MILAN - good even if not perfect voice, because back from a party ;). Anyway rock'n'roll is not about being perfect... sure it's not about falsetto voices as someone else's...
oasisblues siteviews
Beady Eye @ Glastonbury
GLASTONBURY - More videos and photos of revellers to add soon (the gig got 4 stars out of 5). Now all the websites are writing about the "u-turn" by Liam about playing @ Glastonbury festival, and of course they never published anything about a thousand u-turns (read: lies) by the media darling Noel, you can see some down on the right column here.
Beady Eye both live (Liam's voice now got better) and on the album are better than Oasis in those final years, when they weren't good at Glastonbury too (2004). I admit it: both for Liam's voice (I always say when there's something wrong about him - but it's rare :) - Noel's fans never admit anything just like Noel, they're not credible) and Oasis weren't so good as they used to be also because of many songs by Noel. I also didn't agree with Liam when he talked about Beady Eye first album (it was better than he said), or about sacking Mancini (it was right to sack him).
Beady Eye still get the interest even from people hating them... Since they're free from the media darling Noel, they also get all kinds of insults.
Haters are now even moaning because Liam was wearing sunglasses ahaha for your info: you wear them to be cool (something they can't understand) and because of the light, not only the sun. He's wearing them @ night gigs too. Beady Eye were great so haters don't know what other bullshit to say (as always).
Beady Eye both live (Liam's voice now got better) and on the album are better than Oasis in those final years, when they weren't good at Glastonbury too (2004). I admit it: both for Liam's voice (I always say when there's something wrong about him - but it's rare :) - Noel's fans never admit anything just like Noel, they're not credible) and Oasis weren't so good as they used to be also because of many songs by Noel. I also didn't agree with Liam when he talked about Beady Eye first album (it was better than he said), or about sacking Mancini (it was right to sack him).
Beady Eye still get the interest even from people hating them... Since they're free from the media darling Noel, they also get all kinds of insults.
Haters are now even moaning because Liam was wearing sunglasses ahaha for your info: you wear them to be cool (something they can't understand) and because of the light, not only the sun. He's wearing them @ night gigs too. Beady Eye were great so haters don't know what other bullshit to say (as always).
"I didn't think Liam would be up this early in the morning. I bet he's not even been to bed yet." ahaha for your info, he's got a family with sons and gets up at 5 for jogging in the park and then takes the kids to school.
Now it's even becoming Liam's fault it wasn't a "secret gig"... who said it was secret? themselves, the media, the fucking journalists
R.I.P. Stefano Borgonovo
Message from Oasis' friend Beckham: "Sad to hear about the passing away of former AC Milan striker, Stefano Borgonovo. I was fortunate enough to meet him, an incredible person. My thoughts are with his family at this time."
Mario Balotelli: "Ciao la tua forza è un insegnamento di vita per tutti. Sarai sempre con me. Con noi! Addio."
[= bye, your strength is a teaching of life for everybody. You'll always be with me. With us! farewell]
ex AC Milan player, I remember him well in the 80s-90s, died for the "footballers disease" (and not only), the ALS amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, aged 49 :( (he was already a grandfather)
He leaves wife and 4 children
BE 13th&14th positive reviews
WELLINGTON - Other positive reviews:
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After the ill-conceived Different Gear Still Speeding that was Beady Eye's debut, Liam Gallagher has finally found his wings post Oasis.
And boy does he soar on an album that's as sonically adventurous as it is full of sneering, snappy and sharp Brit rockers such as Flick Of The Finger, Second Bite of The Apple and Soon Come Tomorrow.
The swaggering and rather clever Don't Brother Me suggests lyrically it's a direct response to estranged brother Noel's The Death of You & Me - "Don't brother me when you're done/I'm sick of all your lying/scheming and crying" - but it does offer a Lennon-ish olive branch - "Come on now give peace a chance/take my hand be a man".
I'm Just Saying roars with confidence as if Gallagher knows his time is still now.
rating: 5 stars / 5
And boy does he soar on an album that's as sonically adventurous as it is full of sneering, snappy and sharp Brit rockers such as Flick Of The Finger, Second Bite of The Apple and Soon Come Tomorrow.
The swaggering and rather clever Don't Brother Me suggests lyrically it's a direct response to estranged brother Noel's The Death of You & Me - "Don't brother me when you're done/I'm sick of all your lying/scheming and crying" - but it does offer a Lennon-ish olive branch - "Come on now give peace a chance/take my hand be a man".
I'm Just Saying roars with confidence as if Gallagher knows his time is still now.
rating: 5 stars / 5
Andrà a finire che ci dovremo ricredere. Pensavamo che Liam Gallagher fosse l'impresentabile, quello che voleva diventare grande senza essere grande. Invece Dave Sitek, mente formidabile dei Tv On The Radio e produttore di questo disco dei Beady Eye, ora se ne vien fuori dicendo che Liam ha delle capacità vocali incredibili e che con lui basta accendere il microfono e tutto va alla grande. Aggiungiamo che lo stesso Liam ha rivelato che, a differenza degli anni '90, ora si immerge nel lavoro con lucidità, e forse è questa la ragione della sorprendente evoluzione della band: l'incontro con Sitek ha liberato le doti nascoste di Liam. Di più, ha dato a Gem Archer, Andy Bell e Chris Sharrock una base solida su cui far crescere il suono della band. Negli Oasis, quando Noel azzeccava la melodia [o quando la copiava] le canzoni diventavano indimenticabili, tutte le altre erano riempitivi. In BE, Liam non ne sbaglia una, che sia quella di Face The Crowd in cui torna a essere l'aspirante cantante di una cover band dei Beatles, a quella del primo singolo Second Bite of the Apple, o i tre pezzi in sequenza di puro britpop Iz Rite, I'm Just Saying e Don't Brother Me. Non è poco. Le imperfezioni da teppista ci sono ancora: vocali aperte e trascinate al limite, intonazione fissa sul modello John Lennon-Johnny Rotten (John Lydon), ma si sente che c'è qualcosa dietro. Un'intenzione adulta, contemporanea, matura: tutte parole finora sconosciute per Liam. Sitek lo prende in ostaggio con l'intenzione forse di rispondere all'eterna domanda: "Cosa avrebbero fatto i Beatles con un computer e Pro Tools?" Ecco il punto, il mondo elettrico di Sitek è sperimentale e sorprendente e si fonde alla grande con l'approccio viscerale di Liam. Non è mai troppo tardi per diventare grandi.
4 stars / 5
Noel Gallagher's idol, the betrayer
MILAN - Carlos Tevez joined Juventus from Manchester City, despite he gave his "word of honor" he would have joined AC Milan...
Instead of the club that most won in football history (AC Milan, 18 international trophies), he chose the club that most cheated in football history... Juventus (they play with 12 players, referee included). These are facts.
He could only be Noel Gallagher's idol (media darling Noel, telling a thousand lies, plays with the help of the media).
Now everybody's laughing because AC chief Galliani wanted to buy him (but recently he didn't say he was going to buy him... we first have to sell Robinho and Boateng). A few months ago Berlusconi said he doesn't like him (and he's rarely wrong about football... decisions that often seemed wrong, later turned out to be right, and even the same AC fans protesting had to change their mind about those decisions).
Sure he's a good player but... are we sure we lost someone important?
he scored only 15 goals in 2 years... he didn't play a lot the other year, but seems like his career is getting worse... in fact, he's almost 30 years old next season. In recent times, Juventus is usually buying all the strikers who score a few goals. Sure he's not enough to win the Champions League, that is their target. And Tevez never helped City so much to do well in Europe.
Besides, he never played in the Italian Serie A league, that is quite different from the Premier League. Nowadays, English football is more charming, but defenses are weak compared to the Italian ones, where you can see less goals, that doesn't necessarily mean it's a worse football but more tactical (even Messi would probably score the half he scores in Spain). Historically, many players coming from UK to Italy, they don't do a lot.
Besides, it's quite meaningful that almost nobody tried to sign him up, and City didn't do anything to keep him, despite he's an idol for the their fans. Sounds like a discard... in Italian "scarto", Scartos Tevez.
And not to mention his high wages... they're the highest in the current Juventus club. Also, his contract was about to expire in 6 months... so Juve is paying 12 millions+wages for a few months.
In times like these, it's better to spend money for someone who's really worth.
There's even more: his behaviour. Arguing with managers, refusing to play, etc. Last year he escaped to Argentina and Brazil, stayed for months and didn't want to come back. Also saying that soon he would've joined his favourite club again, Boca Juniors. Recently, he even had to do community works in England, as punishment for the driving license issue (also, Noel Gallagher driving in his videos without a driving license).
Tevez probably doesn't know Turin is a city boring as fuck (well maybe not less than Manchester), oh just like Noel's songs... Tevez surely would've had much more fun in Milan...that is typical of South-American players.
He often had problems with weight... like Maradona. We have to see if he's got some motivation, too.
Also, it's clear Tevez is at least the THIRD choice for Juventus, as they wanted Higuain and Suarez.
In a way, we can also be happy, as all this will force Milan to buy a REALLY good player.
La Juve compra Tevez e arriva a Malpensa... si vede che a Torino non hanno ancora l'aeroporto, Fassino deve ancora costruirlo.
Partendo aveva 29 anni, arrivato ne ha 31... Gli hanno dato addirittura la maglia numero 10 di Del Piero per la prima volta.
L'imbecille Chirico che non capisce una mazza di calcio, fa le buffonate come quando ballava per Felipe Melo...
Questa cosa di già tutto fatto con Tevez... è abbastanza irregolare, visto che il mercato inizia il 1° luglio. Vabbè che la Juve & i regolamenti sono come i gusti sessuali di Rocco Siffredi & quelli di Alfonso Signorini...
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Instead of the club that most won in football history (AC Milan, 18 international trophies), he chose the club that most cheated in football history... Juventus (they play with 12 players, referee included). These are facts.
He could only be Noel Gallagher's idol (media darling Noel, telling a thousand lies, plays with the help of the media).
Now everybody's laughing because AC chief Galliani wanted to buy him (but recently he didn't say he was going to buy him... we first have to sell Robinho and Boateng). A few months ago Berlusconi said he doesn't like him (and he's rarely wrong about football... decisions that often seemed wrong, later turned out to be right, and even the same AC fans protesting had to change their mind about those decisions).
Sure he's a good player but... are we sure we lost someone important?
he scored only 15 goals in 2 years... he didn't play a lot the other year, but seems like his career is getting worse... in fact, he's almost 30 years old next season. In recent times, Juventus is usually buying all the strikers who score a few goals. Sure he's not enough to win the Champions League, that is their target. And Tevez never helped City so much to do well in Europe.
Besides, he never played in the Italian Serie A league, that is quite different from the Premier League. Nowadays, English football is more charming, but defenses are weak compared to the Italian ones, where you can see less goals, that doesn't necessarily mean it's a worse football but more tactical (even Messi would probably score the half he scores in Spain). Historically, many players coming from UK to Italy, they don't do a lot.
Besides, it's quite meaningful that almost nobody tried to sign him up, and City didn't do anything to keep him, despite he's an idol for the their fans. Sounds like a discard... in Italian "scarto", Scartos Tevez.
And not to mention his high wages... they're the highest in the current Juventus club. Also, his contract was about to expire in 6 months... so Juve is paying 12 millions+wages for a few months.
In times like these, it's better to spend money for someone who's really worth.
There's even more: his behaviour. Arguing with managers, refusing to play, etc. Last year he escaped to Argentina and Brazil, stayed for months and didn't want to come back. Also saying that soon he would've joined his favourite club again, Boca Juniors. Recently, he even had to do community works in England, as punishment for the driving license issue (also, Noel Gallagher driving in his videos without a driving license).
Tevez probably doesn't know Turin is a city boring as fuck (well maybe not less than Manchester), oh just like Noel's songs... Tevez surely would've had much more fun in Milan...that is typical of South-American players.
He often had problems with weight... like Maradona. We have to see if he's got some motivation, too.
Also, it's clear Tevez is at least the THIRD choice for Juventus, as they wanted Higuain and Suarez.
In a way, we can also be happy, as all this will force Milan to buy a REALLY good player.
La Juve compra Tevez e arriva a Malpensa... si vede che a Torino non hanno ancora l'aeroporto, Fassino deve ancora costruirlo.
