandria di ubriaconi che il Cielo ha punito con pioggia tutto l'anno, una nazionale che non vince mai, e mangiare di merda.
Casa Milan, raduno: Inzaghi
Barbara Berlusconi, Galliani, etc. Menez parla in francese pur avendo giocato in Italia x 3 anni... iniziamo bene... Robinho (un incubo, persino x me, che mi piaceva) ieri non avevamo neanche notato che ci fosse... forse si è nascosto bene. Constant è stato ignorato, Mexes insultato dandogli del culattone (era quello che si era infortunato facendosi una lampada...) ...di Niang meglio non parlarne.
"Balotelli pensa di essere un fenomeno, chi non gli dice così, lo odia"
(direttore plurilaureato di Mediapason)
"chi non gli dice così" è un po' un eufemismo eh... provi a leggere ovunque la quantità di insulti razzisti... tipicamente italiani... Poi dicono pure "non c'è razzismo"... forse hanno esperienza di insulti razzisti ricevuti...
Tra l'altro quando ha detto che solo Messi è più forte di lui, era chiaramente una provocazione, che solo le più grandi teste di cazzo a questo mondo, i giornalai, potevano cascarci.
Non è vero che Balotelli ne ha combinate di ogni al Milan (solite balle di Gianluca Rossi), si ricorda solo quella dell'arbitro col Napoli.
è all'INTER che ne ha fatte tante, pistola in centro, prigione donne, ecc. ecc.
"Balotelli pensa di essere un fenomeno, chi non gli dice così, lo odia"
(direttore plurilaureato di Mediapason)
"chi non gli dice così" è un po' un eufemismo eh... provi a leggere ovunque la quantità di insulti razzisti... tipicamente italiani... Poi dicono pure "non c'è razzismo"... forse hanno esperienza di insulti razzisti ricevuti...
Tra l'altro quando ha detto che solo Messi è più forte di lui, era chiaramente una provocazione, che solo le più grandi teste di cazzo a questo mondo, i giornalai, potevano cascarci.
Non è vero che Balotelli ne ha combinate di ogni al Milan (solite balle di Gianluca Rossi), si ricorda solo quella dell'arbitro col Napoli.
è all'INTER che ne ha fatte tante, pistola in centro, prigione donne, ecc. ecc.
tre micetti inglesi

Ai lettori via posta elettronica : c'è un pischello volgarotto che fa il giornalaio inglese, che aborrrrrre gli Oasis (ma è un fancazzista di sport, quindi non capisce una mazza di queste robe) e aveva scritto una recensione ridicola sull'album dei Beady Eye, che adesso fa la vittima (ha imparato da Noel? no, odia anche lui), insultandoci e dicendo che noi lo abbiamo minacciato di morte (ma de che? Schillaci, ti faccio sparare... veramente non avevamo minacciato di lanciare una bomba atomica sul suo paesello del cazzo?), perchè abbiamo scritto che se qualcuno lo vede, di ignorarlo, di non considerarlo, come se non esistesse. Ha tentato di giustificarsi per i suoi insulti a vanvera, in pratica dicendo che con quella recensione "scherzava". Che om'emmerda... E come vendetta tremenda ha iscritto uno dei nostri indirizzi mail a un sito tipo di incontri sentimentali (tempo per disiscriversi e segnalarlo come posta indesiderata : 2 secondi e 3 decimi, come un cambio gomme), facendo le sceneggiate tipo Mario Merola, dicendo ai suoi frocetti che noi l'abbiamo iscritto a quel sito.
Ovvio che questo neanche sa con chi ha a che fare... noi non minacciamo, noi spariamo direttamente.
Un bacio a chi ci odia
Beach Boys mix
one of many bands that jealous Noel hates, 'cause they have too many hits...
with "God only knows", the "perfect song" according to Richard Ashcroft
with "God only knows", the "perfect song" according to Richard Ashcroft
irregular poor World Cup
FORTALEZA - Neymar injured in Brazil-Colombia (exactly the game when there could've been Brazil-Italy), he will miss the match vs Germany and the rest of the World Cup, and their captain will miss the game too... justice done, in the crucial moment.
4 "mistakes" against Italy, one even admitted by the referee (from Uzbekistan).
This World Cup has been irregular from the first game, even from the Confederations Cup, until the end.
So many mistakes by the referees. And it's been a tournament of very poor quality. Also the biggest teams couldn't beat easily the small ones, and this doesn't mean Algeria, Costa Rica, etc. suddenly have world class players...
How can ze Germanz still be there, they suck so bad, they can't even beat Ghana and needed extra time for Algeria. If there was still Italy... they would've lost as always. Now the cat's gone, the mice can dance.
Brazil-Germany is on 8 July, the other semifinal on 9, so they have one day of rest more (just like Italy-Uruguay, Italy had one less), for the final on 13. It's been clear that's fundamental in this competition with warm temperatures.
The number of pathetic scenes of the Brazilians is appropriate for a theatre, not for football.
Also, always referring to God... God doesn't give a fuck about football.
Especially knowing Brazilians and how much they care about MONEY...
Is Brazil being serious? always moaning! refrees against them ahahaha And did they watch Brazil-Colombia again? the hard way of playing was by BRAZIL, and not even getting the right yellow cards. And even asking to have Thiago Silva back! clowns!
Balotelli si è svalutato e non hanno potuto venderlo (meno male, ma purtroppo non ancora finita), invece Prandelli che non ne ha azzeccata una e ha dovuto dimettersi, adesso va a guadagnare il triplo... (perchè non era abbastanza eh). Tra l'altro l'unica gliel'ha fatta vincere Balotelli... Di tutto questo, i perenni moralisti dei soldi non dicono nulla... i loro discorsoni valgono solo contro Balotelli.
Balotelli (uno a caso) aveva in mente la donna, Buffone invece no eh...
Se invece dici qualcosa di diverso, il giornalista interista laureato scienziato tuttologo Gianluca Rossi ti dà del matto. Lui ci ha informato che i giocatori hanno in mente prima di tutto i soldi! non lo sapevamo! il suo Dio Mourinho aveva fatto una grandissima previsione su Balotelli (questa cosa viene ripetuta fino alla nausea da tutti) che a distanza di anni sarebbe rimasto così... era difficilissimissimissimo da prevedere, Mou un vero genio! Lui con insulti e Materazzi con le botte ("pungiball" come si vanta sempre Rossi) avranno sicuramente contribuito a formarlo...
more rants soon
oh diving...
Continue reading...
4 "mistakes" against Italy, one even admitted by the referee (from Uzbekistan).
This World Cup has been irregular from the first game, even from the Confederations Cup, until the end.
So many mistakes by the referees. And it's been a tournament of very poor quality. Also the biggest teams couldn't beat easily the small ones, and this doesn't mean Algeria, Costa Rica, etc. suddenly have world class players...
How can ze Germanz still be there, they suck so bad, they can't even beat Ghana and needed extra time for Algeria. If there was still Italy... they would've lost as always. Now the cat's gone, the mice can dance.
Brazil-Germany is on 8 July, the other semifinal on 9, so they have one day of rest more (just like Italy-Uruguay, Italy had one less), for the final on 13. It's been clear that's fundamental in this competition with warm temperatures.
The number of pathetic scenes of the Brazilians is appropriate for a theatre, not for football.
Also, always referring to God... God doesn't give a fuck about football.
Especially knowing Brazilians and how much they care about MONEY...
Is Brazil being serious? always moaning! refrees against them ahahaha And did they watch Brazil-Colombia again? the hard way of playing was by BRAZIL, and not even getting the right yellow cards. And even asking to have Thiago Silva back! clowns!
Balotelli si è svalutato e non hanno potuto venderlo (meno male, ma purtroppo non ancora finita), invece Prandelli che non ne ha azzeccata una e ha dovuto dimettersi, adesso va a guadagnare il triplo... (perchè non era abbastanza eh). Tra l'altro l'unica gliel'ha fatta vincere Balotelli... Di tutto questo, i perenni moralisti dei soldi non dicono nulla... i loro discorsoni valgono solo contro Balotelli.
Balotelli (uno a caso) aveva in mente la donna, Buffone invece no eh...
Se invece dici qualcosa di diverso, il giornalista interista laureato scienziato tuttologo Gianluca Rossi ti dà del matto. Lui ci ha informato che i giocatori hanno in mente prima di tutto i soldi! non lo sapevamo! il suo Dio Mourinho aveva fatto una grandissima previsione su Balotelli (questa cosa viene ripetuta fino alla nausea da tutti) che a distanza di anni sarebbe rimasto così... era difficilissimissimissimo da prevedere, Mou un vero genio! Lui con insulti e Materazzi con le botte ("pungiball" come si vanta sempre Rossi) avranno sicuramente contribuito a formarlo...
more rants soon
oh diving...
Just Cavalli mix
new compilation, some musicians who've been to the cool club, twinned with Hollywood Milan.
Of course uncool Noel has never been to any
Pretty Green heads to Liam's childhood haunts
MANCHESTER - Rocker Liam Gallagher handpicks favourite hometown locations for Pretty Green fashion shoot - including Sifters record store, The Ritz and Castlefield.
Rock star Liam Gallagher has returned to his favourite childhood haunts in Burnage - as the backdrop for a new fashion campaign for his Pretty Green label.
Oasis and Beady Eye frontman Liam handpicked the locations for the arty shoot, which showcases his rock-n-roll-inspired range of menswear and his trademark parkas.
Models are seen having a kickabout at Cringle Fields, looking at records in the famous Sifters shop, and even posing on the street where Liam and his brother Noel grew up in Burnage.
Liam says the new Autumn/Winter 2014 campaign is about going “back to his roots” as his fashion brand celebrates five years of success in the design world.
And as well as those Burnage backdrops, Liam also selected The Ritz as a favourite city centre music venue, The Eagle Inn in Salford for a traditional boozer, and Castlefied as a nod to Manchester’s industrial heritage.
The singer worked with his design director Pat Salter on the look and feel of the new shoot, which is aiming to show how proud the label is of its British roots, and in particular of Liam’s love for his hometown.
The models are pictured having a kickabout on the streets where Liam grew up, as well as at the Cringle Fields on Errwood Road as well as browsing records at Sifters - the record shop that famously gets a mention in Oasis hit Shakermaker. These locations were used for the more casual items in the range, including the trademark Pretty Green logo t-shirt and bomber jackets.
For the images outside the Ritz, a favourite music venue for Liam where he has played with both Oasis and Beady Eye, the models wear the higher end fashions from Pretty Green’s Black Label, with tailored leather and suede jackets.
There is also more modern tailoring in the shots at The Eagle Inn in Salford, the boozer next door to Blueprint Studios in Salford where Elbow famously record.
Design boss Pat says: “Liam is always involved at every stage with the design process and he was very keen to suggest all the locations on this latest campaign. As well as it being a bit of a journey across Manchester, it’s about places that are special to Liam.”
Liam suggested Sifters record shop, and the design team and models got to meet the legendary Mr Sifter who still runs the traditional shop.
Pat says: “He’s a great guy and had lots of memories of Liam visiting the shop to buy his records. He was really accommodating during the shoot, and I’m sure he’ll be happy as one of the models ended up buying quite a few records after the shoot!”
Campaign images for the Autumn/Winter range will be used in magazines, posters and adverts.
Pretty Green has won huge acclaim since Liam started the label in 2009. The store also has branches in London and Glasgow, and a Japanese outlet launched in 2012.
Continue reading...
Rock star Liam Gallagher has returned to his favourite childhood haunts in Burnage - as the backdrop for a new fashion campaign for his Pretty Green label.
Oasis and Beady Eye frontman Liam handpicked the locations for the arty shoot, which showcases his rock-n-roll-inspired range of menswear and his trademark parkas.
Models are seen having a kickabout at Cringle Fields, looking at records in the famous Sifters shop, and even posing on the street where Liam and his brother Noel grew up in Burnage.
Liam says the new Autumn/Winter 2014 campaign is about going “back to his roots” as his fashion brand celebrates five years of success in the design world.
And as well as those Burnage backdrops, Liam also selected The Ritz as a favourite city centre music venue, The Eagle Inn in Salford for a traditional boozer, and Castlefied as a nod to Manchester’s industrial heritage.
The singer worked with his design director Pat Salter on the look and feel of the new shoot, which is aiming to show how proud the label is of its British roots, and in particular of Liam’s love for his hometown.
The models are pictured having a kickabout on the streets where Liam grew up, as well as at the Cringle Fields on Errwood Road as well as browsing records at Sifters - the record shop that famously gets a mention in Oasis hit Shakermaker. These locations were used for the more casual items in the range, including the trademark Pretty Green logo t-shirt and bomber jackets.
For the images outside the Ritz, a favourite music venue for Liam where he has played with both Oasis and Beady Eye, the models wear the higher end fashions from Pretty Green’s Black Label, with tailored leather and suede jackets.
There is also more modern tailoring in the shots at The Eagle Inn in Salford, the boozer next door to Blueprint Studios in Salford where Elbow famously record.
Design boss Pat says: “Liam is always involved at every stage with the design process and he was very keen to suggest all the locations on this latest campaign. As well as it being a bit of a journey across Manchester, it’s about places that are special to Liam.”
Liam suggested Sifters record shop, and the design team and models got to meet the legendary Mr Sifter who still runs the traditional shop.
Pat says: “He’s a great guy and had lots of memories of Liam visiting the shop to buy his records. He was really accommodating during the shoot, and I’m sure he’ll be happy as one of the models ended up buying quite a few records after the shoot!”
Campaign images for the Autumn/Winter range will be used in magazines, posters and adverts.
Pretty Green has won huge acclaim since Liam started the label in 2009. The store also has branches in London and Glasgow, and a Japanese outlet launched in 2012.
Hollywood Milan '86-'14 mix
new compilation, some of the musicians who've been to our legendary club, founded in 1973 but called Hollywood Milano in 1982, considered born in 1986 with the new management.
Paul Gallagher was also a deejay here, Noel has never been 'cause it's too cool for him
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Oasisblues copyright © 1994 - 2022
2022 Noel Gallagher gigs
- 4 June - In It Together festival, Margam, Wales UK
- 8 June - Dreamland Margate Summer Series, England UK
- 9 June - Rock'n'Roll Circus, Newcastle, England UK
- 11 June - Summer Sessions, Dundee, Scotland UK
- 12 June - Cannock Chase Forest, Staffordshire, England UK
- 15 June - Eden Sessions, Cornwall, England UK
- 16 June - Delamere Forest, Cheshire, England UK
- 18 June - Stadiwm Eirias stadium, Colwyn Bay, Wales UK
- 19 June - Kenwood, Hampstead Heath, London England UK
- 21 June - The Piece Hall, Halifax England UK
- 22 June - Bristol Sounds, Bristol Harbourside, England UK
- 25 June - Glastonbury festival, England UK
- 22 September - Football event, Emirates Old Trafford cricket ground, Manchester, England UK
- 2 December - Peter Blake concert - Royal Festival Hall, London, England UK
- more soon

more or less, not precise
Noel Gallagher gigography
1 May, Concerto Primo Maggio, Roma, Italy
Thetford Forest, BrandonCannock Chase Forest, Rugeley
Kenwood House, London
Eden Project, St. Austell
Canons Marsh Amphitheatre, Bristol
Sherwood Pines, Mansfield, Nottingham
30 November 2019
Show DC Arena, Bangkok, ประเทศไทย, Prathet Thai, Thailand
27 Nov 2019
Optus Stadium, Perth, Australia
23 Nov 2019
Sydney Cricket Ground, Sydney, AU
22 Nov 2019
Sydney Cricket Ground, Sydney, AU
19 Nov 2019
The Oval, Adelaide, AU
15 Nov 2019
Marvel Stadium, Melbourne, AU
12 Nov 2019
SunCorp Stadium, Brisbane, AU
09 Nov 2019
Mt. Smart, Auckland
08 Nov 2019
Mt. Smart, Auckland, New Zealand
31 Aug 2019
Shoreline Amphitheatre, Mountain View, CA
29 Aug 2019
Five Points Amphitheatre, Irvine, CA
28 Aug 2019
North Island Credit Union Amphitheatre, San Diego, CA
25 Aug 2019
Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion, Houston, TX
24 Aug 2019
Dos Equis Pavilion, Dallas, TX
23 Aug 2019
Walmart Arkansas Music Pavilion, Rogers, AR
21 Aug 2019
Ameris Bank Amphitheatre, Atlanta, GA
20 Aug 2019
PNC Music Pavilion, Charlotte, NC
19 Aug 2019
Blossom Music Center, Cleveland, OH
17 Aug 2019
Merriweather Post Pavilion, Columbia, MD
15 Aug 2019
Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre, Chicago, IL
14 Aug 2019
DTE Energy Music Theater, Detroit MI
13 Aug 2019
Budweiser Stage, Toronto
10 Aug 2019
Darien Lake Performing Arts Center, Darien Center, NY
09 Aug 2019
Northwell Health Jones Beach Theatre, Wantagh, NY
08 Aug 2019
BB&T Pavilion, Camden, NJ
11 Jul 2019
Mad Cool Festival Madrid, Spain
09 Jul 2019
Mantova Arte E Musica, Mantova, Italy
08 Jul 2019
Pistoia Blues Festival, Pistoia, Italy
06 Jul 2019
Roskilde Festival, Denmark Roskilde, Denmark
30 Jun 2019
Sunday Sessions, Powderham Castle, Exeter
29 Jun 2019
Concert At Sea (Festival) Netherlands
16 Jun 2019
Malahide Castle, Dublin
14 Jun 2019
Isle Of Wight Festival
08 Jun 2019
Bught Park, Inverness
07 Jun 2019
Heaton Park, Manchester
26 May 2019
Sunday Sessions, Earlham Park, Norwich
25 May 2019
This Is Tomorrow Festival, Exhibition Park, Newcastle
24 May 2019
Cardiff Castle Cardiff Castle, Wales
20 May 2019
Olympic Hall, Olympic Park Seoul
19 May 2019
Olympic Hall, Seoul, South Korea
17 May 2019
Festival Hall, Osaka
16 May 2019
Aichi Arts Centre, Nagoya
15 May 2019
Makuhari Messe, Tokyo
11 May 2019
Bonus Arena Hull
09 May 2019
The London Palladium
08 May 2019
Venue Cymru Llandudno
07 May 2019
Edinburgh Playhouse
04 May 2019
Warm Up Festival Murcia
01 May 2019
Concerto del Primo Maggio, Piazza San Giovanni, Roma
10 Nov 2018
KM de Vantagens Hall, Belo Horizonte, Brasil
08 Nov 2018
Summer Break Festival, Brazil Anembi, Sāo Paulo
07 Nov 2018
Summer Break Festival, Brazil The Pedreira Paulo Leminski, Curitiba
04 Nov 2018
Luna Park , Buenos Aires, Argentina
03 Nov 2018
Metropolitano, Rosario, Argentina
31 Oct 2018
Velódromo, Santiago, Chile
30 Oct 2018
Gimnasio Municipal, Concepción, Chile
02 Sep 2018
Bingley Music Live Bingley, West Yorkshire
01 Sep 2018
The Downs, Bristol
31 Aug 2018
Electric Fields Festival, Dumfries & Galloway
26 Aug 2018
Festival du Roi Arthur, Rennes, France
19 Aug 2018
Summersonic Festival, Osaka
18 Aug 2018
Summersonic Festival, Tokyo, Japan
16 Aug 2018
Olympic Hall, Olympic Park, Seoul
22 Jul 2018
Lollapalooza, Paris
21 Jul 2018
Tramlines Festival, Sheffield
19 Jul 2018
Edinburgh Castle, Scotland
18 Jul 2018
The 02 Ritz, Manchester
14 Jul 2018
Bilbao BBK Live
08 Jul 2018
Rock Werchter festival, Belgium
07 Jul 2018
Greenwich Music Time, Old Royal Naval College, Greenwich, London
06 Jul 2018
Scarborough Open Air Theatre, Scarborough
04 Jul 2018
Open'er Music Festival Gdynia-Kosakowo Airfield, Gdynia
23 Jun 2018
I-Days Festival Milano, Italia
22 Jun 2018
Roma Summer Fest, Auditorium Parco della Musica, Cavea, Rome, Italia
21 Jun 2018
Etes Arena Flegrea, Napoli, Italia
19 Jun 2018
Teatro Antico Taormina, Italy
16 Jun 2018
Pinkpop Festival Landgraaf, Netherlands
15 Jun 2018
Nocturne At Blenheim Palace, Blenheim Palace
02 Jun 2018
Adrenaline Stadium, Москва, Moscow, Росси́я, Russia
01 Jun 2018
A2 Green, Санкт-Петербург Sankt-Peterburg, Saint Petersburg, Russia
27 May 2018
Neighbourhood Weekender Festival, Victoria Park, Warrington, UK
26 May 2018
Scone Palace (Radio 2's Big Weekend) Scone Palace, Perth, UK
14 May 2018
Watford Colosseum Rickmansworth Rd, Watford
10 May 2018
3Arena, Dublin, Ireland
09 May 2018
SSE Arena, Belfast, UK
07 May 2018
First Direct Arena, Leeds, UK
06 May 2018
Motorpoint Arena, Cardiff, UK
04 May 2018
Manchester Arena, UK
03 May 2018
Metro Radio Arena, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK
01 May 2018
Arena, Birmingham, UK
30 Apr 2018
Motorpoint Arena, Nottingham, UK
27 Apr 2018
SSE Arena, Wembley, London, UK
25 Apr 2018
AECC BHGE Arena, Aberdeen, UK
24 Apr 2018
The SSE Hydro, Glasgow, UK
22 Apr 2018
Brighton Centre, Brighton, UK
20 Apr 2018
Rockhal Esch Sur Alzette, Luxembourg
19 Apr 2018
AFAS Live Amsterdam, Netherlands
17 Apr 2018
Schlachthof, Wiesbaden, Germany
16 Apr 2018
Max-Schmeling-Halle, Berlin, Germany
14 Apr 2018
Lucerna Velký sál, Prague, Česká republika, Czech Republic
12 Apr 2018
Zenith, Die Kulturhalle, München, Germany
11 Apr 2018
Fabrique, Milan, Italy
09 Apr 2018
Mitsubishi Electric Halle, Düsseldorf, Germany
08 Apr 2018
Mehr! Theater am Großmarkt, Hamburg, Germany
06 Apr 2018
Forest National / Vorst Nationaal, Brussels, Belgium
04 Apr 2018
L'Olympia, Paris, France
03 Apr 2018
L'Olympia, Paris, France
17 Mar 2018
Vive Latino (Festival) Mexico City
13 Mar 2018
Orpheum Theatre, Los Angeles, US
12 Mar 2018
Orpheum Theatre, Los Angeles, US
10 Mar 2018
Fox Theater, San Francisco Bay Area, US
09 Mar 2018
The Chelsea, The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas, US
06 Mar 2018
Majestic Theatre Dallas - Fort Worth, US
05 Mar 2018
Austin City Limits Live at The Moody Theater, Austin, US
03 Mar 2018
House of Blues, Houston, US
02 Mar 2018
Orpheum Theater, New Orleans, US
28 Feb 2018
The Tabernacle, Atlanta, US
27 Feb 2018
Ryman Auditorium, Nashville, US
25 Feb 2018
Murat Theatre, Old National Centre, Indianapolis, US
24 Feb 2018
Chicago Theatre, US
23 Feb 2018
Goodyear Theater, Akron, US
20 Feb 2018
Sony Centre for the Performing Arts, Toronto, Canada
18 Feb 2018
Place des Arts, Montreal, Canada
17 Feb 2018
Boston Opera House, Boston / Cambridge, US
15 Feb 2018
Radio City Music Hall, New York, US
13 Feb 2018
Merriam Theater, Kimmel Center, Philadelphia, US
12 Feb 2018
The Anthem, Washington, US
10 Feb 2018
Express Live! Columbus, US
09 Feb 2018
Scottish Rite Cathedral Theatre, Masonic Temple Detroit, US
01 Nov 2017
York Hall, London
25 Oct 2017
Estádio Cícero Pompeu de Toledo (Morumbi) São Paulo, Brazil
22 Oct 2017
Estádio Cícero Pompeu de Toledo (Morumbi) São Paulo, Brazil
21 Oct 2017
Estádio Cícero Pompeu de Toledo (Morumbi) São Paulo, Brazil
19 Oct 2017
Estádio Cícero Pompeu de Toledo (Morumbi) São Paulo, Brazil
14 Oct 2017
Estadio Nacional, Santiago, Chile
11 Oct 2017
Estadio Único de la Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina
10 Oct 2017
Estadio Único De La Plata, Buenos Aires
07 Oct 2017
Estadio el Campin, Bogotá, Colombia
04 Oct 2017
Foro Sol, Mexico City
03 Oct 2017
Foro Sol, Mexico City
01 Aug 2017
Stade Roi Baudouin / Koning Boudewijn Stadion, Brussels, Belgium
29 Jul 2017
Amsterdam ArenA, Netherlands
25 Jul 2017
Stade De France, Paris
22 Jul 2017
Croke Park, Dublin, Ireland
18 Jul 2017
Estadi Olímpic Lluís Companys, Barcelona, Spain
16 Jul 2017
Stadio Olimpico, Rome, Italy
15 Jul 2017
Stadio Olimpico, Roma, Italia
12 Jul 2017
Olympic Stadium, Berlin, Germany
09 Jul 2017
Twickenham Stadium, London, UK
08 Jul 2017
Twickenham Stadium, London, UK
06 Sep 2016
O2 Academy Brixton, London, UK
04 Sep 2016
Festival Number 6 2016, Criccieth, UK
03 Sep 2016
Electric Picnic 2016, Galway, Ireland
02 Sep 2016
Singleton Park, Swansea, UK
28 Aug 2016
Victorious Festival 2016, Portsmouth, UK
26 Aug 2016
Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, UK
23 Aug 2016
Titanic Belfast, UK
20 Aug 2016
Lowlands Festival, Holland
19 Aug 2016
Pukkelpop Festival, Belgium
18 Aug 2016
Open Air Gampel 2016, Gampel, Switzerland
17 Aug 2016