Partendo aveva 29 anni, arrivato ne ha 31... Gli hanno dato addirittura la maglia numero 10 di Del Piero per la prima volta.
L'imbecille Chirico che non capisce una mazza di calcio, fa le buffonate come quando ballava per Felipe Melo...
Questa cosa di già tutto fatto con Tevez... è abbastanza irregolare, visto che il mercato inizia il 1° luglio. Vabbè che la Juve & i regolamenti sono come i gusti sessuali di Rocco Siffredi & quelli di Alfonso Signorini...
Beady Eye in Milan -part 1
more to add soon
The album BE entered @ number 11 of the Italian chart, that is the best position in Europe away from the British zone (4th in Ireland, 1st in Scotland) ...worst one: 101st in france, we already knew you french suck
also playing Second Bite of the Apple
Sharrock interview: BE are never off
WINDSOR (Australia) - An interview with the drummer... was it possible with Noel Hitler Gallagher? not really.
this is the live setlist I would do for the gigs, a few changes:
Flick of the finger, Two of a kind, Evil eye, Four letter word, Soul love, Second bite of the apple, Iz rite, Off at the next exit, Rock'n'roll star, World's not set in stone, I'm just saying, Morning glory, Soon come tomorrow, The roller (or The beat goes on / Morning son), Start anew,
+encore: Bring the light, In the bubble with a bullet
(+one of 24 Oasis songs not by Noel=not by the Griffiths)
According to drummer Chris Sharrock, it was time for a change. Enter TV On The Radio guitarist and trailblazing indie producer, Dave Sitek.
“We didn’t really know much about him,” Sharrock says. “His name was put to us, as in, you know, this guy could be interested.”
Sitek is best known for his production work with hip New Yorkers Yeah Yeah Yeahs. He’s also worked with Foals, Liars and Santigold, and so it would be fair to say, at least on paper, Dave Sitek and Beady Eye have little in common.
“We thought we’d meet him and check him out,” Sharrock continues. “Well, actually we kind of met him 20 minutes before we started recording. And we didn’t really listen to anything he’d done before because we didn’t wanna go in with any … if he’d done something that we didn’t like, you know, it would have been all over.”
Unsurprisingly, working with the experimentally-minded Sitek was vastly different to making their debut.
“He challenged us more,” Sharrock explains. “He said, ‘here you are guys, what about this?’ and ‘why don’t you try that?’”
According to Sharrock, Different Gear Still Speeding producer Steve Lillywhite “didn’t stick it out to the end anyway”, and left the band “running around like headless chickens”. On the other hand, Sitek became like Beady Eye’s “fifth member”.
“He had his little corner of the studio going on and we had our corner. We’d meet in the middle over the coffee machine.”
In the lead-up to the release of this album, Liam Gallagher was typically bold. BE, he said, was the album Oasis should have made after their mega-selling magnum opus, (What’s The Story) Morning Glory?
In production terms, at least, he’s right. BE is the sound a band freed from the shackles of commercial expectations – out of their comfort zone, but loving it.
Take the futuristic album opener, Flick Of The Finger, with its aggressive horns, thumping Velvet Underground-like drums, and seize-the-moment lyricism. The same goes for the modern-sounding Soul Love, a dark, brooding song Oasis would never have recorded in their pomp. That sense of musical adventure is further explored on spacey tracks like Don’t Brother Me and the closing ballad, Start Anew.
Essentially, BE showcases a band hungry to carve out their own creative path, an opportunity afforded to them by the departure of Noel.
“Everyone has to step up and bring more songs in as opposed to just learning them,” Sharrock says. “There’s a lot of creativity going on, we’re always jamming. We’ve got three or four new tunes already – they’re very rough sort of jams but there’s something there. There’s three writers in the band so there’s never a shortage of songs.”
Sharrock continues: “After the last gig on the last tour we said, ‘right we’re gonna have three months off’. After about a week and a half everyone was like, ‘should we do something, should we get together?’ We can never leave it alone for too long, this is just what we do.”
Their unshakable enthusiasm is impressive given that, for part of 2011, the band was like a “rudderless ship”.
“The last management [NOEL's same management] bailed in the middle of that tour,” Sharrock explains. “We went a couple of weeks without management. It was a shit thing to do but I didn’t really look at them as management anyway. They were just people who booked my cab and train. There was no love lost for me.”
Either way, things are well truly back on track now. The band is getting set to hit the road for a string of UK shows and festivals. Having missed Australia on their previous world tour (and on the last Oasis tour - wondering why, eh NOEL? - after all his insults to the Australians), Sharrock confirms that the band is “definitely” coming here this time around.
Not only that, they’ll coming with a couple of Oasis songs up their sleeves – they’ve been rehearsing Morning Glory and Rock ‘n’ Roll Star – and with new touring bassist and former Kasabian member Jay Mehler.
“He’s a great guy,” Sharrock says. “We were sorry to lose Jeff [Wootton] because he was kind of there from the start, but Jay’s doing a great job. We know him anyway, we’ve known him a few years through Kasabian and it’s great having him around.”
Meanwhile, with the album and tour cycle in full swing, Liam has been whipping up a storm in the British tabloids. Notable stories include his claim he could’ve written Daft Punk’s “Get Lucky” in an hour, and reports he tried to ride a dog during a particularly boozy night at the pub (another fake story, many photos but no photo with a dog).
“I wasn’t with him that night but I heard him talking about it,” Sharrock says, already laughing. “He was like, ‘fuckin’ hell this is a load of bollocks. It wasn’t a dog, it was a pig’. You never know with him. You never stop laughing, laughing or crying.”
And as for the constant ‘will they, won’t they?’ Oasis reformation rumours, Sharrock says he’s not the man with the answer.
“I’m kind of last on the list,” he laughs. “I’ll go with the flow. We never speak about it and we never think about it amongst ourselves. Especially me, it’s got nothing really to do with me.” But if they’re getting back together, I’m available.”
Beady Eye might always be known as Oasis minus Noel Gallagher, but as they’re now proving, that needn’t be a disadvantage. Instead, it can be an exciting point of difference.
Continue reading...
this is the live setlist I would do for the gigs, a few changes:
Flick of the finger, Two of a kind, Evil eye, Four letter word, Soul love, Second bite of the apple, Iz rite, Off at the next exit, Rock'n'roll star, World's not set in stone, I'm just saying, Morning glory, Soon come tomorrow, The roller (or The beat goes on / Morning son), Start anew,
+encore: Bring the light, In the bubble with a bullet
(+one of 24 Oasis songs not by Noel=not by the Griffiths)
According to drummer Chris Sharrock, it was time for a change. Enter TV On The Radio guitarist and trailblazing indie producer, Dave Sitek.
“We didn’t really know much about him,” Sharrock says. “His name was put to us, as in, you know, this guy could be interested.”
Sitek is best known for his production work with hip New Yorkers Yeah Yeah Yeahs. He’s also worked with Foals, Liars and Santigold, and so it would be fair to say, at least on paper, Dave Sitek and Beady Eye have little in common.
“We thought we’d meet him and check him out,” Sharrock continues. “Well, actually we kind of met him 20 minutes before we started recording. And we didn’t really listen to anything he’d done before because we didn’t wanna go in with any … if he’d done something that we didn’t like, you know, it would have been all over.”
Unsurprisingly, working with the experimentally-minded Sitek was vastly different to making their debut.
“He challenged us more,” Sharrock explains. “He said, ‘here you are guys, what about this?’ and ‘why don’t you try that?’”
According to Sharrock, Different Gear Still Speeding producer Steve Lillywhite “didn’t stick it out to the end anyway”, and left the band “running around like headless chickens”. On the other hand, Sitek became like Beady Eye’s “fifth member”.
“He had his little corner of the studio going on and we had our corner. We’d meet in the middle over the coffee machine.”
In the lead-up to the release of this album, Liam Gallagher was typically bold. BE, he said, was the album Oasis should have made after their mega-selling magnum opus, (What’s The Story) Morning Glory?
In production terms, at least, he’s right. BE is the sound a band freed from the shackles of commercial expectations – out of their comfort zone, but loving it.
Take the futuristic album opener, Flick Of The Finger, with its aggressive horns, thumping Velvet Underground-like drums, and seize-the-moment lyricism. The same goes for the modern-sounding Soul Love, a dark, brooding song Oasis would never have recorded in their pomp. That sense of musical adventure is further explored on spacey tracks like Don’t Brother Me and the closing ballad, Start Anew.
Essentially, BE showcases a band hungry to carve out their own creative path, an opportunity afforded to them by the departure of Noel.
“Everyone has to step up and bring more songs in as opposed to just learning them,” Sharrock says. “There’s a lot of creativity going on, we’re always jamming. We’ve got three or four new tunes already – they’re very rough sort of jams but there’s something there. There’s three writers in the band so there’s never a shortage of songs.”
Sharrock continues: “After the last gig on the last tour we said, ‘right we’re gonna have three months off’. After about a week and a half everyone was like, ‘should we do something, should we get together?’ We can never leave it alone for too long, this is just what we do.”
Their unshakable enthusiasm is impressive given that, for part of 2011, the band was like a “rudderless ship”.
“The last management [NOEL's same management] bailed in the middle of that tour,” Sharrock explains. “We went a couple of weeks without management. It was a shit thing to do but I didn’t really look at them as management anyway. They were just people who booked my cab and train. There was no love lost for me.”
Either way, things are well truly back on track now. The band is getting set to hit the road for a string of UK shows and festivals. Having missed Australia on their previous world tour (and on the last Oasis tour - wondering why, eh NOEL? - after all his insults to the Australians), Sharrock confirms that the band is “definitely” coming here this time around.
Not only that, they’ll coming with a couple of Oasis songs up their sleeves – they’ve been rehearsing Morning Glory and Rock ‘n’ Roll Star – and with new touring bassist and former Kasabian member Jay Mehler.
“He’s a great guy,” Sharrock says. “We were sorry to lose Jeff [Wootton] because he was kind of there from the start, but Jay’s doing a great job. We know him anyway, we’ve known him a few years through Kasabian and it’s great having him around.”
Meanwhile, with the album and tour cycle in full swing, Liam has been whipping up a storm in the British tabloids. Notable stories include his claim he could’ve written Daft Punk’s “Get Lucky” in an hour, and reports he tried to ride a dog during a particularly boozy night at the pub (another fake story, many photos but no photo with a dog).
“I wasn’t with him that night but I heard him talking about it,” Sharrock says, already laughing. “He was like, ‘fuckin’ hell this is a load of bollocks. It wasn’t a dog, it was a pig’. You never know with him. You never stop laughing, laughing or crying.”
And as for the constant ‘will they, won’t they?’ Oasis reformation rumours, Sharrock says he’s not the man with the answer.
“I’m kind of last on the list,” he laughs. “I’ll go with the flow. We never speak about it and we never think about it amongst ourselves. Especially me, it’s got nothing really to do with me.” But if they’re getting back together, I’m available.”
Beady Eye might always be known as Oasis minus Noel Gallagher, but as they’re now proving, that needn’t be a disadvantage. Instead, it can be an exciting point of difference.
referee admits 1 mistake. They're 4
SALVADOR DE BAHIA - Brazil is ready for the Olympic Games 2016 in Rio de Janeiro.
Neymar already tested a sport : diving.
1) The referee Ravshan Irmatov (from Uzbekistan... do they know what is football?) admitted only one of at least 4 mistakes, pay attention which one: the second goal by Italy, he whistled for a penalty but conceded the goal...
whistling, it would have been a red card for the Brazilian player but the referee "saved" him
2) still during the game Brazil-Italy (playing without Pirlo and De Rossi), another penalty for Italy on Balotelli not given... (when we deserved a 3-3).
And now it's 4 penalties not conceded (2 vs Mexico, 1 vs Japan). Time to stop, referees. At least in time for the World Cup next year...
3) first goal, by Dante, in offside... as the fourth goal by Fred too, offside for a few centimetres
4) the goal from a free kick by Neymar is from a non-existent foul
Continue reading...
Neymar already tested a sport : diving.
1) The referee Ravshan Irmatov (from Uzbekistan... do they know what is football?) admitted only one of at least 4 mistakes, pay attention which one: the second goal by Italy, he whistled for a penalty but conceded the goal...
whistling, it would have been a red card for the Brazilian player but the referee "saved" him
2) still during the game Brazil-Italy (playing without Pirlo and De Rossi), another penalty for Italy on Balotelli not given... (when we deserved a 3-3).