Pukkelpop 2016, Hasselt, Belgium
16 Aug 2016
Tvornica kulture, Zagreb, Croatia
15 Aug 2016
Sziget Festival, Budapest, Magyarország, Hungary
13 Aug 2016
Pure & Crafted Festival 2016, Berlin, Deutschland
12 Aug 2016
A Summer's Tale 2016, Hamburg, Germany
11 Aug 2016
Koncerthuset, Koncertsalen, Copenhagen, Denmark
04 Aug 2016
Proms Arena Lytham Green, Lytham St. Annes, UK
04 Aug 2016
Lytham Green, Lytham, UK
03 Aug 2016
Scarborough Open Air Theatre, York, UK
29 Jul 2016
Y Not Festival 2016, Derby, UK
28 Jul 2016
Kendal Calling 2016, Penrith, UK
15 Jul 2016
Arena District, Columbus, US
15 Jul 2016
PromoWest Fest 2016, Columbus, US
14 Jul 2016
Pemberton Music Festival 2016, Vancouver, Canada
13 Jul 2016
Stage AE, Pittsburgh, US
12 Jul 2016
Meadow Brook Amphitheatre, Detroit, US
10 Jul 2016
TD Echo Beach, Toronto, Canada
09 Jul 2016
Place des Arts, Montreal, Canada
06 Jul 2016
Artpark Amphitheater, Buffalo, US
06 Jul 2016
Ottawa Bluesfest 2016, Ottawa, Canada
05 Jul 2016
Beacon Theatre, New York, US
02 Jul 2016
Ryman Auditorium, Nashville, US
01 Jul 2016
The Tabernacle, Atlanta, US
30 Apr 2016
Bournemouth International Centre (BIC) Bournemouth, UK
29 Apr 2016
Genting Arena, Birmingham, UK
27 Apr 2016
First Direct Arena, Leeds, UK
25 Apr 2016
Echo Arena, Liverpool, UK
25 Apr 2016
O2 Academy, Liverpool, UK
24 Apr 2016
Aberdeen Exhibition & Conference Centre (AECC) Aberdeen, UK
21 Apr 2016
The SSE Hydro, Glasgow, UK
18 Apr 2016
AFAS Live, Amsterdam, Nederland
17 Apr 2016
Forest National / Vorst Nationaal, Brussels, Belgium
15 Apr 2016
Palladium, Köln, Germany
12 Apr 2016
Planet.tt Bank Austria Halle Gasometer B, Vienna, Österreich
12 Apr 2016
Zenith, Die Kulturhalle, Munich, Germany
11 Apr 2016
X-TRA, Zürich, Switzerland
09 Apr 2016
Sant Jordi Club, Barcelona, España
08 Apr 2016
La Riviera, Madrid, Spain
01 Apr 2016
Crown Theatre, Perth, Australia
30 Mar 2016
Adelaide Entertainment Centre, Adelaide, Australia
29 Mar 2016
Margaret Court Arena, Melbourne, Australia
27 Mar 2016
Tyagarah Tea Tree Farm, Gold Coast, Australia
26 Mar 2016
Hordern Pavilion, Sydney, Australia
26 Mar 2016
Tyagarah Tea Tree Farm Gold Coast, Australia
24 Mar 2016
Byron Bay Bluesfest 2016 Gold Coast, Australia
19 Mar 2016
Lollapalooza 2016, Buenos Aires, Argentina
17 Mar 2016
Lollapalooza 2016, Santiago, Chile
16 Mar 2016
Luna Park, Buenos Aires, Argentina
15 Mar 2016
Teatro De Verano "Ramón Collazo", Montevideo, Uruguay
13 Mar 2016
Lollapalooza 2016, São Paulo, Brazil
09 Mar 2016
Teatro Metropólitan, Mexico City, Méjico
08 Mar 2016
Teatro Diana, Guadalajara, Mexico
10 Dec 2015
Royal Albert Hall, London, UK
08 Dec 2015
The SSE Hydro, Glasgow, UK
02 Dec 2015
O2 Apollo, Manchester, UK
24 Jul 2015
Fuji Rock 2015, Niigata, Japan
24 Jul 2015
Ansan Valley Rock Festival 2015, Ansan, Republic of Korea
16 Jul 2015
Latitude Festival 2015, Southwold, UK
16 Jul 2015
Festival Internacional de Benicàssim - FIB 2015, Valencia, Spain
16 Jul 2015
Super Bock Super Rock 2015, Lisbon, Portugal
14 Jul 2015
Live at the Marquee, Cork, Ireland
11 Jul 2015
Summer in the City 2015, Manchester, UK
11 Jul 2015
Castlefield Bowl, Manchester, UK
10 Jul 2015
T In The Park 2015, Auchterarder, UK
09 Jul 2015
Rock in Roma - Ippodromo delle Capannelle, Rome, Italy
08 Jul 2015
Anfiteatro Camerini, Vicenza, Italy
06 Jul 2015
Summer Arena Assago - Area Esterna Mediolanum Forum, Milan, Italy
04 Jul 2015
Calling Festival 2015, London, UK
02 Jul 2015
Gröna Lund, Stockholm, Sverige
27 Jun 2015
Roskilde Festival 2015, Roskilde, Danmark
25 Jun 2015
Rock Werchter 2015, Werchter, België
23 Jun 2015
OUÏ FM Festival 2015, Paris, France
19 Jun 2015
Best Kept Secret Festival 2015, Hilvarenbeek, Netherlands
06 Jun 2015
Boston Opera House, Boston / Cambridge, US
06 Jun 2015
The Governors Ball Music Festival 2015, New York, US
04 Jun 2015
Lincoln Theatre, Washington, US
03 Jun 2015
Merriam Theater, Kimmel Center, Philadelphia, US
02 Jun 2015
House of Blues, Cleveland, US
31 May 2015
Royal Oak Music Theatre, Detroit, US
30 May 2015
Pabst Theatre, Milwaukee, US
29 May 2015
Riviera Theatre, Chicago, US
26 May 2015
Teatro Metropólitan Mexico City
23 May 2015
The Joint, Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Las Vegas, US
22 May 2015
The Joint, Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Las Vegas, US
20 May 2015
Orpheum Theatre, Los Angeles, US
18 May 2015
The Warfield, SF Bay Area, US
16 May 2015
Humphrey's Concerts by the Bay, San Diego, US
14 May 2015
Majestic Theatre Dallas - Fort Worth, US
13 May 2015
House of Blues, Houston, US
10 May 2015
Civic Theatre, New Orleans, US
08 May 2015
Shaky Knees Festival 2015, Atlanta, US
07 May 2015
Webster Hall, New York, US
04 May 2015
Sony Centre for the Performing Arts, Toronto, Canada
03 May 2015
Sony Centre for the Performing Arts, Toronto, Canada
16 Apr 2015
Nippon Budokan|日本武道館 Tokyo, Japan
15 Apr 2015
Nippon Budokan|日本武道館 Tokyo, Japan
13 Apr 2015
Zepp Nagoya Nagoya, Japan
11 Apr 2015
Zepp Fukuoka Fukuoka, Japan
09 Apr 2015
Hiroshima Bunka Gakuen (HBG) Hall - 広島文化学園HBGホール Hiroshima, Japan
07 Apr 2015
Osaka Festival Hall (フェスティバルホール) Osaka, Japan
06 Apr 2015
Osaka Festival Hall (フェスティバルホール) Osaka, Japan
04 Apr 2015
Walker Hill Theater, Seoul, Republic of Korea
03 Apr 2015
Walker Hill Theater, Seoul, Republic of Korea
28 Mar 2015
Royal Albert Hall, London, UK
22 Mar 2015
Ancienne Belgique (AB) Brussels, Belgium
20 Mar 2015
TivoliVredenburg, Utrecht, Netherlands
19 Mar 2015
Mitsubishi Electric Halle, Düsseldorf, Germany
17 Mar 2015
VEGA Musikkens Hus - Store Vega (Main Hall) Copenhagen, Denmark
16 Mar 2015
Max-Schmeling-Halle, Berlin, Germany
14 March 2015
Show DC Arena, Bangkok, ประเทศไทย, Prathet Thai, Thailand
27 Nov 2019
Optus Stadium, Perth, Australia
23 Nov 2019
Sydney Cricket Ground, Sydney, AU
22 Nov 2019
Sydney Cricket Ground, Sydney, AU
19 Nov 2019
The Oval, Adelaide, AU
15 Nov 2019
Marvel Stadium, Melbourne, AU
12 Nov 2019
SunCorp Stadium, Brisbane, AU
09 Nov 2019
Mt. Smart, Auckland
08 Nov 2019
Mt. Smart, Auckland, New Zealand
31 Aug 2019
Shoreline Amphitheatre, Mountain View, CA
29 Aug 2019
Five Points Amphitheatre, Irvine, CA
28 Aug 2019
North Island Credit Union Amphitheatre, San Diego, CA
25 Aug 2019
Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion, Houston, TX
24 Aug 2019
Dos Equis Pavilion, Dallas, TX
23 Aug 2019
Walmart Arkansas Music Pavilion, Rogers, AR
21 Aug 2019
Ameris Bank Amphitheatre, Atlanta, GA
20 Aug 2019
PNC Music Pavilion, Charlotte, NC
19 Aug 2019
Blossom Music Center, Cleveland, OH
17 Aug 2019
Merriweather Post Pavilion, Columbia, MD
15 Aug 2019
Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre, Chicago, IL
14 Aug 2019
DTE Energy Music Theater, Detroit MI
13 Aug 2019
Budweiser Stage, Toronto
10 Aug 2019
Darien Lake Performing Arts Center, Darien Center, NY
09 Aug 2019
Northwell Health Jones Beach Theatre, Wantagh, NY
08 Aug 2019
BB&T Pavilion, Camden, NJ
11 Jul 2019
Mad Cool Festival Madrid, Spain
09 Jul 2019
Mantova Arte E Musica, Mantova, Italy
08 Jul 2019
Pistoia Blues Festival, Pistoia, Italy
06 Jul 2019
Roskilde Festival, Denmark Roskilde, Denmark
30 Jun 2019
Sunday Sessions, Powderham Castle, Exeter
29 Jun 2019
Concert At Sea (Festival) Netherlands
16 Jun 2019
Malahide Castle, Dublin
14 Jun 2019
Isle Of Wight Festival
08 Jun 2019
Bught Park, Inverness
07 Jun 2019
Heaton Park, Manchester
26 May 2019
Sunday Sessions, Earlham Park, Norwich
25 May 2019
This Is Tomorrow Festival, Exhibition Park, Newcastle
24 May 2019
Cardiff Castle Cardiff Castle, Wales
20 May 2019
Olympic Hall, Olympic Park Seoul
19 May 2019
Olympic Hall, Seoul, South Korea
17 May 2019
Festival Hall, Osaka
16 May 2019
Aichi Arts Centre, Nagoya
15 May 2019
Makuhari Messe, Tokyo
11 May 2019
Bonus Arena Hull
09 May 2019
The London Palladium
08 May 2019
Venue Cymru Llandudno
07 May 2019
Edinburgh Playhouse
04 May 2019
Warm Up Festival Murcia
01 May 2019
Concerto del Primo Maggio, Piazza San Giovanni, Roma
10 Nov 2018
KM de Vantagens Hall, Belo Horizonte, Brasil
08 Nov 2018
Summer Break Festival, Brazil Anembi, Sāo Paulo
07 Nov 2018
Summer Break Festival, Brazil The Pedreira Paulo Leminski, Curitiba
04 Nov 2018
Luna Park , Buenos Aires, Argentina
03 Nov 2018
Metropolitano, Rosario, Argentina
31 Oct 2018
Velódromo, Santiago, Chile
30 Oct 2018
Gimnasio Municipal, Concepción, Chile
02 Sep 2018
Bingley Music Live Bingley, West Yorkshire
01 Sep 2018
The Downs, Bristol
31 Aug 2018
Electric Fields Festival, Dumfries & Galloway
26 Aug 2018
Festival du Roi Arthur, Rennes, France
19 Aug 2018
Summersonic Festival, Osaka
18 Aug 2018
Summersonic Festival, Tokyo, Japan
16 Aug 2018
Olympic Hall, Olympic Park, Seoul
22 Jul 2018
Lollapalooza, Paris
21 Jul 2018
Tramlines Festival, Sheffield
19 Jul 2018
Edinburgh Castle, Scotland
18 Jul 2018
The 02 Ritz, Manchester
14 Jul 2018
Bilbao BBK Live
08 Jul 2018
Rock Werchter festival, Belgium
07 Jul 2018
Greenwich Music Time, Old Royal Naval College, Greenwich, London
06 Jul 2018
Scarborough Open Air Theatre, Scarborough
04 Jul 2018
Open'er Music Festival Gdynia-Kosakowo Airfield, Gdynia
23 Jun 2018
I-Days Festival Milano, Italia
22 Jun 2018
Roma Summer Fest, Auditorium Parco della Musica, Cavea, Rome, Italia
21 Jun 2018
Etes Arena Flegrea, Napoli, Italia
19 Jun 2018
Teatro Antico Taormina, Italy
16 Jun 2018
Pinkpop Festival Landgraaf, Netherlands
15 Jun 2018
Nocturne At Blenheim Palace, Blenheim Palace
02 Jun 2018
Adrenaline Stadium, Москва, Moscow, Росси́я, Russia
01 Jun 2018
A2 Green, Санкт-Петербург Sankt-Peterburg, Saint Petersburg, Russia
27 May 2018
Neighbourhood Weekender Festival, Victoria Park, Warrington, UK
26 May 2018
Scone Palace (Radio 2's Big Weekend) Scone Palace, Perth, UK
14 May 2018
Watford Colosseum Rickmansworth Rd, Watford
10 May 2018
3Arena, Dublin, Ireland
09 May 2018
SSE Arena, Belfast, UK
07 May 2018
First Direct Arena, Leeds, UK
06 May 2018
Motorpoint Arena, Cardiff, UK
04 May 2018
Manchester Arena, UK
03 May 2018
Metro Radio Arena, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK
01 May 2018
Arena, Birmingham, UK
30 Apr 2018
Motorpoint Arena, Nottingham, UK
27 Apr 2018
SSE Arena, Wembley, London, UK
25 Apr 2018
AECC BHGE Arena, Aberdeen, UK
24 Apr 2018
The SSE Hydro, Glasgow, UK
22 Apr 2018
Brighton Centre, Brighton, UK
20 Apr 2018
Rockhal Esch Sur Alzette, Luxembourg
19 Apr 2018
AFAS Live Amsterdam, Netherlands
17 Apr 2018
Schlachthof, Wiesbaden, Germany
16 Apr 2018
Max-Schmeling-Halle, Berlin, Germany
14 Apr 2018
Lucerna Velký sál, Prague, Česká republika, Czech Republic
12 Apr 2018
Zenith, Die Kulturhalle, München, Germany
11 Apr 2018
Fabrique, Milan, Italy
09 Apr 2018
Mitsubishi Electric Halle, Düsseldorf, Germany
08 Apr 2018
Mehr! Theater am Großmarkt, Hamburg, Germany
06 Apr 2018
Forest National / Vorst Nationaal, Brussels, Belgium
04 Apr 2018
L'Olympia, Paris, France
03 Apr 2018
L'Olympia, Paris, France
17 Mar 2018
Vive Latino (Festival) Mexico City
13 Mar 2018
Orpheum Theatre, Los Angeles, US
12 Mar 2018
Orpheum Theatre, Los Angeles, US
10 Mar 2018
Fox Theater, San Francisco Bay Area, US
09 Mar 2018
The Chelsea, The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas, US
06 Mar 2018
Majestic Theatre Dallas - Fort Worth, US
05 Mar 2018
Austin City Limits Live at The Moody Theater, Austin, US
03 Mar 2018
House of Blues, Houston, US
02 Mar 2018
Orpheum Theater, New Orleans, US
28 Feb 2018
The Tabernacle, Atlanta, US
27 Feb 2018
Ryman Auditorium, Nashville, US
25 Feb 2018
Murat Theatre, Old National Centre, Indianapolis, US
24 Feb 2018
Chicago Theatre, US
23 Feb 2018
Goodyear Theater, Akron, US
20 Feb 2018
Sony Centre for the Performing Arts, Toronto, Canada
18 Feb 2018
Place des Arts, Montreal, Canada
17 Feb 2018
Boston Opera House, Boston / Cambridge, US
15 Feb 2018
Radio City Music Hall, New York, US
13 Feb 2018
Merriam Theater, Kimmel Center, Philadelphia, US
12 Feb 2018
The Anthem, Washington, US
10 Feb 2018
Express Live! Columbus, US
09 Feb 2018
Scottish Rite Cathedral Theatre, Masonic Temple Detroit, US
01 Nov 2017
York Hall, London
25 Oct 2017
Estádio Cícero Pompeu de Toledo (Morumbi) São Paulo, Brazil
22 Oct 2017
Estádio Cícero Pompeu de Toledo (Morumbi) São Paulo, Brazil
21 Oct 2017
Estádio Cícero Pompeu de Toledo (Morumbi) São Paulo, Brazil
19 Oct 2017
Estádio Cícero Pompeu de Toledo (Morumbi) São Paulo, Brazil
14 Oct 2017
Estadio Nacional, Santiago, Chile
11 Oct 2017
Estadio Único de la Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina
10 Oct 2017
Estadio Único De La Plata, Buenos Aires
07 Oct 2017
Estadio el Campin, Bogotá, Colombia
04 Oct 2017
Foro Sol, Mexico City
03 Oct 2017
Foro Sol, Mexico City
01 Aug 2017
Stade Roi Baudouin / Koning Boudewijn Stadion, Brussels, Belgium
29 Jul 2017
Amsterdam ArenA, Netherlands
25 Jul 2017
Stade De France, Paris
22 Jul 2017
Croke Park, Dublin, Ireland
18 Jul 2017
Estadi Olímpic Lluís Companys, Barcelona, Spain
16 Jul 2017
Stadio Olimpico, Rome, Italy
15 Jul 2017
Stadio Olimpico, Roma, Italia
12 Jul 2017
Olympic Stadium, Berlin, Germany
09 Jul 2017
Twickenham Stadium, London, UK
08 Jul 2017
Twickenham Stadium, London, UK
06 Sep 2016
O2 Academy Brixton, London, UK
04 Sep 2016
Festival Number 6 2016, Criccieth, UK
03 Sep 2016
Electric Picnic 2016, Galway, Ireland
02 Sep 2016
Singleton Park, Swansea, UK
28 Aug 2016
Victorious Festival 2016, Portsmouth, UK
26 Aug 2016
Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, UK
23 Aug 2016
Titanic Belfast, UK
20 Aug 2016
Lowlands Festival, Holland
19 Aug 2016
Pukkelpop Festival, Belgium
18 Aug 2016
Open Air Gampel 2016, Gampel, Switzerland
17 Aug 2016
Pukkelpop 2016, Hasselt, Belgium
16 Aug 2016
Tvornica kulture, Zagreb, Croatia
15 Aug 2016
Sziget Festival, Budapest, Magyarország, Hungary
13 Aug 2016
Pure & Crafted Festival 2016, Berlin, Deutschland
12 Aug 2016
A Summer's Tale 2016, Hamburg, Germany
11 Aug 2016
Koncerthuset, Koncertsalen, Copenhagen, Denmark
04 Aug 2016
Proms Arena Lytham Green, Lytham St. Annes, UK
04 Aug 2016
Lytham Green, Lytham, UK
03 Aug 2016
Scarborough Open Air Theatre, York, UK
29 Jul 2016
Y Not Festival 2016, Derby, UK
28 Jul 2016
Kendal Calling 2016, Penrith, UK
15 Jul 2016
Arena District, Columbus, US
15 Jul 2016
PromoWest Fest 2016, Columbus, US
14 Jul 2016
Pemberton Music Festival 2016, Vancouver, Canada
13 Jul 2016
Stage AE, Pittsburgh, US
12 Jul 2016
Meadow Brook Amphitheatre, Detroit, US
10 Jul 2016
TD Echo Beach, Toronto, Canada
09 Jul 2016
Place des Arts, Montreal, Canada
06 Jul 2016
Artpark Amphitheater, Buffalo, US
06 Jul 2016
Ottawa Bluesfest 2016, Ottawa, Canada
05 Jul 2016
Beacon Theatre, New York, US
02 Jul 2016
Ryman Auditorium, Nashville, US
01 Jul 2016
The Tabernacle, Atlanta, US
30 Apr 2016
Bournemouth International Centre (BIC) Bournemouth, UK
29 Apr 2016
Genting Arena, Birmingham, UK
27 Apr 2016
First Direct Arena, Leeds, UK
25 Apr 2016
Echo Arena, Liverpool, UK
25 Apr 2016
O2 Academy, Liverpool, UK
24 Apr 2016
Aberdeen Exhibition & Conference Centre (AECC) Aberdeen, UK
21 Apr 2016
The SSE Hydro, Glasgow, UK
18 Apr 2016
AFAS Live, Amsterdam, Nederland
17 Apr 2016
Forest National / Vorst Nationaal, Brussels, Belgium
15 Apr 2016
Palladium, Köln, Germany
12 Apr 2016
Planet.tt Bank Austria Halle Gasometer B, Vienna, Österreich
12 Apr 2016
Zenith, Die Kulturhalle, Munich, Germany
11 Apr 2016
X-TRA, Zürich, Switzerland
09 Apr 2016
Sant Jordi Club, Barcelona, España
08 Apr 2016
La Riviera, Madrid, Spain
01 Apr 2016
Crown Theatre, Perth, Australia
30 Mar 2016
Adelaide Entertainment Centre, Adelaide, Australia
29 Mar 2016
Margaret Court Arena, Melbourne, Australia
27 Mar 2016
Tyagarah Tea Tree Farm, Gold Coast, Australia
26 Mar 2016
Hordern Pavilion, Sydney, Australia
26 Mar 2016
Tyagarah Tea Tree Farm Gold Coast, Australia
24 Mar 2016
Byron Bay Bluesfest 2016 Gold Coast, Australia
19 Mar 2016
Lollapalooza 2016, Buenos Aires, Argentina
17 Mar 2016
Lollapalooza 2016, Santiago, Chile
16 Mar 2016
Luna Park, Buenos Aires, Argentina
15 Mar 2016
Teatro De Verano "Ramón Collazo", Montevideo, Uruguay
13 Mar 2016
Lollapalooza 2016, São Paulo, Brazil
09 Mar 2016
Teatro Metropólitan, Mexico City, Méjico
08 Mar 2016
Teatro Diana, Guadalajara, Mexico
10 Dec 2015
Royal Albert Hall, London, UK
08 Dec 2015
The SSE Hydro, Glasgow, UK
02 Dec 2015
O2 Apollo, Manchester, UK
24 Jul 2015
Fuji Rock 2015, Niigata, Japan
24 Jul 2015
Ansan Valley Rock Festival 2015, Ansan, Republic of Korea
16 Jul 2015
Latitude Festival 2015, Southwold, UK
16 Jul 2015
Festival Internacional de Benicàssim - FIB 2015, Valencia, Spain