And now it's 4 penalties not conceded (2 vs Mexico, 1 vs Japan). Time to stop, referees. At least in time for the World Cup next year...
3) first goal, by Dante, in offside... as the fourth goal by Fred too, offside for a few centimetres
4) the goal from a free kick by Neymar is from a non-existent foul
...well done referees. Maybe he was afraid of the situation out of the stadium...
The teams were both qualified already, but now we have to play vs Spain, when we could have more chances to play the final, if it was Uruguay in the semifinal. Playing at home, Brazil could have won vs Spain.
Great Mario, super assist and a mega shot. The Confederations Cup is over for Montolivo, Abate (bad foul by Neymar and yellow card), Pirlo and Balotelli.
After this game, Brazil played vs Uruguay and Neymar ridiculed himself diving in a comic scene.
He's officially a diver.
oh diving...
Great Mario, super assist and a mega shot. The Confederations Cup is over for Montolivo, Abate (bad foul by Neymar and yellow card), Pirlo and Balotelli.
After this game, Brazil played vs Uruguay and Neymar ridiculed himself diving in a comic scene.
He's officially a diver.
oh diving...
ignorant Fat Dancer replies
LONDON - The fat dancer answered back...
"I’ve heard Second Bite Of The Apple, I don’t know why nobody said anything. When you listen you think, ‘Please put a chorus in — it will be brilliant.’ They are not going to have a character brave enough to tell Liam that.”
... the song is not by Liam but Gem... Robbie at least inform yourself before.
He sounds like a fan of Noel, of the series "Liam copied the Roller!!!!!!!!!!!!"'s by Gem... asshole.
In fact, just before this: "Robbie’s full of praise for Noel these days — he thinks Beady Eye would succeed if he was on board. He added: “They are missing The General."
It seems like he doesn't know what to say. And, I think there is a chorus in Second Bite Of The Apple... And if there wasn't... who cares? it would make the song even more special, different.
"The Take That star has retaliated by saying he wished Beady Eye’s music was as good as Liam’s chat. Robbie Williams said: “The interviews are better than the records at the minute."
Continue reading...
"I’ve heard Second Bite Of The Apple, I don’t know why nobody said anything. When you listen you think, ‘Please put a chorus in — it will be brilliant.’ They are not going to have a character brave enough to tell Liam that.”
... the song is not by Liam but Gem... Robbie at least inform yourself before.
He sounds like a fan of Noel, of the series "Liam copied the Roller!!!!!!!!!!!!"'s by Gem... asshole.
In fact, just before this: "Robbie’s full of praise for Noel these days — he thinks Beady Eye would succeed if he was on board. He added: “They are missing The General."
It seems like he doesn't know what to say. And, I think there is a chorus in Second Bite Of The Apple... And if there wasn't... who cares? it would make the song even more special, different.
"The Take That star has retaliated by saying he wished Beady Eye’s music was as good as Liam’s chat. Robbie Williams said: “The interviews are better than the records at the minute."
...he clearly didn't listen to the album, that even haters liked.
Robbie's opinions really suck, now it's clear it's NOEL who needs a band like Beady Eye, and not the other way round.
Meanwhile, Noel is supporting Lisa's charity, seems like he's doing it because she hates Liam...
Robbie's opinions really suck, now it's clear it's NOEL who needs a band like Beady Eye, and not the other way round.
Meanwhile, Noel is supporting Lisa's charity, seems like he's doing it because she hates Liam...
BeadyEye @Camden Centre, who needs Noel?
LONDON - "Beady Eye are rock'n'roll stars - Liam is rocking his Pretty Green clobber and somehow keeps his parka jacket zipped up right to the top. So cool he defies heat. Who needs Noel when Beady Eye's gigs are this good?" (MTV, rating 5/5 stars). These songs sound just like Oasis, Noel could only add the backing vocals...
No Bonehead this time as @ gig in Manchester, but Holly Willoughby and Kate Thornton.
from Italy for you ahaha
more to add soon
Beady Eye @ Ritz iz rite
MANCHESTER - Not really like Noel's sad covers... THIS is Oasis. Noel's butthurt fans are clicking on dislike ahahaha. Gem said: “I’m sure a lot of fans would want to hear them. Hung In A Bad Place would be a good one live, as would The Meaning Of Soul. There’s even stuff like Liam’s Boy With The Blues that Oasis never played live which I think would work.” (yeah top tune!)
First official gig of the new tour, more to add soon.
setlist: Flick of the finger, Face the crowd, Millionaire, Four letter word, Soul love, Second bite of the apple, Iz rite, Shine a light, Rock'n'roll star, Don't brother me, I'm just saying, Morning glory (Liam dedicated the Oasis songs to Bonehead, he was there), Soon come tomorrow, The roller, Start anew, +encore: Bring the light, Wigwam
football song :). Meanwhile @ Confederations Cup, Japan-Italy 3-4: absurd penalty given against Italy, as the 2 penalties not given vs Mexico. Classic anti-Italian referees. Another goal by Balotelli and after Hernandez another Manchester United player, Kagawa (in Italian it means "he shitted" ahaha)
good version
Beady Eye authors
LONDON - Liam has become a good songwriter too... (he's a singer, Noel isn't... and a frontman, Noel isn't).
album BE:
Flick of the Finger (written by Liam Gallagher, Gem Archer, Andy Bell)
Soul Love (Gallagher)
Face the Crowd (Bell)
Second Bite of the Apple (Archer)
Soon Come Tomorrow (Bell)
Iz Rite (Archer)
I'm Just Saying (Bell)
Don't Brother Me (Gallagher)
Shine a Light (Gallagher)
Ballroom Figured (Archer)
Start Anew (Gallagher)
Dreaming of Some Space (Bell, but it's Start Anew reversed, Gallagher)
The World's Not Set in Stone (Gallagher)
Back After the Break (Archer)
Off at the Next Exit (Archer)
Girls in Uniform (Bell)
Evil Eye (Gallagher)
Different gear still speeding:
Four Letter Word (Bell)
Millionaire (Bell)
The Roller (Archer)
Beatles and Stones (Gallagher)
Wind Up Dream (Archer)
Bring the Light (Gallagher)
For Anyone (Gallagher)
Kill for a Dream (Bell)
Standing on the Edge of the Noise (Archer)
Wigwam (Gallagher)
Three Ring Circus (Archer)
The Beat Goes On (Bell)
The Morning Son (Gallagher)
Man of Misery (Gallagher)
World Outside My Room (Bell)
Continue reading...
album BE:
Flick of the Finger (written by Liam Gallagher, Gem Archer, Andy Bell)
Soul Love (Gallagher)
Face the Crowd (Bell)
Second Bite of the Apple (Archer)
Soon Come Tomorrow (Bell)
Iz Rite (Archer)
I'm Just Saying (Bell)
Don't Brother Me (Gallagher)
Shine a Light (Gallagher)
Ballroom Figured (Archer)
Start Anew (Gallagher)
Dreaming of Some Space (Bell, but it's Start Anew reversed, Gallagher)
The World's Not Set in Stone (Gallagher)
Back After the Break (Archer)
Off at the Next Exit (Archer)
Girls in Uniform (Bell)
Evil Eye (Gallagher)
Different gear still speeding:
Four Letter Word (Bell)
Millionaire (Bell)
The Roller (Archer)
Beatles and Stones (Gallagher)
Wind Up Dream (Archer)
Bring the Light (Gallagher)
For Anyone (Gallagher)
Kill for a Dream (Bell)
Standing on the Edge of the Noise (Archer)
Wigwam (Gallagher)
Three Ring Circus (Archer)
The Beat Goes On (Bell)
The Morning Son (Gallagher)
Man of Misery (Gallagher)
World Outside My Room (Bell)
+ the great In the Bubble with a Bullet
and Two of a Kind (Archer)
a classic from Noel's fans / haters: "Liam copied the Roller from Istant Karma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you're not John Lennon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
...stay calm, it's by Gem. And it's written "Instant". And your Noel said it's a "fucking number 1"... he loves copied songs...
His fans are really butthurt but I understand them, if I was a Noely fan I would die of jealousy looking at Beady Eye, a proper band.
a classic from Noel's fans / haters: "Liam copied the Roller from Istant Karma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you're not John Lennon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
...stay calm, it's by Gem. And it's written "Instant". And your Noel said it's a "fucking number 1"... he loves copied songs...
His fans are really butthurt but I understand them, if I was a Noely fan I would die of jealousy looking at Beady Eye, a proper band.
Beady Eye number 1
BE was the most purchased album in the UK’s independent record stores last week.
Scottish electronic duo Boards Of Canada are new in at Number 2 with their fourth album, Tomorrow's Harvest, while heavy metal legends Black Sabbath (Ozzy Osbourne) enter at Number 3 with their 19th studio album, 13.
Last week’s chart toppers, Queens Of The Stone Age, fall three places to Number 4 with Like Clockwork, while Daft Punk complete this week’s Top 5 with Random Access Memories (Number 5).
In the Top 40: 11th Miles Kane, 15th Rod Stewart, David Bowie now 20th, Primal Scream 30th, Mumford & Sons 32nd, Stereophonics now 38th.
Beady Eye supercompilation
1. Off At The Next Exit 2. Evil Eye 3. Start Anew 4. Iz Rite 5. Soon Come Tomorrow 6. I’m Just Saying 7. Flick Of The Finger 8. In The Bubble With A Bullet 9. Morning Son 10. The Roller 11. The Beat Goes On 12. Kill For A Dream 13. Two Of A Kind 14. Four Letter Word 15. Bring The Light 16. The World’s Not Set In Stone (live)
Mariocanà, Mexico-Italy 1-2
RIO DE JANEIRO - Goal by Mario Balotelli, always him, despite he was injured the days before the match vs the Olympic winners, nice game to watch.
Plus a great free kick by Pirlo, the Brazilian fans were supporting Italy and shouting his name just before he scored, in his 100th game for the national team.
Standing ovation for Mario @ legendary Maracana stadium.
Mexican goal on penalty by Chicharito Hernandez from Manchester United (there were also 2 clear penalties for Italy, not given).
Next one for the Confederations Cup: Italy vs Japan who lost 3-0 vs Brazil yesterday.
Continue reading...
Plus a great free kick by Pirlo, the Brazilian fans were supporting Italy and shouting his name just before he scored, in his 100th game for the national team.
Standing ovation for Mario @ legendary Maracana stadium.
Mexican goal on penalty by Chicharito Hernandez from Manchester United (there were also 2 clear penalties for Italy, not given).
Next one for the Confederations Cup: Italy vs Japan who lost 3-0 vs Brazil yesterday.
Liam's class @ The Voice
great Liam's performance with Beady Eye @ The Voice. This is a breakthru for the band. Also, cool as fuck and a stage presence Noel will never have. The acoustics @ Jools Holland were not good, too low microphone (all the haters are referring to that show) so he had to shout like @ Noel's times, when the bastard was always keeping a too low volume compared to the instruments.
Still non-fans disliked their decision to perform there, when even Oasis were @ Top of the Pops, etc. it was about playing to millions of people
Beady Eye @ HMV Glasgow
GLASGOW - acoustic live. “The funniest thing was this bloke who asked me what aftershave I was wearing. He said, ‘I’m not a queer or anything, but let me tell you this. You smell delightful. You smell fucking delicious’. It freaked me out, man. I thought, ‘Has the world gone mad? There’s a Glaswegian bloke who looks hard as nails asking me what aftershave I’m wearing’.”
Beatles cover
more to add soon
another interview with Andy
SYDNEY - As anticipated. Beady Eye have returned with their new album, BE. The record sees Liam Gallagher and his ex-Oasis cohorts Gem Archer, Chris Sharrock and Andy Bell pursuing different sonic terrain to the swaggering rockers of their first outing. With the aid of TV On The Radio’s Dave Sitek on production duties, their second outing is a spacier, more adventurous affair.
When I reach guitarist Andy Bell he is a laid back mood and in his softly-spoken Oxford accent talks passionately about how Dave Sitek helped Beady Eye find their new sound, learning the sitar and those ever-present Oasis reunion rumours.