16 Jul 2015
Super Bock Super Rock 2015, Lisbon, Portugal
14 Jul 2015
Live at the Marquee, Cork, Ireland
11 Jul 2015
Summer in the City 2015, Manchester, UK
11 Jul 2015
Castlefield Bowl, Manchester, UK
10 Jul 2015
T In The Park 2015, Auchterarder, UK
09 Jul 2015
Rock in Roma - Ippodromo delle Capannelle, Rome, Italy
08 Jul 2015
Anfiteatro Camerini, Vicenza, Italy
06 Jul 2015
Summer Arena Assago - Area Esterna Mediolanum Forum, Milan, Italy
04 Jul 2015
Calling Festival 2015, London, UK
02 Jul 2015
Gröna Lund, Stockholm, Sverige
27 Jun 2015
Roskilde Festival 2015, Roskilde, Danmark
25 Jun 2015
Rock Werchter 2015, Werchter, België
23 Jun 2015
OUÏ FM Festival 2015, Paris, France
19 Jun 2015
Best Kept Secret Festival 2015, Hilvarenbeek, Netherlands
06 Jun 2015
Boston Opera House, Boston / Cambridge, US
06 Jun 2015
The Governors Ball Music Festival 2015, New York, US
04 Jun 2015
Lincoln Theatre, Washington, US
03 Jun 2015
Merriam Theater, Kimmel Center, Philadelphia, US
02 Jun 2015
House of Blues, Cleveland, US
31 May 2015
Royal Oak Music Theatre, Detroit, US
30 May 2015
Pabst Theatre, Milwaukee, US
29 May 2015
Riviera Theatre, Chicago, US
26 May 2015
Teatro Metropólitan Mexico City
23 May 2015
The Joint, Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Las Vegas, US
22 May 2015
The Joint, Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Las Vegas, US
20 May 2015
Orpheum Theatre, Los Angeles, US
18 May 2015
The Warfield, SF Bay Area, US
16 May 2015
Humphrey's Concerts by the Bay, San Diego, US
14 May 2015
Majestic Theatre Dallas - Fort Worth, US
13 May 2015
House of Blues, Houston, US
10 May 2015
Civic Theatre, New Orleans, US
08 May 2015
Shaky Knees Festival 2015, Atlanta, US
07 May 2015
Webster Hall, New York, US
04 May 2015
Sony Centre for the Performing Arts, Toronto, Canada
03 May 2015
Sony Centre for the Performing Arts, Toronto, Canada
16 Apr 2015
Nippon Budokan|日本武道館 Tokyo, Japan
15 Apr 2015
Nippon Budokan|日本武道館 Tokyo, Japan
13 Apr 2015
Zepp Nagoya Nagoya, Japan
11 Apr 2015
Zepp Fukuoka Fukuoka, Japan
09 Apr 2015
Hiroshima Bunka Gakuen (HBG) Hall - 広島文化学園HBGホール Hiroshima, Japan
07 Apr 2015
Osaka Festival Hall (フェスティバルホール) Osaka, Japan
06 Apr 2015
Osaka Festival Hall (フェスティバルホール) Osaka, Japan
04 Apr 2015
Walker Hill Theater, Seoul, Republic of Korea
03 Apr 2015
Walker Hill Theater, Seoul, Republic of Korea
28 Mar 2015
Royal Albert Hall, London, UK
22 Mar 2015
Ancienne Belgique (AB) Brussels, Belgium
20 Mar 2015
TivoliVredenburg, Utrecht, Netherlands
19 Mar 2015
Mitsubishi Electric Halle, Düsseldorf, Germany
17 Mar 2015
VEGA Musikkens Hus - Store Vega (Main Hall) Copenhagen, Denmark
16 Mar 2015
Max-Schmeling-Halle, Berlin, Germany
14 March 2015
Fabrique, Milano, Italia
12 Mar 2015
Zénith de Paris, France
10 Mar 2015
The O2 Arena, London, UK
09 Mar 2015
Manchester Arena, UK
07 Mar 2015
The SSE Hydro, Glasgow, UK
06 Mar 2015
Motorpoint Arena, Nottingham, UK
04 Mar 2015
3Arena, Dublin, Ireland
03 Mar 2015
SSE Arena, Belfast, UK
12 Mar 2015
Zénith de Paris, France
10 Mar 2015
The O2 Arena, London, UK
09 Mar 2015
Manchester Arena, UK
07 Mar 2015
The SSE Hydro, Glasgow, UK
06 Mar 2015
Motorpoint Arena, Nottingham, UK
04 Mar 2015
3Arena, Dublin, Ireland
03 Mar 2015
SSE Arena, Belfast, UK
09 Nov 2012
Revention Music Center, Houston, US
08 Nov 2012
Austin Music Hall, Austin, US
07 Nov 2012
Verizon Theatre at Grand Prairie Dallas - Fort Worth, US
05 Nov 2012
Ryman Auditorium, Nashville, US
04 Nov 2012
Louisville Palace, Louisville, US
03 Nov 2012
The Venue, Horseshoe Casino, Chicago, US
01 Nov 2012
Arvest Bank Theatre at The Midland, Kansas City, US
31 Oct 2012
Roy Wilkins Auditorium, St. Paul Rivercentre Twin Cities, US
30 Oct 2012
Centennial Concert Hall, Winnipeg, Canada
28 Oct 2012
Stampede Corral, Calgary, Canada
27 Oct 2012
Edmonton Expo Centre At Northlands, Edmonton, Canada
25 Oct 2012
Revention Music Center, Houston, US
08 Nov 2012
Austin Music Hall, Austin, US
07 Nov 2012
Verizon Theatre at Grand Prairie Dallas - Fort Worth, US
05 Nov 2012
Ryman Auditorium, Nashville, US
04 Nov 2012
Louisville Palace, Louisville, US
03 Nov 2012
The Venue, Horseshoe Casino, Chicago, US
01 Nov 2012
Arvest Bank Theatre at The Midland, Kansas City, US
31 Oct 2012
Roy Wilkins Auditorium, St. Paul Rivercentre Twin Cities, US
30 Oct 2012
Centennial Concert Hall, Winnipeg, Canada
28 Oct 2012
Stampede Corral, Calgary, Canada
27 Oct 2012
Edmonton Expo Centre At Northlands, Edmonton, Canada
25 Oct 2012
Rogers Arena, Vancouver, Canada
24 Oct 2012
WaMu Theater, Seattle, US
23 Oct 2012
Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland, US
12 Oct 2012
Le Bikini, Toulouse, France
11 Oct 2012
Transbordeur, Lyon, France
08 Oct 2012
Capitol, Offenbach, Germany
06 Oct 2012
Paladozza, Bologna, Italy
05 Oct 2012
Teatro Obihall, Firenze, Italy
03 Oct 2012
Mitsubishi Electric Halle, Düsseldorf, Germany
27 Sep 2012
Twinkle Rock Festival 2012, Taipei, Taiwan
25 Sep 2012
Jiulongwan Zhanlan Zhongxin, Hong Kong, China
21 Sep 2012
Singapore Formula 1 Grand Prix 2012
20 Sep 2012
Bitec Bangna, Bangkok, Thailand
12 Sep 2012
iTunes Festival 2012, London, UK
10 Sep 2012
Motorpoint Arena, Nottingham, UK
09 Sep 2012
Motorpoint Arena, Cardiff, UK
07 Sep 2012
SSE Arena, Wembley, London, UK
06 Sep 2012
O2 Academy, Liverpool, UK
06 Sep 2012
Echo Arena, Liverpool, UK
04 Sep 2012
Bournemouth International Centre (BIC) Bournemouth, UK
25 Aug 2012
Rock en Seine 2012, Paris, France
23 Aug 2012
24 Oct 2012
WaMu Theater, Seattle, US
23 Oct 2012
Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland, US
12 Oct 2012
Le Bikini, Toulouse, France
11 Oct 2012
Transbordeur, Lyon, France
08 Oct 2012
Capitol, Offenbach, Germany
06 Oct 2012
Paladozza, Bologna, Italy
05 Oct 2012
Teatro Obihall, Firenze, Italy
03 Oct 2012
Mitsubishi Electric Halle, Düsseldorf, Germany
27 Sep 2012
Twinkle Rock Festival 2012, Taipei, Taiwan
25 Sep 2012
Jiulongwan Zhanlan Zhongxin, Hong Kong, China
21 Sep 2012
Singapore Formula 1 Grand Prix 2012
20 Sep 2012
Bitec Bangna, Bangkok, Thailand
12 Sep 2012
iTunes Festival 2012, London, UK
10 Sep 2012
Motorpoint Arena, Nottingham, UK
09 Sep 2012
Motorpoint Arena, Cardiff, UK
07 Sep 2012
SSE Arena, Wembley, London, UK
06 Sep 2012
O2 Academy, Liverpool, UK
06 Sep 2012
Echo Arena, Liverpool, UK
04 Sep 2012
Bournemouth International Centre (BIC) Bournemouth, UK
25 Aug 2012
Rock en Seine 2012, Paris, France
23 Aug 2012
Belsonic festival, Custom House Square, Belfast, Northern Ireland
19 Aug 2012
V Festival, Stafford, UK
18 Aug 2012
V Festival 2012, Chelmsford, UK
17 Aug 2012
V Festival 2012, Wolverhampton, UK
16 Aug 2012
Austria Green Park, St Polten
27 Jul 2012
Fuji Rock 2012, Niigata, Japan
17 Jul 2012
Edinburgh Castle, Scotland, UK
15 Jul 2012
Festival Internacional de Benicàssim - FIB 2012 Valencia, Spain
13 Jul 2012
Musilac 2012, Chambéry, France
07 Jul 2012
Les Déferlantes d'Argeles 2012, Perpignan, France
06 Jul 2012
T In The Park 2012, Kinross, UK
05 Jul 2012
Heineken Jammin Festival 2012, Milano, Italia
04 Jul 2012
Auditorium Stravinski, Montreux, Switzerland
29 Jun 2012
Montreux Jazz Festival 2012, Switzerland
29 Jun 2012
Kollen 2012, Oslo, Norge, Norway
28 Jun 2012
Rock Werchter 2012, Belgium
23 Jun 2012
Isle of Wight Festival 2012, UK
21 Jun 2012
Isle of Wight Festival 2012, UK
20 Jun 2012
Plac Zebrań Ludowych, Gdańsk, Polska, Poland
14 Jun 2012
Hultsfredsfestivalen 2012, Hultsfred, Sweden
10 Jun 2012
Maxidrom Festival 2012, Moscow, Russian Federation
29 May 2012
Yes24 Live Hall, Seoul, Republic of Korea
28 May 2012
Yes24 Live Hall, Seoul, Republic of Korea
26 May 2012
Municipal Central Gymnasium (大阪市立中央体育館) Osaka, Japan
24 May 2012
Great Hall, Aichi Prefectural Arts Theater - 愛知県芸術劇場 大ホール 愛知 Nagoya, Japan
23 May 2012
Nippon Budokan|日本武道館 Tokyo, Nippon
08 May 2012
Jockey Club del Paraguay, Asunción, Paraguay
06 May 2012
Club Gimnasia y Esgrima (GEBA) Buenos Aires, Argentina
03 May 2012
Vivo Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
02 May 2012
Espaço das Américas, São Paulo, Brazil
26 Apr 2012
Municipal Central Gymnasium (大阪市立中央体育館) Osaka, Japan
24 Apr 2012
Great Hall, Aichi Prefectural Arts Theater - 愛知県芸術劇場 大ホール 愛知 Nagoya, Japan
23 Apr 2012
Nippon Budokan|日本武道館 Tokyo, Japan