On a scale of one to 10, how surreal was it to play the Olympic closing ceremony last year?
Oh, it was brilliant. It was a 10, without a doubt. It’s just something that, when you get the chance to do it, you’d be insane to turn it down. The experience of it was brilliant and it was a really, really funny day out as well. There was one bit where we were walking from our dressing room to the stage and the acts and crowds of extras that we were passing as we were going by was just like being inside some, I don’t know, Liberace’s acid trip or something. There were troops of Indian Maharajas riding elephants, then you’d have break-dancers and the Spice Girls would be passing. Basically all the bits and pieces from all the other acts were all milling around through these backstage areas as we walked through. It was a really insane but very enjoyable moment; even more so because I was miming so I didn’t have to do anything really. I just stood there and pretend to play guitar. Liam had to sing live though.
What was the recording process like for BE; how long did you spend in the studio?
We only had five weeks booked with Dave Sitek but we worked fast and we finished 18 songs. We did that in four weeks. In the last week we basically left Dave and his assistant to get on with what they were doing and we kind of chilled.
We recorded it in a studio in Richmond, about an hour from London, which is called State Of The Ark. It’s a private studio owned by a successful songwriter who wrote a lot of hits for Tina Turner and Cliff Richard. His name’s Terry Britten. [Ed: Britton was a member of Australian band The Twilights with Glenn Shorrock in the 1960s].He’s an interesting guy. Obviously he doesn’t have to work anymore, he’s got this studio and he just kind of potters around. He used to always bring in weird pedals for me to try out. Little prototypes of things. He’s working on a really cool idea for a stereo guitar where half the strings go through to half the amplifier and half go through to the other side. I’ve ordered one.
That must have appealed to the shoegazer in you?
Totally man. Anything that makes guitars sound weirder.
How does Beady Eye work in terms of song writing? So you, Gem and Liam work on the songs then bring them to one another or is it more collaborative?
I’d credit that as probably the biggest contribution Dave Sitek [brought] to what we do. I think in the past, we’ve kind of seen records as places to just fill every corner with dense sound and it’s taken Dave to make us question that by saying , “How about having a section where almost nothing happens, almost nothing changes and you just have some time to think or just enjoy the moment?” When you take that thought and run with it then you get some of the moments on this album, which are really the best bits. The end of Don’t Brother Me, the end of Soul Love, some of the middle sections of songs kind of seem to open out. It’s quite freeing to realise you can do that. It was really good and I credit Dave for that, without a doubt. He brought that in.
Would you it be fair to say that, musically and lyrically, BE is a far more introverted record than Different Gear Still Speeding?
Yeah, definitely. Again, the production brings that out because it does feature the voice front and centre and some of those tunes that have the more introspective subject matter are now sonically way more interesting than they could have been. They’re the ones you’re drawn to. Like Don’t Brother Me, which was an acoustic tune originally and that became this cosmic epic. Conversely, as song like Ballroom Figured we had a band arrangement for that and it was brought down to guitar and voice which gave it that intimacy.
Is that you playing sitar at the end of Don’t Brother Me?
Yeah, it is. I bought one for the first album because we used it on Millionaire. In true Brian Jones fashion, I bought the thing in the morning and put the overdub on it about an hour later. I tuned it all to the right notes and then put it away for the next two years and then brought it out for this outro. One day I want to do the whole George Harrison thing and go to India and learn how to play it properly. It’s fairly hard with the sitar to tune it to the song you’re doing and pick out some notes that sound good but I’d like to be decent at it someday.
It seems like something people dedicate their lives to learning.
It’s amazing. I’ve seen films of Ravi [Shankar] teaching George to play it. I think the timing’s really important in Indian music. It’s always really odd counts per bar. There’s a formula that they have to learn so it’s kind of like remember a bank statement or something. It’s counting to five, then it’s counting to three, then it’s counting to seven. You’re basically playing music to a formula, a very complicated formula. When you do it right, it sounds great. If everyone’s doing the same thing; when you have a tabla layer playing at the same time, it’s really good.
It doesn’t really bother me. All it really says to me is that people still care about Oasis in the same way that I do occasionally get asked about Ride as well; about whether we’ll reunite. To me, I kind of put it in the same category as things I would like to happen. I’ve got no problem doing it at all. If the Oasis thing came up, I’d be there like a shot but it’s something that relies on Noel and Liam. I don’t know if it’s likely to happen in this millennium really.
What about Ride then?
Similar deal really. Ride is more like something that’s on the backburner where all of us have said “Yeah, that’d be really nice to do one day”, but we’re all really busy. We’ve all got lots of things going on – music and other things. It’s something that I don’t wanna leave forever. I think right now I’ve got unfinished business to work out with Beady Eye and we have to get to a certain point before I’d consider taking a bit of time off from it. I just think it’s not that time right now. We’ve got a lot going on and we’re fully committed to it.
Is part of that unfinished business coming to Australia this time after not touring here on the first Beady Eye album?
We’re definitely going to Australia this time. I keep hearing conversations about it. We wanted to last time as well but we didn’t. This time we definitely are.
POST SCRIPTUM to the email readers:
no Tropical Pizza in Milan, postponed. I knew they were busy in Glasgow.
Videos of Beady Eye @ Pretty Green added.
Also, photos for previous posts
Continue reading...
When I reach guitarist Andy Bell he is a laid back mood and in his softly-spoken Oxford accent talks passionately about how Dave Sitek helped Beady Eye find their new sound, learning the sitar and those ever-present Oasis reunion rumours.
On a scale of one to 10, how surreal was it to play the Olympic closing ceremony last year?
Oh, it was brilliant. It was a 10, without a doubt. It’s just something that, when you get the chance to do it, you’d be insane to turn it down. The experience of it was brilliant and it was a really, really funny day out as well. There was one bit where we were walking from our dressing room to the stage and the acts and crowds of extras that we were passing as we were going by was just like being inside some, I don’t know, Liberace’s acid trip or something. There were troops of Indian Maharajas riding elephants, then you’d have break-dancers and the Spice Girls would be passing. Basically all the bits and pieces from all the other acts were all milling around through these backstage areas as we walked through. It was a really insane but very enjoyable moment; even more so because I was miming so I didn’t have to do anything really. I just stood there and pretend to play guitar. Liam had to sing live though.
What was the recording process like for BE; how long did you spend in the studio?
We only had five weeks booked with Dave Sitek but we worked fast and we finished 18 songs. We did that in four weeks. In the last week we basically left Dave and his assistant to get on with what they were doing and we kind of chilled.
We recorded it in a studio in Richmond, about an hour from London, which is called State Of The Ark. It’s a private studio owned by a successful songwriter who wrote a lot of hits for Tina Turner and Cliff Richard. His name’s Terry Britten. [Ed: Britton was a member of Australian band The Twilights with Glenn Shorrock in the 1960s].He’s an interesting guy. Obviously he doesn’t have to work anymore, he’s got this studio and he just kind of potters around. He used to always bring in weird pedals for me to try out. Little prototypes of things. He’s working on a really cool idea for a stereo guitar where half the strings go through to half the amplifier and half go through to the other side. I’ve ordered one.
That must have appealed to the shoegazer in you?
Totally man. Anything that makes guitars sound weirder.
How does Beady Eye work in terms of song writing? So you, Gem and Liam work on the songs then bring them to one another or is it more collaborative?
It’s slowly changing but basically we bring them in. I’ll explain how it works and this has been the same for both albums. After the Oasis break-up, we were back in a room working on new music weeks after we’d split because that’s all we really knew how to do. We went straight into demoing mode because I think we were a bit unsure how to deal with it all. We hit on this formula where Liam would bring a song and we’d work on that for a week or so; this was in Gem’s home studio. We’d work on Liam’s song, finish everything that needs finishing with it, record a demo and then the next week we’d move on to mine or Gem’s and we’d go round in that same order. So you’re more or less bringing something in to polish up, that you’re ready to work on with the band.
That’s the formula we used on both albums but then we kind of changed it with this new one, slightly towards the end. We were just finishing up and we knew we had a set number of days with Dave left and Liam had a great burst of inspiration where he came out with three songs at once, which were Soul Love, Evil Eye and one more. We also hadn’t finished Flick Of The Finger, which was an instrumental demo that we had knocking about years before called Velvet Building, which had no words, no actual song or anything. It was just the riff with Liam singing over it. We really liked it and Liam suggested that me and Gem finish it off for him. So working on Flick Of The Finger was the first time that we’ve taken a song from that little start until completion. It was a true collaboration between the three of us.
The tracks on BE tend to have a bit more space to them as opposed to the full-on rock ‘n’ roll of the first album. Was it a case of using the studio more or messing with arrangements?
That’s the formula we used on both albums but then we kind of changed it with this new one, slightly towards the end. We were just finishing up and we knew we had a set number of days with Dave left and Liam had a great burst of inspiration where he came out with three songs at once, which were Soul Love, Evil Eye and one more. We also hadn’t finished Flick Of The Finger, which was an instrumental demo that we had knocking about years before called Velvet Building, which had no words, no actual song or anything. It was just the riff with Liam singing over it. We really liked it and Liam suggested that me and Gem finish it off for him. So working on Flick Of The Finger was the first time that we’ve taken a song from that little start until completion. It was a true collaboration between the three of us.
The tracks on BE tend to have a bit more space to them as opposed to the full-on rock ‘n’ roll of the first album. Was it a case of using the studio more or messing with arrangements?
I’d credit that as probably the biggest contribution Dave Sitek [brought] to what we do. I think in the past, we’ve kind of seen records as places to just fill every corner with dense sound and it’s taken Dave to make us question that by saying , “How about having a section where almost nothing happens, almost nothing changes and you just have some time to think or just enjoy the moment?” When you take that thought and run with it then you get some of the moments on this album, which are really the best bits. The end of Don’t Brother Me, the end of Soul Love, some of the middle sections of songs kind of seem to open out. It’s quite freeing to realise you can do that. It was really good and I credit Dave for that, without a doubt. He brought that in.
Would you it be fair to say that, musically and lyrically, BE is a far more introverted record than Different Gear Still Speeding?
Yeah, definitely. Again, the production brings that out because it does feature the voice front and centre and some of those tunes that have the more introspective subject matter are now sonically way more interesting than they could have been. They’re the ones you’re drawn to. Like Don’t Brother Me, which was an acoustic tune originally and that became this cosmic epic. Conversely, as song like Ballroom Figured we had a band arrangement for that and it was brought down to guitar and voice which gave it that intimacy.
Is that you playing sitar at the end of Don’t Brother Me?
Yeah, it is. I bought one for the first album because we used it on Millionaire. In true Brian Jones fashion, I bought the thing in the morning and put the overdub on it about an hour later. I tuned it all to the right notes and then put it away for the next two years and then brought it out for this outro. One day I want to do the whole George Harrison thing and go to India and learn how to play it properly. It’s fairly hard with the sitar to tune it to the song you’re doing and pick out some notes that sound good but I’d like to be decent at it someday.
It seems like something people dedicate their lives to learning.
It’s amazing. I’ve seen films of Ravi [Shankar] teaching George to play it. I think the timing’s really important in Indian music. It’s always really odd counts per bar. There’s a formula that they have to learn so it’s kind of like remember a bank statement or something. It’s counting to five, then it’s counting to three, then it’s counting to seven. You’re basically playing music to a formula, a very complicated formula. When you do it right, it sounds great. If everyone’s doing the same thing; when you have a tabla layer playing at the same time, it’s really good.
Given that it’s only been four years since Oasis split, do you find the continuing press about a possible reunion detracts and distracts from what you’re doing now?
It doesn’t really bother me. All it really says to me is that people still care about Oasis in the same way that I do occasionally get asked about Ride as well; about whether we’ll reunite. To me, I kind of put it in the same category as things I would like to happen. I’ve got no problem doing it at all. If the Oasis thing came up, I’d be there like a shot but it’s something that relies on Noel and Liam. I don’t know if it’s likely to happen in this millennium really.
What about Ride then?
Similar deal really. Ride is more like something that’s on the backburner where all of us have said “Yeah, that’d be really nice to do one day”, but we’re all really busy. We’ve all got lots of things going on – music and other things. It’s something that I don’t wanna leave forever. I think right now I’ve got unfinished business to work out with Beady Eye and we have to get to a certain point before I’d consider taking a bit of time off from it. I just think it’s not that time right now. We’ve got a lot going on and we’re fully committed to it.
Is part of that unfinished business coming to Australia this time after not touring here on the first Beady Eye album?
We’re definitely going to Australia this time. I keep hearing conversations about it. We wanted to last time as well but we didn’t. This time we definitely are.
POST SCRIPTUM to the email readers:
no Tropical Pizza in Milan, postponed. I knew they were busy in Glasgow.
Videos of Beady Eye @ Pretty Green added.
Also, photos for previous posts
Beady Eye @ HMV & Pretty Green +videoS added
MANCHESTER - HMV, where we bought the first Oasis cds in 1994 :)
High-fiving under-tens, posing for selfies with fans and giggling with bandmates... Sounds like a day in the life of The Wanted but nope, we're talking Liam Gallagher here, who showed his softer side at a meet and greet event at Manchester's HMV. The British rock icon is on a promotional tour for new album BE, which kicked off earlier this week with an intimate performance at London's Rough Trade East. Back on home soil last night, Gallagher seemed delighted as he met fans and appeared to be having more fun than he has in years, as he is seen laughing and joking with bandmates during the fan event.
Homecoming rock star Liam Gallagher hailed Manchester as the 'centre of the universe' as he and band Beady Eye launched their new album BE in the city.
The group headed to Manchester for a packed album signing event at HMV on Market Street to huge cheers from the crowd.
And the band’s biggest fans were rewarded for their loyalty – after queuing to meet their idols, a select group of 100 were then invited to party into the night with Liam and the band.
Liam threw open the doors of his designer clothes store Pretty Green on King Street for the exclusive bash and The Diary was there too.
As he headed to the gig he posted on his twitter: “On my way to Manchester centre of the universe.”
And as he entered Pretty Green there were chants of ‘Liam, Liam’ from the adoring masses.
He and band mates then delighted fans with an acoustic gig of tracks off the new album, which has been gaining rave reviews in the music world.
Rumours have been mounting that the band may comeback though, reuniting the warring Burnage brothers.
Needless to say Liam’s new track, Don’t Brother Me, said to be about Noel, was one of the more emotional of the exclusive gig.
There was also a cover of Beatles track Cry Baby Cry, while new track I’m Just Saying, was dedicated to Manc music icon Clint Boon who DJed at the album launch bash.
Liam finished the gig with a heartfelt thanks to the fans, saying: “Thank you for coming, if you bought the album thanks a lot, man, we really appreciate it.”
Fans won’t have to wait too long for Beady Eye’s return – they play an eagerly-anticipated gig at the Ritz.
more to add soon
Continue reading...
High-fiving under-tens, posing for selfies with fans and giggling with bandmates... Sounds like a day in the life of The Wanted but nope, we're talking Liam Gallagher here, who showed his softer side at a meet and greet event at Manchester's HMV. The British rock icon is on a promotional tour for new album BE, which kicked off earlier this week with an intimate performance at London's Rough Trade East. Back on home soil last night, Gallagher seemed delighted as he met fans and appeared to be having more fun than he has in years, as he is seen laughing and joking with bandmates during the fan event.
Homecoming rock star Liam Gallagher hailed Manchester as the 'centre of the universe' as he and band Beady Eye launched their new album BE in the city.
The group headed to Manchester for a packed album signing event at HMV on Market Street to huge cheers from the crowd.
And the band’s biggest fans were rewarded for their loyalty – after queuing to meet their idols, a select group of 100 were then invited to party into the night with Liam and the band.
Liam threw open the doors of his designer clothes store Pretty Green on King Street for the exclusive bash and The Diary was there too.
As he headed to the gig he posted on his twitter: “On my way to Manchester centre of the universe.”
And as he entered Pretty Green there were chants of ‘Liam, Liam’ from the adoring masses.
He and band mates then delighted fans with an acoustic gig of tracks off the new album, which has been gaining rave reviews in the music world.
Rumours have been mounting that the band may comeback though, reuniting the warring Burnage brothers.
Needless to say Liam’s new track, Don’t Brother Me, said to be about Noel, was one of the more emotional of the exclusive gig.
There was also a cover of Beatles track Cry Baby Cry, while new track I’m Just Saying, was dedicated to Manc music icon Clint Boon who DJed at the album launch bash.
Liam finished the gig with a heartfelt thanks to the fans, saying: “Thank you for coming, if you bought the album thanks a lot, man, we really appreciate it.”
Fans won’t have to wait too long for Beady Eye’s return – they play an eagerly-anticipated gig at the Ritz.
ahaha nice video. Free gigs and (hours of) autographs, Noel Gallagher would never do that
Beady Eye funny interview
LONDON - It would be exhausting to be the combative caricature that is "Liam Gallagher" 24 hours a day, so thankfully the frontman of Beady Eye doesn't even try. The more mellow figure GQ meets with his bandmates in John Henry studios in North London is in a cheery mood, whether discussing Shane Meadows' Made In Stone documentary ("It looks absolutely fucking biblical - especially my bit") or debating the merits of the new Daft Punk album (drummer Chris Sharrock says it sounds like "Steely Dan with the Smash potato men singing over the top of it"). Gallagher is particularly keen to share his admiration for Miles Kane, not only musically but also for choosing to make his own decisions on how much leopard skin is too much. "You can't be having stylists mate," says Gallagher with feeling "You can't look good all the time but when you do you want to take all the credit, not some knobhead called Giles." Inevitably, Gallagher's own sunglasses remain on throughout.
We are here to discuss BE, Beady Eye's new record that marks a quantum leap forward from the meat-and-potatoes rock of their 2011 debut Different Gear Still Speeding. Some credit will certainly go to Dave Sitek, the cosmic producer behind TV On The Radio, but some must also go to a band finally deciding to step out of the enormous shadow of Oasis. To mark the release this month, GQ sat down with the band - Gallagher and Sharrock joined by guitarists Gem Archer and Andy Bell - to discuss tour bus survival tactics, drinking with Jimmy Carr and why Gallagher doesn't believe in Yeezus.
What lyric are you most proud of writing on the new album?
Liam: "Ten years later /We'll still remember / Throwaway songs we learn today." We like all the lyrics, all the songs, man. If you'd pulled out one, you'd be a cunt.
Working titles for the album included Lay Off My Avocado Baby and Universal Gleam. Any others?
Gem: Flick Of the Finger was called Velvet Building for ages because Liam wanted the drumbeat to be like the Velvet Underground. I went "How?" He said "just building [up]... for four minutes." Now in our heads we think of it as this great big purple townhouse.
What did you argue with Be producer Dave Sitek about?
LG: We only had five weeks so I guess he wanted to make a list of songs and get out of there. But we were adamant that we wanted to record every demo that we had. You don't know until you've tried: a song could take a fucking mad turn. That was pretty much it - other than stop burning sage because we can't see anything!
G: Apparently there is a certain type of burnable sage but Andy reckons [Sitek] was basically burning condiments...
What's your karaoke song?
L: I've never done it man. If I did and I did it with the missus and it would be that tune, that Dolly Parton one with Kenny Rogers. Islands In the Stream? That's a fucking tune. I'd do that honest to God.
Andy: I'd do something like My Way. That would suit me. I'm thinking dignified, that's where I'm going with it. I'm not doing Agadoo.
What have you bought on tour you've regretted?
L: Cockin' hell. Drugs? I find it's more what you bring on tour that you regret. When you think, What have I brought that fucking stupid jacket for? You got to carry it about all year.
Chris: I bought a bit of the Berlin wall that was in a minibar for about £8.
G: You buy stuff, you put it in the cases and then about four months after the tour has finished, they give you some voodoo stick you've bought in Mexico.
What do you read in every interview that annoys you?
L: I guess it's the Oasis thing really - but you've got to answer it, haven't you, or else people think you're up your own arse? They keep asking about Oasis when we're trying to talk about this. But the minute you go, "We're not talking about Oasis", people just go "you knob."
G: I pointed it out gently on the phone to a guy recently. "You know that's five questions in a row about Oasis?" There was a real big long pause, he came up with something else and then he had his last question, "OK what would you say is the main difference between Liam and Noel?"
What's a Beady Eye Groupie like?
L: Hairy.
A: Lairy.
C: Scary.
G: And they make you wary.
What's your tour bus survival tip?
L: Keep an eye on the driver and talking to him as much as you can. Keep nudging 'em. We've had a couple of alcoholics and the odd crackhead. Some of the drivers go: "Hey, you guys are so nice man. You guys are always talking to me." Listen mate, I think you're a dick- I'm only talking to you to keep you awake.
G: We've ended up on the hard shoulder a few times haven't we? There are certain times when you're in Germany where you just hear "brrrRRRRRRRRRRrrr." You don't get back to sleep after that. And in America, they're allowed to drive for 20 hours. They have a cup they piss in.
A: So never accept a cup of coffee off the driver either…
What's been your worst experience at a festival?
A: Mine is Sweden. I took my daughter who is 14 to a gig as she lives there. She came on the tour bus to a really nice festival to see loads of really big bands like Primal Scream, Suede and the Prodigy. It was pouring with rain and there's basically no one there. There were only 30 people with umbrellas watching us. Wasn't impressive at all.
L: Next time she'll say "I'm alright Dad - I'm doing my homework."
Which band would you like to see reform?
A: The Kinks, as they were one of the few that haven't.
L: I'd like to see The Smiths. I never seen 'em - I weren't a big fan - but I know all the fucking songs because my brother was into them. I remember when they split up, man. People were proper running around like headless chickens in Manchester. They got a lot of tunes, man.
At GQ Men Of The Year, Jimmy Carr described Liam as "if John Lennon had been reincarnated with Tourettes". Liam then said something to him on stage that ruffled him. What was it?
L: Some kind of cryptic shit, I can't tell you mate. I like Jimmy Carr - I'm in touch with him actually. He's a dude. We were in this mad hotel in New York, The Bowery. It was 3am in the morning and he walks in with his suitcase. He was going to bed but we got him on the piss. We were well gone and then this mad blondie girl from New York has spotted us and walks in. She turns around and says to Jimmy, "What's with the Eighties flick man?" And he turns round to her and says, "What's with the fat arse?" [laughs]
Have you ever had sex to one of your own records?
L: Fuck that! Especially if I'm singing! Or our kid!
G: One has come on in the middle of an ipod and it's not a good feeling. You think, "Do I mention this or do I try and stop it?" Keeping going is not the right answer….
L: "One second… can you turn it up a bit? Can you rewind that?"
Have you ever cheated death?
A: I had a pretty severe allergic reaction on a jet plane. It was pretty heavy. That flight was very eventful: I got on the flight to Miami with the guys as we were off to South America on tour. The first little bite of my food something felt weird. I started swelling up, feeling very itchy, very weird, overheating, finding it hard to breathe. As it was getting to the stage where I thought I won't be able to breathe, I walked up to the toilets and started throwing up really heavily. Managed to get one of our security guys, Steve, to get my adrenalin out and stick it in my leg. Then I had the best three days of my life! The adrenalin is great, if you ever have to use it. It's good - it lasts for ages and when it wears off you think, "Oh, it's just the Epipen. I thought I'd reached a new level in fitness and health and life."
Describe your worst haircut.
L: Mine's probably the Jesus centre parting thing I had a few years ago. I look at it now and just think: "You dick." Felt good at the time though.
A: I had a quiff when I was about 16. I went for the Morrissey - that's bad news that. I always wanted really long hair - the full Neil From The Young Ones. And a beard. But I'm cursed with hair that only ever gets medium.
G: I went for the full Taxi Driver once: the full Travis Bickle. My mam made me eat upstairs until it grew back. Seriously, she thought I was a right troublemaker.
L: "Are you talking to me, Mam?"
Liam, is your jacket Pretty Green?
L: I'm not telling you who it is - I'm not giving them any fucking publicity!
G: I'm not telling you who this jacket is from as I bloody had to pay for it.
A: It's written on the buttons…
G: Anyway, it all works out man because some of my favourite sunglasses cost £7.
C: You know that ZZ Top record "Cheap Sunglasses" - it's about a hangover so bad you've got to go and get some.
G: I was speaking to someone the other day - the geezer who he works with wears £900 jeans. That's wrong isn't it? Jeans should be £60, maximum.