20 Apr 2012
Pearl Concert Theatre, Palms Casino Resort, Las Vegas, US
20 Apr 2012
Coachella 2012, San Diego, US
18 Apr 2012
Orpheum Theatre, Phoenix, US
17 Apr 2012
Balboa Theatre, San Diego, US
13 Apr 2012
Coachella 2012, San Diego, US
11 Apr 2012
Teatro Metropólitan, Mexico City
19 Aug 2012
V Festival, Stafford, UK
18 Aug 2012
V Festival 2012, Chelmsford, UK
17 Aug 2012
V Festival 2012, Wolverhampton, UK
16 Aug 2012
Austria Green Park, St Polten
27 Jul 2012
Fuji Rock 2012, Niigata, Japan
17 Jul 2012
Edinburgh Castle, Scotland, UK
15 Jul 2012
Festival Internacional de Benicàssim - FIB 2012 Valencia, Spain
13 Jul 2012
Musilac 2012, Chambéry, France
07 Jul 2012
Les Déferlantes d'Argeles 2012, Perpignan, France
06 Jul 2012
T In The Park 2012, Kinross, UK
05 Jul 2012
Heineken Jammin Festival 2012, Milano, Italia
04 Jul 2012
Auditorium Stravinski, Montreux, Switzerland
29 Jun 2012
Montreux Jazz Festival 2012, Switzerland
29 Jun 2012
Kollen 2012, Oslo, Norge, Norway
28 Jun 2012
Rock Werchter 2012, Belgium
23 Jun 2012
Isle of Wight Festival 2012, UK
21 Jun 2012
Isle of Wight Festival 2012, UK
20 Jun 2012
Plac Zebrań Ludowych, Gdańsk, Polska, Poland
14 Jun 2012
Hultsfredsfestivalen 2012, Hultsfred, Sweden
10 Jun 2012
Maxidrom Festival 2012, Moscow, Russian Federation
29 May 2012
Yes24 Live Hall, Seoul, Republic of Korea
28 May 2012
Yes24 Live Hall, Seoul, Republic of Korea
26 May 2012
Municipal Central Gymnasium (大阪市立中央体育館) Osaka, Japan
24 May 2012
Great Hall, Aichi Prefectural Arts Theater - 愛知県芸術劇場 大ホール 愛知 Nagoya, Japan
23 May 2012
Nippon Budokan|日本武道館 Tokyo, Nippon
08 May 2012
Jockey Club del Paraguay, Asunción, Paraguay
06 May 2012
Club Gimnasia y Esgrima (GEBA) Buenos Aires, Argentina
03 May 2012
Vivo Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
02 May 2012
Espaço das Américas, São Paulo, Brazil
26 Apr 2012
Municipal Central Gymnasium (大阪市立中央体育館) Osaka, Japan
24 Apr 2012
Great Hall, Aichi Prefectural Arts Theater - 愛知県芸術劇場 大ホール 愛知 Nagoya, Japan
23 Apr 2012
Nippon Budokan|日本武道館 Tokyo, Japan
20 Apr 2012
Pearl Concert Theatre, Palms Casino Resort, Las Vegas, US
20 Apr 2012
Coachella 2012, San Diego, US
18 Apr 2012
Orpheum Theatre, Phoenix, US
17 Apr 2012
Balboa Theatre, San Diego, US
13 Apr 2012
Coachella 2012, San Diego, US
11 Apr 2012
Teatro Metropólitan, Mexico City
10 Apr 2012
Teatro Metropólitan Mexico City
10 Apr 2012
Auditorio Banamex - Monterrey, Mexico (cancelled)
06 Apr 2012
The Tabernacle Atlanta, US
Teatro Metropólitan Mexico City
10 Apr 2012
Auditorio Banamex - Monterrey, Mexico (cancelled)
06 Apr 2012
The Tabernacle Atlanta, US
04 Apr 2012
Egyptian Room, Old National Centre, Indianapolis, US
03 Apr 2012
Pabst Theatre, Milwaukee, US
01 Apr 2012
Riviera Theatre, Chicago, US
31 Mar 2012
Royal Oak Music Theatre, Detroit, US
29 Mar 2012
Express Live! Columbus, US
28 Mar 2012
Warner Theatre, Washington, US
15 Mar 2012
Komplex 457, Zürich, Switzerland
13 Mar 2012
Atlantico, Roma, Italia
11 Mar 2012
Tonhalle - Kultfabrik, Munich, Germany
09 Mar 2012
Max-Schmeling-Halle, Berlin, Germany
08 Mar 2012
Sporthalle Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
06 Mar 2012
Le Grand Rex, Paris, France
04 Mar 2012
Razzmatazz, Barcelona, Spain
01 Mar 2012
The Ballroom, Birmingham, UK
01 Mar 2012
The Other Room, Birmingham, UK
01 Mar 2012
Barclaycard Arena, Birmingham, UK
29 Feb 2012
O2 Academy Brixton, London, UK
26 Feb 2012
The O2 Arena, London, UK
24 Feb 2012
Scottish Exhibition & Conference Centre (SECC) Glasgow, UK
23 Feb 2012
Metro Radio Arena, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK
21 Feb 2012
The BRIT Awards 2012, London, UK
19 Feb 2012
Sheffield Arena, UK
17 Feb 2012
The Grand Social, Dublin, Ireland
16 Feb 2012
SSE Arena, Belfast, UK
14 Feb 2012
Aberdeen Exhibition & Conference Centre (AECC) Aberdeen, UK
14 Feb 2012
Manchester Arena, UK
13 Feb 2012
Egyptian Room, Old National Centre, Indianapolis, US
03 Apr 2012
Pabst Theatre, Milwaukee, US
01 Apr 2012
Riviera Theatre, Chicago, US
31 Mar 2012
Royal Oak Music Theatre, Detroit, US
29 Mar 2012
Express Live! Columbus, US
28 Mar 2012
Warner Theatre, Washington, US
15 Mar 2012
Komplex 457, Zürich, Switzerland
13 Mar 2012
Atlantico, Roma, Italia
11 Mar 2012
Tonhalle - Kultfabrik, Munich, Germany
09 Mar 2012
Max-Schmeling-Halle, Berlin, Germany
08 Mar 2012
Sporthalle Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
06 Mar 2012
Le Grand Rex, Paris, France
04 Mar 2012
Razzmatazz, Barcelona, Spain
01 Mar 2012
The Ballroom, Birmingham, UK
01 Mar 2012
The Other Room, Birmingham, UK
01 Mar 2012
Barclaycard Arena, Birmingham, UK
29 Feb 2012
O2 Academy Brixton, London, UK
26 Feb 2012
The O2 Arena, London, UK
24 Feb 2012
Scottish Exhibition & Conference Centre (SECC) Glasgow, UK
23 Feb 2012
Metro Radio Arena, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK
21 Feb 2012
The BRIT Awards 2012, London, UK
19 Feb 2012
Sheffield Arena, UK
17 Feb 2012
The Grand Social, Dublin, Ireland
16 Feb 2012
SSE Arena, Belfast, UK
14 Feb 2012
Aberdeen Exhibition & Conference Centre (AECC) Aberdeen, UK
14 Feb 2012
Manchester Arena, UK
13 Feb 2012
MEN Arena - Manchester
31 Jan 2012
Big Day Out 2012, Melbourne, Australia
29 Jan 2012
Big Day Out 2012, Melbourne, Australia
26 Jan 2012
Big Day Out 2012, Sydney, Australia
23 Jan 2012
Big Day Out 2012, Sydney, Australia
22 Jan 2012
31 Jan 2012
Big Day Out 2012, Melbourne, Australia
29 Jan 2012
Big Day Out 2012, Melbourne, Australia
26 Jan 2012
Big Day Out 2012, Sydney, Australia
23 Jan 2012
Big Day Out 2012, Sydney, Australia
22 Jan 2012
Big Day Out 2012, Gold Coast Parklands, Gold Coast, Australia
17 Jan 2012
Tokyo Dome City Hall (東京ドームシティホール) Tokyo, Japan
16 Jan 2012
Tokyo Dome City Hall (東京ドームシティホール) Tokyo, Japan
10 Dec 2011
Valley View Casino Center, San Diego, US
10 Dec 2011
KROQ Almost Acoustic Christmas 2011, Los Angeles, US
06 Dec 2011
Casino De Paris, France
04 Dec 2011
Palladium, Cologne, Germany
03 Dec 2011
Koncerthuset, Koncertsalen, Copenhagen, Denmark
01 Dec 2011
Ancienne Belgique (AB) Brussels, Belgium
30 Nov 2011
17 Jan 2012
Tokyo Dome City Hall (東京ドームシティホール) Tokyo, Japan
16 Jan 2012
Tokyo Dome City Hall (東京ドームシティホール) Tokyo, Japan
10 Dec 2011
Valley View Casino Center, San Diego, US
10 Dec 2011
KROQ Almost Acoustic Christmas 2011, Los Angeles, US
06 Dec 2011
Casino De Paris, France
04 Dec 2011
Palladium, Cologne, Germany
03 Dec 2011
Koncerthuset, Koncertsalen, Copenhagen, Denmark
01 Dec 2011
Ancienne Belgique (AB) Brussels, Belgium
30 Nov 2011
Alcatraz, Milano, Italia + review here+video bootleg here +audio and video bootleg here
26 Nov 2011
La Riviera, Madrid, Spain
26 Nov 2011
La Riviera, Madrid, Spain
Live @ Later with Jools Holland, bootleg)
19 Nov 2011
Orpheum Theatre, SF Bay Area, US
18 Nov 2011
Royce Hall, UCLA, Los Angeles, US
17 Nov 2011
Royce Hall, UCLA, Los Angeles, US
15 Nov 2011
Beacon Theatre, New York, US
14 Nov 2011
Beacon Theatre, New York, US
12 Nov 2011
Wang Theatre, Boch Center, Boston / Cambridge, US
11 Nov 2011
Academy of Music Philadelphia, USA
08 Nov 2011
Massey Hall, Toronto, Canada
07 Nov 2011
Massey Hall, Toronto, Canada
19 Nov 2011
Orpheum Theatre, SF Bay Area, US
18 Nov 2011
Royce Hall, UCLA, Los Angeles, US
17 Nov 2011
Royce Hall, UCLA, Los Angeles, US
15 Nov 2011
Beacon Theatre, New York, US
14 Nov 2011
Beacon Theatre, New York, US
12 Nov 2011
Wang Theatre, Boch Center, Boston / Cambridge, US
11 Nov 2011
Academy of Music Philadelphia, USA
08 Nov 2011
Massey Hall, Toronto, Canada
07 Nov 2011
Massey Hall, Toronto, Canada
BBC radio Theatre, London, bootleg
31 Oct 2011
Roundhouse, London, UK
30 Oct 2011
O2 Forum, Kentish Town, London, UK
29 Oct 2011
Eventim Apollo, London, UK
27 Oct 2011
31 Oct 2011
Roundhouse, London, UK
30 Oct 2011
O2 Forum, Kentish Town, London, UK
29 Oct 2011
Eventim Apollo, London, UK
27 Oct 2011
coming up next... main events calendar
when you want:
football game, Girls vs Boys
- - -
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"A morning-glory at my window satisfies me more than the metaphisics of books".
(Walt Whitman)
..... "What's the story morning glory?", American expression (something like "what's up?"), but also spicy thai vegetable :), and girls say it's also a morning male erection