L: That is wrong. Levi's all the way man.
What do you make of Kanye West calling his album Yeezus?
L: I couldn't give a fuck what that fuckin clown gets up to. Have you seen when he bumped his head? He's coming out of the gym with that bird and there are geezers taking pictures. You have to put your head up and carry on walking. He's gone [mimes putting his head down] and walked straight into a fucking pole. You hear it go "dink" and him tell people to stop taking pictures. Put your head up so you know what you're doing! Smashed his head up: he's a fucking idiot. You'll never see Jesus banging his head.
Have you ever stolen anything?
G: Who hasn't? You know my picture of John Lennon that's by my piano in the basement…
L: Are you sure you want to say this? "Gem Archer: tea leaf." Could ruin your whole career…
G: I was in my old band and they were showing the Stones' rock and roll movie at the Astoria on the same night they were launching something to do with the Beatles on Savile row. That was the night I got up on the roof. We were in John Lennon's office in Apple. There were all these photos around. I knew the [PR] girl as she did something with the Boo Radleys, I pointed to one and said "That's great can I buy that? and said "Gem, just take it - no one will notice." I felt like one of the Rutles walking out. My Eric Idle moment!
What should no man have in his wardrobe?
L: Another naked man.
A: Clothing wise, definitely no silk socks, dungarees and waistcoats - I'm not a big fan of waistcoats.
G: Fuck I was going to bust one out! I heard a story that the Who's John Entwistle used to keep a proper skeleton in every wardrobe in his house.
What's the strangest place you've heard Beady Eye?
A: Hollyoaks. I'm a fan of Hollyoaks - normally just by day as the night one is a bit hardcore isn't it? Brings me out in a hot flush.
What's the strangest gift you've ever got from a fan?
G: I got a wreath once. It was in Spain. That was really dark.
L: The usual: crabs. [laughs] You know that's got to have been said a million times. Like Lemmy: get in there! I met him once on a plane. I thought, "I'm not going to drink on this flight, I'm going to wind my neck in. Can I get a water please?" Next minute a pair of cowboy boots get put down beside me. He looked at me and said "What the fuck are you doing drinking water?"
G:I was on that flight. All Lemmy got off the plane with was duty free and his cowboy boots.
Who do you see as your competition?
L: No-one. Us. Ourselves. We're not part of a scene. We're just doing our own thing. We want to be left alone so we can get on with it. It's not Noel, it's not Kasabian, it's no-one really.
A: Noel's carrying on the Oasis brand himself and hopefully we're ploughing our own path a bit more.
G: Me and Chris were saying we think we've earned our place over here to be left alone to do our thing.
A: But still come and see us and buy the record.
When were you last starstruck?
L: When I went in the toilet a minute ago and looked in the mirror.
A: I met Debbie Harry, that was pretty amazing. Had a photo with her.I got a peck on the cheek.
Can you recommend a good book?
G: Wonderland Avenue. I read it years ago. It's about LA when it was all kicking off with The Stooges and Jim Morrison. It's this young kid Danny Sugerman and he's seen as a good eye and a good ear. There are some funny bits in it man: Jim Morrison's dad chasing him around the pool trying to give him a crew cut.
A: If you like conspiracy theories Voodoo Histories by David Aaronovitch is a top book.
C: The Arthur Lowe biography: A Life That Led To Mainwaring.
What's the best thing you can cook?
L: I really can't cook man.
G: I'm getting into it. Apparently all the teenagers that my kids drag in reckon that my mash is the bollocks. The key is that you can't rush the mash. I shouldn't be giving you all my secrets but it depends on the potatoes: if you put cold milk in it makes it lumpy. Cut the potatoes small enough but not so small that they get watery when they're done.
What's the best advice you've ever received?
A: He didn't give it to me personally but Phil Spector's motto was, "Be good to rock'n'roll and rock'n'roll will be good to you."
L: I've got one like that. John Lennon: "Everything will be OK in the end. And if it ain't ok, then it ain't the end."
What do you fear you'll be remembered for?
L: Not cooking. Any regrets? Not really no. It was all meant to be no matter what you do.
A: Nothing. I don't think made much of an impression on the world yet. Not that I really wanted to be remembered anyway but in the end…
another recent Q & A
Continue reading...
We are here to discuss BE, Beady Eye's new record that marks a quantum leap forward from the meat-and-potatoes rock of their 2011 debut Different Gear Still Speeding. Some credit will certainly go to Dave Sitek, the cosmic producer behind TV On The Radio, but some must also go to a band finally deciding to step out of the enormous shadow of Oasis. To mark the release this month, GQ sat down with the band - Gallagher and Sharrock joined by guitarists Gem Archer and Andy Bell - to discuss tour bus survival tactics, drinking with Jimmy Carr and why Gallagher doesn't believe in Yeezus.
What lyric are you most proud of writing on the new album?
Liam: "Ten years later /We'll still remember / Throwaway songs we learn today." We like all the lyrics, all the songs, man. If you'd pulled out one, you'd be a cunt.
Working titles for the album included Lay Off My Avocado Baby and Universal Gleam. Any others?
Gem: Flick Of the Finger was called Velvet Building for ages because Liam wanted the drumbeat to be like the Velvet Underground. I went "How?" He said "just building [up]... for four minutes." Now in our heads we think of it as this great big purple townhouse.
What did you argue with Be producer Dave Sitek about?
LG: We only had five weeks so I guess he wanted to make a list of songs and get out of there. But we were adamant that we wanted to record every demo that we had. You don't know until you've tried: a song could take a fucking mad turn. That was pretty much it - other than stop burning sage because we can't see anything!
G: Apparently there is a certain type of burnable sage but Andy reckons [Sitek] was basically burning condiments...
What's your karaoke song?
L: I've never done it man. If I did and I did it with the missus and it would be that tune, that Dolly Parton one with Kenny Rogers. Islands In the Stream? That's a fucking tune. I'd do that honest to God.
Andy: I'd do something like My Way. That would suit me. I'm thinking dignified, that's where I'm going with it. I'm not doing Agadoo.
What have you bought on tour you've regretted?
L: Cockin' hell. Drugs? I find it's more what you bring on tour that you regret. When you think, What have I brought that fucking stupid jacket for? You got to carry it about all year.
Chris: I bought a bit of the Berlin wall that was in a minibar for about £8.
G: You buy stuff, you put it in the cases and then about four months after the tour has finished, they give you some voodoo stick you've bought in Mexico.
What do you read in every interview that annoys you?
L: I guess it's the Oasis thing really - but you've got to answer it, haven't you, or else people think you're up your own arse? They keep asking about Oasis when we're trying to talk about this. But the minute you go, "We're not talking about Oasis", people just go "you knob."
G: I pointed it out gently on the phone to a guy recently. "You know that's five questions in a row about Oasis?" There was a real big long pause, he came up with something else and then he had his last question, "OK what would you say is the main difference between Liam and Noel?"
What's a Beady Eye Groupie like?
L: Hairy.
A: Lairy.
C: Scary.
G: And they make you wary.
What's your tour bus survival tip?
L: Keep an eye on the driver and talking to him as much as you can. Keep nudging 'em. We've had a couple of alcoholics and the odd crackhead. Some of the drivers go: "Hey, you guys are so nice man. You guys are always talking to me." Listen mate, I think you're a dick- I'm only talking to you to keep you awake.
G: We've ended up on the hard shoulder a few times haven't we? There are certain times when you're in Germany where you just hear "brrrRRRRRRRRRRrrr." You don't get back to sleep after that. And in America, they're allowed to drive for 20 hours. They have a cup they piss in.
A: So never accept a cup of coffee off the driver either…
What's been your worst experience at a festival?
A: Mine is Sweden. I took my daughter who is 14 to a gig as she lives there. She came on the tour bus to a really nice festival to see loads of really big bands like Primal Scream, Suede and the Prodigy. It was pouring with rain and there's basically no one there. There were only 30 people with umbrellas watching us. Wasn't impressive at all.
L: Next time she'll say "I'm alright Dad - I'm doing my homework."
Which band would you like to see reform?
A: The Kinks, as they were one of the few that haven't.
L: I'd like to see The Smiths. I never seen 'em - I weren't a big fan - but I know all the fucking songs because my brother was into them. I remember when they split up, man. People were proper running around like headless chickens in Manchester. They got a lot of tunes, man.
At GQ Men Of The Year, Jimmy Carr described Liam as "if John Lennon had been reincarnated with Tourettes". Liam then said something to him on stage that ruffled him. What was it?
L: Some kind of cryptic shit, I can't tell you mate. I like Jimmy Carr - I'm in touch with him actually. He's a dude. We were in this mad hotel in New York, The Bowery. It was 3am in the morning and he walks in with his suitcase. He was going to bed but we got him on the piss. We were well gone and then this mad blondie girl from New York has spotted us and walks in. She turns around and says to Jimmy, "What's with the Eighties flick man?" And he turns round to her and says, "What's with the fat arse?" [laughs]
Have you ever had sex to one of your own records?
L: Fuck that! Especially if I'm singing! Or our kid!
G: One has come on in the middle of an ipod and it's not a good feeling. You think, "Do I mention this or do I try and stop it?" Keeping going is not the right answer….
L: "One second… can you turn it up a bit? Can you rewind that?"
Have you ever cheated death?
A: I had a pretty severe allergic reaction on a jet plane. It was pretty heavy. That flight was very eventful: I got on the flight to Miami with the guys as we were off to South America on tour. The first little bite of my food something felt weird. I started swelling up, feeling very itchy, very weird, overheating, finding it hard to breathe. As it was getting to the stage where I thought I won't be able to breathe, I walked up to the toilets and started throwing up really heavily. Managed to get one of our security guys, Steve, to get my adrenalin out and stick it in my leg. Then I had the best three days of my life! The adrenalin is great, if you ever have to use it. It's good - it lasts for ages and when it wears off you think, "Oh, it's just the Epipen. I thought I'd reached a new level in fitness and health and life."
Describe your worst haircut.
L: Mine's probably the Jesus centre parting thing I had a few years ago. I look at it now and just think: "You dick." Felt good at the time though.
A: I had a quiff when I was about 16. I went for the Morrissey - that's bad news that. I always wanted really long hair - the full Neil From The Young Ones. And a beard. But I'm cursed with hair that only ever gets medium.
G: I went for the full Taxi Driver once: the full Travis Bickle. My mam made me eat upstairs until it grew back. Seriously, she thought I was a right troublemaker.
L: "Are you talking to me, Mam?"
Liam, is your jacket Pretty Green?
L: I'm not telling you who it is - I'm not giving them any fucking publicity!
G: I'm not telling you who this jacket is from as I bloody had to pay for it.
A: It's written on the buttons…
G: Anyway, it all works out man because some of my favourite sunglasses cost £7.
C: You know that ZZ Top record "Cheap Sunglasses" - it's about a hangover so bad you've got to go and get some.
G: I was speaking to someone the other day - the geezer who he works with wears £900 jeans. That's wrong isn't it? Jeans should be £60, maximum.
L: That is wrong. Levi's all the way man.
What do you make of Kanye West calling his album Yeezus?
L: I couldn't give a fuck what that fuckin clown gets up to. Have you seen when he bumped his head? He's coming out of the gym with that bird and there are geezers taking pictures. You have to put your head up and carry on walking. He's gone [mimes putting his head down] and walked straight into a fucking pole. You hear it go "dink" and him tell people to stop taking pictures. Put your head up so you know what you're doing! Smashed his head up: he's a fucking idiot. You'll never see Jesus banging his head.
Have you ever stolen anything?
G: Who hasn't? You know my picture of John Lennon that's by my piano in the basement…
L: Are you sure you want to say this? "Gem Archer: tea leaf." Could ruin your whole career…
G: I was in my old band and they were showing the Stones' rock and roll movie at the Astoria on the same night they were launching something to do with the Beatles on Savile row. That was the night I got up on the roof. We were in John Lennon's office in Apple. There were all these photos around. I knew the [PR] girl as she did something with the Boo Radleys, I pointed to one and said "That's great can I buy that? and said "Gem, just take it - no one will notice." I felt like one of the Rutles walking out. My Eric Idle moment!
What should no man have in his wardrobe?
L: Another naked man.