What's the story morning glory - the most famous Oasis album - London at dawn, Soho, Berwick Street, known for its independent record shops. On the left it's Sister Ray records shop, then it went into administration...

..... Who feels love? - Arizona www.maricophoenix.blogspot.com - video inspired by Zabriskie Point, movie by Italian director Michelangelo Antonioni, with Mark Frechette

2000, Twin Towers down there... before September 11... on the single "Sunday morning call" there was New York with a fallen glass... New York City skyline from the rooftop of the Rockefeller Center. The album's title was taken from the words made famous by Sir Isaac Newton: "If I can see further than anyone else, it is only because I am standing on the shoulders of giants". Noel saw the quote on the side of a £2 coin while in a pub and liked it so much he thought it would be a suitable name for the new album. He then wrote the name on the side of a cigarette packet while drunk. When he awoke in the morning, he realised he had written "Standing on the Shoulder of Giants", not "shoulders"
..... video with Milano Lambretta
Our Lady, Milan symbol in "Stop crying your heart out" video. Oasis have catholic origins

Heathen chemistry - the title came from a t-shirt Noel bought in Ibiza which featured a logo reading, "The Society of Heathen Chemists"

in the little picture: Rodney Marsh, 1972-75 City player (and next to the tv: George Best). A poster of a young Burt Bacharach. They were watching The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, spaghetti western movie by Italian director Sergio Leone, music by the great maestro Ennio Morricone. The room was at Bonehead's house. On the floor, a glass of wine, but it was bilberry juice

as all the greatest music albums covers, almost all Oasis albums covers have summat mysterious, it seems a curse. The last one had an atomic bomb... then they split. In '95 they put the pier of Weston-super-Mare on "Roll with it" cover, then it was burnt
"La musica non ha mai spostato niente, neanche negli anni '60, ai tempi del Vietnam. Il rock incide nel look, negli atteggiamenti, ma non nella politica. Forse conoscendolo Lennon era un cretino, non ci sarei andato d'accordo e l'avrei odiato. La gente parla troppo della sua vita, del pacifismo e così via, quello che mi interessa sono solo le sue canzoni.
E se qualcuno organizza una marcia contro la guerra, io preferisco andare al parco con mia figlia".
(Noel Gallagher, Oasis)
Music never moved anything, not even in the '60s, at Vietnam times. Rock influences look, attitudes, but not politics. Maybe knowing him Lennon was an idiot, I wouldn't got on well with him and would have hated him. People speak too much of his life, pacifism, and so on, I'm interested only in his songs.
Music never moved anything, not even in the '60s, at Vietnam times. Rock influences look, attitudes, but not politics. Maybe knowing him Lennon was an idiot, I wouldn't got on well with him and would have hated him. People speak too much of his life, pacifism, and so on, I'm interested only in his songs.
And if anybody organizes a march against war, I prefer going to the park with my daughter.
..... vote for Noel Prime Minister: 1) a good politician is a rich one, 2) more police on the streets
Seguo gli Oasis dall'inizio, dal 1994 (da quando c'è lo zio Silvio in politica ahaha), il Britpop iniziava a conquistare il mondo, e in Inghilterra noi 16enni-17enni compravamo cd con una certa canzone appena uscita che diceva proprio: Mister Sifter sold me songs when I was just 16...
..... The meaning of soul (live in Milan @ Alcatraz) - This one's not for Marco :) but I dedicate it to Melissa, a girl with heart problems I took out from gig mayhem. Escape from Alcatraz ghghgh It used to be the song on English tv, for Premier League Sky Sports ad.
"...I'm a different breed, I'm outta your league, I'm 10 outta 10 alright... All rise, I see the love in your eyes, if it's alright then I'll be your light"
..... Rockin' chair , my favourite song ever.
Video with a final surprise at the end...........
I played this song till my fingers bled.
The shape of England is not so different from Italy one.
Notice the images and the turtle as my turtle Alberta in "I'm older than I wish to be" :) (and the turtle then is also on Noel plectrum, he played with it, I played with it).
And yes, that pier in Weston-super-Mare was burnt. And Oasis are over now (definitely maybe).
For going around we were still using a tour bus, and as it was our first time there, we had a big surprise when a bus full of British people overtook us, all of them smiling and waving their hands but suddenly they turned and showed us their arses ahahaha
Video with a final surprise at the end...........
I played this song till my fingers bled.
The shape of England is not so different from Italy one.
Notice the images and the turtle as my turtle Alberta in "I'm older than I wish to be" :) (and the turtle then is also on Noel plectrum, he played with it, I played with it).
And yes, that pier in Weston-super-Mare was burnt. And Oasis are over now (definitely maybe).
For going around we were still using a tour bus, and as it was our first time there, we had a big surprise when a bus full of British people overtook us, all of them smiling and waving their hands but suddenly they turned and showed us their arses ahahaha
"The one who's got right ideas among confused people, he's like one with a working clock in a city where all the clocks are wrong. He's the only one knowing the right time, but what's the use? Everybody's following the others one, even those who know the right time..."
That was the meaning of the word "Oasis", an isolated place in a desert.
"As a remedy to life in society I would suggest the big city. Nowadays, it is the only desert within our means".
That was the meaning of the word "Oasis", an isolated place in a desert.
"As a remedy to life in society I would suggest the big city. Nowadays, it is the only desert within our means".
Noel Thomas David Gallagher

2009. I was at 3 Oasis gigs in 1 month, even climbing the Italian Alps, highest European mountains, and arriving first in Switzerland, my last Oasis gig, seen it on the front row in front of Noel winking an eye at me ;) (and Glasvegas did the same) playing as in room for me and two Swiss birds lol, the "veline" :))
"The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars. And in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes 'Awww!'".
(Jack Kerouac)
(Jack Kerouac)
mad fer it !!!
..... "Slide away" piano music: we have a real piece of Moon next to my house, that is Manchester City symbol. The World Cup too, it was made here by a Milan artist. You can see Capello table @ the Football English pub here and also Jesi, the town of former Inter Milan then City and Italy manager Mancini, where my uncle was born
"Italy why always you?! what is it with you Italians? why do you seem to 'get it' more than anyone else? it's a constant source of fascination for me"
"I'm currently in Milan. Its been fucking wonderful...it always is. It's fair to say The Italians love me and long may that continue 'cause I love them right back...the beautiful bastards.
The gig was amazing, the kind of gig you'd never want to end. Easily my favourite so far."
= "We get chatting to Marco who was around for Paolo Nutini arriving and had given him a quick hand shake then sloped off, (you know how cool guys like to play it), he is really a Brit Indie lad at heart trapped inside the body of an Italian guy, his taste in music is fabulous. The tempo was troppo caldo (too hot weather), the Duomo is breathtaking to say the least. Milano women are ridiculously stylish and fabulously slim, gorgeous beings. He shaped my pizza into a love heart. Italian men are so smooth!"
The gig was amazing, the kind of gig you'd never want to end. Easily my favourite so far."
"L'Italia è la casa spirituale degli Oasis.
I ragazzi italiani sono come me, molto passionali.
4 elementi li contraddistinguono: il calcio, la musica, la famiglia e l'amore per l'eleganza. I miei amici italiani sono dei fighi, indossano vestiti e scarpe stupende, sciarpe favolose, occhiali da sole anche di notte e donne bellissime al loro fianco. Beh, sono considerato una figura santa in Italia. E' Milano... l'Italia è grande amico, cazzo se mi piace andarci".
4 elementi li contraddistinguono: il calcio, la musica, la famiglia e l'amore per l'eleganza. I miei amici italiani sono dei fighi, indossano vestiti e scarpe stupende, sciarpe favolose, occhiali da sole anche di notte e donne bellissime al loro fianco. Beh, sono considerato una figura santa in Italia. E' Milano... l'Italia è grande amico, cazzo se mi piace andarci".
Italy is Oasis spiritual home.
Italian boys are like me, very passionate.
4 elements mark them: football, music, family and love for elegance. My Italian friends are cool, they wear wonderful clothes and shoes, fabulous scarves, sunglasses even at night and beautiful women by their side. Well, I'm considered quite a holy figure in Italy, It's Milan... Italy's great man, I fucking love going there.
4 elements mark them: football, music, family and love for elegance. My Italian friends are cool, they wear wonderful clothes and shoes, fabulous scarves, sunglasses even at night and beautiful women by their side. Well, I'm considered quite a holy figure in Italy, It's Milan... Italy's great man, I fucking love going there.
"Milano è il miglior fottuto pubblico, e lo dico davvero!".
(toccandosi il cuore)
Milan is the best fucking crowd, and I really mean it!
(touching his heart)
"Milano è una città bellissima. Molta gente pagherebbe per stare qui. Non vado quasi mai a fare shopping, quello che mi piace di Milano è la gente".
(David Beckham, Ac Milan, Oasis friend)
Milan is a beautiful city. Many people would pay for staying here. I almost never go shopping, what I like in Milan is the people.
The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night.
(Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)
"I've got the pre-emption over anyone proud boastin' music royalties about you :). When you told me to be not so good, I thought you were just humble. Now, on the contrary, I think you're a famous incognito singer, determined to cheer up the world with your voice, for free"..
"nice jacket"
(Liam embracing me)
..... Balotelli ahahaha and City symbol on Noel's guitar :). This tune was my alarm clock to wake up in the morning from '97 to 2000. At a 1997 gig after the first chord of 'Be here now' I was literally flying, gone fuckin' mad fer it, continuously shouting and jumping embraced with all the people. Best fun of my life.

Be here now: a Milano Lambretta (name from Milan river Lambro), owned by Noel, and a Rolls-Royce. Photo at Stocks House hotel in Hertfordshire
London->Milan, November 2009, with Milan legend Paolo Maldini
..... love the welcome ahahahaha with a Milan Lambretta behind... waiting for a PG shop in Milan.
In the same days: new AC Milan shop in Milan
..... the centre of the world.
Milan Expo 2015 Masterplan, the new zone where Oasis had to perform their last concert in history... before the "break" of 5 years... we're all part of a Masterplan...
(the music is the anthem of North Italy, capital city: Milan, of course, titled "Va pensiero - sull'ali dorate", "Go, thought - on golden wings", by Verdi).
A new Milan part with strange skyscrapers is gonna be called 'City Life'.
In his 'Tales From The Middle Of Nowhere', Noel refers to Italy as the bands’ 'spiritual home' and anyone who has been to an Oasis gig in Italy will know why. It’s fitting that Oasis have chosen Milan to stage the final show...
(from the official site )
Milan, not Rome. Against Rome:
"Domani, be' cos'è domani? Lasciamo che Roma si dissolva nel Tevere! E che il grande impero crolli! Questo è il momento; i regni sono fatti d'argilla".
(Oasis, What's the story book)

Oasis 1st album: they were watching The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, spaghetti western movie by Italian director Leone, music by the great maestro Morricone

Milan last gig

our club

Milano... seems like going to Paris for splitting up...
Pretty Green "fan" Hateley
..... I carry madness everywhere I go! 5:22 Italian flag :) (Turn up the sun @ City of Manchester stadium)

Milan Futurism and photos by Harri Peccinotti (Milano Pirelli calendars 1968 & 1969)
..... Oasis' Hung in a bad place, by Gem
SAINT MARK'S CHURCH 1880 (West Gorton)

Man City since 1894
..... fancy some silverware? ;) When it seems to finish, it's not over yet :)
somewhere down the line, YOU are Italian too. Watch your jealous tongue before saying anything against Italy
..... live in Milan. There were girls who wanted to pay me to stay on the front row and gave me their bra ^^. Some even wanted to take a photo with me :D
..... in Budapest, Hungary. Go let it out + Roll with it + Led Zeppelin's Whole lotta love
..... my first Oasis gig

similar shape

meaningful contact: Man's creation by Michelangelo

oasisblues - English tabloid, Italian paparazzi ^_^