A: Clothing wise, definitely no silk socks, dungarees and waistcoats - I'm not a big fan of waistcoats.
G: Fuck I was going to bust one out! I heard a story that the Who's John Entwistle used to keep a proper skeleton in every wardrobe in his house.
What's the strangest place you've heard Beady Eye?
A: Hollyoaks. I'm a fan of Hollyoaks - normally just by day as the night one is a bit hardcore isn't it? Brings me out in a hot flush.
What's the strangest gift you've ever got from a fan?
G: I got a wreath once. It was in Spain. That was really dark.
L: The usual: crabs. [laughs] You know that's got to have been said a million times. Like Lemmy: get in there! I met him once on a plane. I thought, "I'm not going to drink on this flight, I'm going to wind my neck in. Can I get a water please?" Next minute a pair of cowboy boots get put down beside me. He looked at me and said "What the fuck are you doing drinking water?"
G:I was on that flight. All Lemmy got off the plane with was duty free and his cowboy boots.
Who do you see as your competition?
L: No-one. Us. Ourselves. We're not part of a scene. We're just doing our own thing. We want to be left alone so we can get on with it. It's not Noel, it's not Kasabian, it's no-one really.
A: Noel's carrying on the Oasis brand himself and hopefully we're ploughing our own path a bit more.
G: Me and Chris were saying we think we've earned our place over here to be left alone to do our thing.
A: But still come and see us and buy the record.
When were you last starstruck?
L: When I went in the toilet a minute ago and looked in the mirror.
A: I met Debbie Harry, that was pretty amazing. Had a photo with her.I got a peck on the cheek.
Can you recommend a good book?
G: Wonderland Avenue. I read it years ago. It's about LA when it was all kicking off with The Stooges and Jim Morrison. It's this young kid Danny Sugerman and he's seen as a good eye and a good ear. There are some funny bits in it man: Jim Morrison's dad chasing him around the pool trying to give him a crew cut.
A: If you like conspiracy theories Voodoo Histories by David Aaronovitch is a top book.
C: The Arthur Lowe biography: A Life That Led To Mainwaring.
What's the best thing you can cook?
L: I really can't cook man.
G: I'm getting into it. Apparently all the teenagers that my kids drag in reckon that my mash is the bollocks. The key is that you can't rush the mash. I shouldn't be giving you all my secrets but it depends on the potatoes: if you put cold milk in it makes it lumpy. Cut the potatoes small enough but not so small that they get watery when they're done.
What's the best advice you've ever received?
A: He didn't give it to me personally but Phil Spector's motto was, "Be good to rock'n'roll and rock'n'roll will be good to you."
L: I've got one like that. John Lennon: "Everything will be OK in the end. And if it ain't ok, then it ain't the end."
What do you fear you'll be remembered for?
L: Not cooking. Any regrets? Not really no. It was all meant to be no matter what you do.
A: Nothing. I don't think made much of an impression on the world yet. Not that I really wanted to be remembered anyway but in the end…
another recent Q & A
Beady Eye 3rd album
LONDON - In an interview with Faster Louder, former Oasis bassist Andy Bell revealed that Australian dates are on the cards after skipping us on their 2011 tour. "We’re definitely going to Australia this time, I keep hearing conversations about it," he said "We wanted to last time as well but we didn’t. This time we definitely are.”
Noel would say: "Australians only hope is cricket. Fuck off, cricket players!"
There will be a Beady Eye 3rd album, all the haters (some Noel's fans too) just accept it and fuck off, assholes.
In our rap era, rock'n'roll is fresh air.
from Clash:
will the bands next album be even bigger, better and stranger then the current one?
Liam: Yeah, I guess so. Who fuckin' knows, man? The door is definitely open. With this album we've definitely gone to a new dimension - whether it's the right one, time will tell and that, but I like it. The gloves are off now - we can definitely do some weird shit, man.
what about the initial ideas for BE?
We demoed all the songs that are on this album, and they were good; we could have gone in and made it like that and it would have been stuck in that '60s kinda rut - but I like that kind of thing. So it would have still been good, but I guess it would have been Different Gear Still Speeding Part Two, you know what I mean? We're always up for a bit of change - we're always up for doing something different - but until it's in front of your face and your ears, it's hard to tell what you want to do. So with [previous producer] Dave Sardy, Scott, our new manager, he said, Look, you don't want to go in with the normal producer, you've got to go with someone who's a little bit out of your comfort zone. I went, Cool. Let's fuckin' check it out.
The first day I met Dave Sitek was in the studio. I liked abit of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs - I've never really heard much about his band [Tv on the Radio] - and then he just started fuckin' playing us what he'd done to [the demo of] 'lick Of The Finger. I thought, Fuckin' yes - it had a dark and menacing edge to it that we didn't have. And then when he got Soul Love out, he'd started putting all these atmospherics on it and cosmic fuckin' shit - ambient stuff that we wouldn't normally do. So that's when we thought, Yeah, this is it, man.
How do you think your own song writing has progressed since your initial forays with Oasis?
Yeah, it's getting better, man. I mean, it's like anything: if you keep practicing... You'll never master the art of song writing, and I don't want to. I'd say I'm a part-time songwriter -I can sing anyone's songs, you know what I mean? But yeah, I'm obviously getting a little bit better. I'm not much of a wordsmith. I tend to go with the first thing that comes down; I just write it and hopefully it has a bit of a root to it. Sometimes it means absolute jack shit and then you listen back to it... Like with Don't Brother Me; you go, Oh, right - I didn't intentionally go out and write a song about our kid, you know what I mean? It just happened.
It's a cleverly passive/ aggressive song.
Yeah. It's not that malicious, you know what I mean? There are a couple of little [digs] in there. Like, he's going on about if he had a gun and all this shit, and it's like, Did you shoot your gun? But there's nothing! malicious, man. It could be a lot worse.
But you've got to be prepared for people asking you about it?
Yeah man, without a doubt. I wouldn't have put it out unless... If| people ask me a question, they're always gonna get a fuckin' honest answer. But I don't care anyway; he's been writing songs about me all his fuckin' life.
Do you prefer to air your feelings in your music rather than keep them private?
Yeah, but he knows my feelings. Everyone knows my feelings, I'm not shy with that. I love our kid - as in the Noel that's not in a band and not in the music business and not all that bullshit that people see he is. But the band Noel? The fuckin' geezer that's in the band? I fuckin' absolutely fuckin' despise [him]. And I guess he feels the same way. But if you speak to him, he'll probably go: Yeah, I know; I hate both the cunts.
How do you define what a Beady Eye song is?
A Beady Eye song has got to have attitude, it's got to have a great melody, great chords - you've got to be able to play it on acoustic, you know what I mean? That's how I measure a good song: if vou can fuckin' sit there and strum it on the acoustic guitar in your house to your dogs and it still sounds good, then that's the sound of a good song. Then once you put all the other shit on it, then obviously it gets better, I guess.
Andy: At the beginning of the demo session we were like, Let's direct ourselves at a cross between [George Harrison's] Wonderwall Music soundtrack and All Things Must Pass. We had a sort of orchestral Simon And Garfunkel epicness.
Gem: Yeah, Liam was banging on about Simon and Garfunkel a lot, but what we actually wanted from the lyrics and the melodies was just real strong songs, man. Emotion, directness, vulnerability, hope, broken hearts, paranoia; the usual kind of adult emotions that you pick up.
A: With the first album we would have been saying, Right, we need rock 'n' roll. It needs to be lairy, lean and mean. We don't want to have any indulgent bits on it - not too many guitar solos - we just want it to be arranged to play the fuck out of live. So that was the message there. The message now was more like a bit of headspace. Dave saw that in the tunes and he brought a whole lot of ambience to it as well that we wouldn't have got near without him. Dave added the ambience, the chaos, the invention, the questioning - we questioned every tune on the day. We came out with an amazing record that at times is space rock, other times is ambient, at times it is like Hawkwind, and at other times it's like Oasis or Beady Eye's first album; it kind of runs through the whole spectrum.
About the mindset between going into the new album from their debut:
G: With [the debut] we wanted to play some rock 'n' roll and it was just about getting moving after the band had split - if we'd have left it too long we would have probably got the fear. Now this one sounds like our considered opinion.
A: We were just frantic coming out of Oasis and we just wanted to get moving, and we had a bunch of tunes that we were already ready to do and wanted to build a live set, because we didn't want to do Oasis tunes straight away - we wanted to be Beady Eye and start off and make that an entity of its own. So making the album, you hear it: you can feel that franticness in it, you can feel the fact we are almost reeling a little bit. But these are not necessarily bad things, you know?
were you restricted with what you could do musically in Oasis? since you've been Beady Eye, is there more room to experiment?
A: Yeah. I guess it's all in our hands; it's a smaller concern and it's not so important what we do in the big picture of life and the universe, so we're allowed to just do what we want and are just getting on with having fun with it in our little corner of the world. It doesn't really feel like the world of music is waiting to hear it so we're just kind of getting on with it, and then maybe it will catch fire".
There were a lot of songs demoed. How many did you originally have, and what happened to them all?
A: Well, at the end of our demos we had twenty-one things but they weren't all songs. One of them was just sort of noises...
G: That was the thing that kind of hooked [Dave]. We sent him five songs and he went, 'These are really strong, have you got any more?' So we thought we should send him the lot, because you should be open. And in amongst that there was a thereemin solo and he went, 'Right, you guys' songs are really strong - do you want to go there?' We went, 'Absolutely', and he went, 'Perfect!' Because he didn't know if we were going to be precious and uptight or 'this is how it is', you know? That was it. And then we attempted to record them all in five weeks.
A: That was the only battle, really, being up against it with the time in the studio. Dave was trying to get the number of songs down to cut his workload down but we just wouldn't let him do it. Towards the end of every week he just kind of said, 'You know guys, over the weekend can you have a little think about the priorities?' And we would be like, 'Yup'.
G: Until the fourth week in and he was like, 'Can you guys make a fucking list?!' And we thought, We've only got one more weekend to put him off and we will have done the lot!'
A: We came out with eighteen.
G: Second Bite Of The Apple was the last song to be recorded. Initially it was Liam going, 'Fuck it, we're doing the lot, man, because you never know.' And that's the point of working with a producer: the possibilities are there, everything is up for grabs, and you just don't know until you get your hands dirty.
L: It was a good song, but if we hadn't have kept at doing it, it wouldn't have turned out like that. You've got to give every song a chance, because shit can happen. You can bring it in dressed like summat, and it can come out dressed like summat else.
So it surprises you as much as it does anyone else?
L: Yeah. The first idea might not be the best idea - it might be your third or your fourth. And we're up for that, man, we've always been up for that. In Oasis it wasn't so much - it was pretty much: 'This is if, boom, 'That's it', and that's what we do. But with Beady Eye, the world is our oyster, man. We can do what the fuck we want, because we're all for going with the flow, you know what I mean?
(Clash Magazine, their review rating for the album: 8/10)
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Noel would say: "Australians only hope is cricket. Fuck off, cricket players!"
There will be a Beady Eye 3rd album, all the haters (some Noel's fans too) just accept it and fuck off, assholes.
In our rap era, rock'n'roll is fresh air.
from Clash:
will the bands next album be even bigger, better and stranger then the current one?
Liam: Yeah, I guess so. Who fuckin' knows, man? The door is definitely open. With this album we've definitely gone to a new dimension - whether it's the right one, time will tell and that, but I like it. The gloves are off now - we can definitely do some weird shit, man.
what about the initial ideas for BE?
We demoed all the songs that are on this album, and they were good; we could have gone in and made it like that and it would have been stuck in that '60s kinda rut - but I like that kind of thing. So it would have still been good, but I guess it would have been Different Gear Still Speeding Part Two, you know what I mean? We're always up for a bit of change - we're always up for doing something different - but until it's in front of your face and your ears, it's hard to tell what you want to do. So with [previous producer] Dave Sardy, Scott, our new manager, he said, Look, you don't want to go in with the normal producer, you've got to go with someone who's a little bit out of your comfort zone. I went, Cool. Let's fuckin' check it out.
The first day I met Dave Sitek was in the studio. I liked abit of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs - I've never really heard much about his band [Tv on the Radio] - and then he just started fuckin' playing us what he'd done to [the demo of] 'lick Of The Finger. I thought, Fuckin' yes - it had a dark and menacing edge to it that we didn't have. And then when he got Soul Love out, he'd started putting all these atmospherics on it and cosmic fuckin' shit - ambient stuff that we wouldn't normally do. So that's when we thought, Yeah, this is it, man.
How do you think your own song writing has progressed since your initial forays with Oasis?
Yeah, it's getting better, man. I mean, it's like anything: if you keep practicing... You'll never master the art of song writing, and I don't want to. I'd say I'm a part-time songwriter -I can sing anyone's songs, you know what I mean? But yeah, I'm obviously getting a little bit better. I'm not much of a wordsmith. I tend to go with the first thing that comes down; I just write it and hopefully it has a bit of a root to it. Sometimes it means absolute jack shit and then you listen back to it... Like with Don't Brother Me; you go, Oh, right - I didn't intentionally go out and write a song about our kid, you know what I mean? It just happened.
It's a cleverly passive/ aggressive song.
Yeah. It's not that malicious, you know what I mean? There are a couple of little [digs] in there. Like, he's going on about if he had a gun and all this shit, and it's like, Did you shoot your gun? But there's nothing! malicious, man. It could be a lot worse.
But you've got to be prepared for people asking you about it?
Yeah man, without a doubt. I wouldn't have put it out unless... If| people ask me a question, they're always gonna get a fuckin' honest answer. But I don't care anyway; he's been writing songs about me all his fuckin' life.
Do you prefer to air your feelings in your music rather than keep them private?
Yeah, but he knows my feelings. Everyone knows my feelings, I'm not shy with that. I love our kid - as in the Noel that's not in a band and not in the music business and not all that bullshit that people see he is. But the band Noel? The fuckin' geezer that's in the band? I fuckin' absolutely fuckin' despise [him]. And I guess he feels the same way. But if you speak to him, he'll probably go: Yeah, I know; I hate both the cunts.
But yeah, I love our kid when he's not surrounded by the bullshit.
How do you define what a Beady Eye song is?
A Beady Eye song has got to have attitude, it's got to have a great melody, great chords - you've got to be able to play it on acoustic, you know what I mean? That's how I measure a good song: if vou can fuckin' sit there and strum it on the acoustic guitar in your house to your dogs and it still sounds good, then that's the sound of a good song. Then once you put all the other shit on it, then obviously it gets better, I guess.
Andy: At the beginning of the demo session we were like, Let's direct ourselves at a cross between [George Harrison's] Wonderwall Music soundtrack and All Things Must Pass. We had a sort of orchestral Simon And Garfunkel epicness.
Gem: Yeah, Liam was banging on about Simon and Garfunkel a lot, but what we actually wanted from the lyrics and the melodies was just real strong songs, man. Emotion, directness, vulnerability, hope, broken hearts, paranoia; the usual kind of adult emotions that you pick up.
A: With the first album we would have been saying, Right, we need rock 'n' roll. It needs to be lairy, lean and mean. We don't want to have any indulgent bits on it - not too many guitar solos - we just want it to be arranged to play the fuck out of live. So that was the message there. The message now was more like a bit of headspace. Dave saw that in the tunes and he brought a whole lot of ambience to it as well that we wouldn't have got near without him. Dave added the ambience, the chaos, the invention, the questioning - we questioned every tune on the day. We came out with an amazing record that at times is space rock, other times is ambient, at times it is like Hawkwind, and at other times it's like Oasis or Beady Eye's first album; it kind of runs through the whole spectrum.
About the mindset between going into the new album from their debut:
G: With [the debut] we wanted to play some rock 'n' roll and it was just about getting moving after the band had split - if we'd have left it too long we would have probably got the fear. Now this one sounds like our considered opinion.
A: We were just frantic coming out of Oasis and we just wanted to get moving, and we had a bunch of tunes that we were already ready to do and wanted to build a live set, because we didn't want to do Oasis tunes straight away - we wanted to be Beady Eye and start off and make that an entity of its own. So making the album, you hear it: you can feel that franticness in it, you can feel the fact we are almost reeling a little bit. But these are not necessarily bad things, you know?
were you restricted with what you could do musically in Oasis? since you've been Beady Eye, is there more room to experiment?
A: Yeah. I guess it's all in our hands; it's a smaller concern and it's not so important what we do in the big picture of life and the universe, so we're allowed to just do what we want and are just getting on with having fun with it in our little corner of the world. It doesn't really feel like the world of music is waiting to hear it so we're just kind of getting on with it, and then maybe it will catch fire".
There were a lot of songs demoed. How many did you originally have, and what happened to them all?
A: Well, at the end of our demos we had twenty-one things but they weren't all songs. One of them was just sort of noises...
G: That was the thing that kind of hooked [Dave]. We sent him five songs and he went, 'These are really strong, have you got any more?' So we thought we should send him the lot, because you should be open. And in amongst that there was a thereemin solo and he went, 'Right, you guys' songs are really strong - do you want to go there?' We went, 'Absolutely', and he went, 'Perfect!' Because he didn't know if we were going to be precious and uptight or 'this is how it is', you know? That was it. And then we attempted to record them all in five weeks.
A: That was the only battle, really, being up against it with the time in the studio. Dave was trying to get the number of songs down to cut his workload down but we just wouldn't let him do it. Towards the end of every week he just kind of said, 'You know guys, over the weekend can you have a little think about the priorities?' And we would be like, 'Yup'.
G: Until the fourth week in and he was like, 'Can you guys make a fucking list?!' And we thought, We've only got one more weekend to put him off and we will have done the lot!'
A: We came out with eighteen.
G: Second Bite Of The Apple was the last song to be recorded. Initially it was Liam going, 'Fuck it, we're doing the lot, man, because you never know.' And that's the point of working with a producer: the possibilities are there, everything is up for grabs, and you just don't know until you get your hands dirty.
L: It was a good song, but if we hadn't have kept at doing it, it wouldn't have turned out like that. You've got to give every song a chance, because shit can happen. You can bring it in dressed like summat, and it can come out dressed like summat else.
So it surprises you as much as it does anyone else?
L: Yeah. The first idea might not be the best idea - it might be your third or your fourth. And we're up for that, man, we've always been up for that. In Oasis it wasn't so much - it was pretty much: 'This is if, boom, 'That's it', and that's what we do. But with Beady Eye, the world is our oyster, man. We can do what the fuck we want, because we're all for going with the flow, you know what I mean?
(Clash Magazine, their review rating for the album: 8/10)
BE 9th positive review
LONDON - Between the Beatles and the Beach Boys (hated by jealous Noel...too many hits), no more the fucking Osmonds ahaha (they censored the nipple in Italy too, with the sticker).
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Another positive review:
Liam has put the middle finger up at his many critics, Gallagher is back to his best.
Liam Gallagher and his Beady Eye boys are back with the follow up to their debut album Different Gear Still Speeding with new album BE, and its certainly proved Liam has still got it.
Teaming up with producer Dave Sitek seemed a little bit of a gamble at first, but with his input adding some punch and shaking Beady Eye’s sound up, its certainly been a gamble worth taking.
The album is certainly no Oasis album as everyone secretly hopes, although Gallagher said it never would be, album opener Flick Of The Finger opens your ears as you get that thought after the opening 30 seconds that you are ready to hear a top album. Moving into the next single Soul Love see’s Gallagher firmly in his comfort zone, acoustic Brit-pop at its finest and Gallagher’s songwriting improving from a mediocre first album, lyrics such as “life is short, don’t be shy, spread your wings and learn to fly” from Soul Love prove that.
The album is something that might even make you want to sit back and get your feet tickled by the NME… maybe that’s just Gallagher, apart from that awful lyric on Second Bite Of The Apple [song by Gem, responsible for co-writing Noel Gallagher's solo album], the album provides a mostly acoustic Brit-pop record with obvious Oasis feelings, but also an album that punches in places with the more in your face tracks such as Face The Crowd.
Don’t Brother Me is a 7 and a half minute song seemingly a tribute to his long lost estranged brother with the repeated lyric ‘give peace a chance’. Moving to I’m Just Saying, the track is one of the best on the album, the band really excelling themselves, seemingly finding exactly how they want Beady Eye to sound.
Gallagher will probably never have the lyrical talent of his brother, nor will Beady Eye ever be Oasis, but this is him getting back to his best; with Dave Sitek on board with the production, its certainly an album that won’t be written off like their debut.
rating: 4 stars out of 5
Liam has put the middle finger up at his many critics, Gallagher is back to his best.
Liam Gallagher and his Beady Eye boys are back with the follow up to their debut album Different Gear Still Speeding with new album BE, and its certainly proved Liam has still got it.
Teaming up with producer Dave Sitek seemed a little bit of a gamble at first, but with his input adding some punch and shaking Beady Eye’s sound up, its certainly been a gamble worth taking.
The album is certainly no Oasis album as everyone secretly hopes, although Gallagher said it never would be, album opener Flick Of The Finger opens your ears as you get that thought after the opening 30 seconds that you are ready to hear a top album. Moving into the next single Soul Love see’s Gallagher firmly in his comfort zone, acoustic Brit-pop at its finest and Gallagher’s songwriting improving from a mediocre first album, lyrics such as “life is short, don’t be shy, spread your wings and learn to fly” from Soul Love prove that.
The album is something that might even make you want to sit back and get your feet tickled by the NME… maybe that’s just Gallagher, apart from that awful lyric on Second Bite Of The Apple [song by Gem, responsible for co-writing Noel Gallagher's solo album], the album provides a mostly acoustic Brit-pop record with obvious Oasis feelings, but also an album that punches in places with the more in your face tracks such as Face The Crowd.
Don’t Brother Me is a 7 and a half minute song seemingly a tribute to his long lost estranged brother with the repeated lyric ‘give peace a chance’. Moving to I’m Just Saying, the track is one of the best on the album, the band really excelling themselves, seemingly finding exactly how they want Beady Eye to sound.
Gallagher will probably never have the lyrical talent of his brother, nor will Beady Eye ever be Oasis, but this is him getting back to his best; with Dave Sitek on board with the production, its certainly an album that won’t be written off like their debut.
rating: 4 stars out of 5
BE is about change
LONDON - Summer's here and the time is right...
The band's new record BE came out (thanks for the birthday gift) and producer Dave Sitek is excited to see the reaction it gets.
In a voice over on a video teaser, he says: ''This will go out into the world, and our work is done, and that's our primary responsibility. And the gift that we get from doing something like this is the present. Like, when we press play.
''That's the highest gift anyone can have, it's like ''woah, fuck'', we made something happen. I mean, life is about growth, it's about change.''
It's a studio footage, demonstrating some of the process behind, featuring Beady Eye hard at work.
Singer Liam Gallagher has been particularly vocal in championing Dave - who has previously produced albums for Yeah Yeah Yeahs and Jane's Addiction - for helping push the band in a new direction.
He previously said: "He's the best producer I've ever worked with, ever. His eyes are wide open, he's got no fear. We feel like a fucking new band. He's out there, man. To me, he's a fucking outlaw. He's got no fear, man, and he's right up for ripping everything into pieces and experimenting."
The new album features a rejuvenated group, one who have benefited from an outfit voice. Renowned producer Sitek stood over proceedings, helping to allow the band to find their feet.
Taking chances, BE - as Clash editor Simon Harper puts it - "finds them listening to instincts, indulging creative impulses, and elevating ambitions beyond the restrictions of blue-collar rock ‘n’ roll."
(their review rating for the album: 8/10)
Continue reading...
The band's new record BE came out (thanks for the birthday gift) and producer Dave Sitek is excited to see the reaction it gets.
In a voice over on a video teaser, he says: ''This will go out into the world, and our work is done, and that's our primary responsibility. And the gift that we get from doing something like this is the present. Like, when we press play.
''That's the highest gift anyone can have, it's like ''woah, fuck'', we made something happen. I mean, life is about growth, it's about change.''
It's a studio footage, demonstrating some of the process behind, featuring Beady Eye hard at work.
Singer Liam Gallagher has been particularly vocal in championing Dave - who has previously produced albums for Yeah Yeah Yeahs and Jane's Addiction - for helping push the band in a new direction.
He previously said: "He's the best producer I've ever worked with, ever. His eyes are wide open, he's got no fear. We feel like a fucking new band. He's out there, man. To me, he's a fucking outlaw. He's got no fear, man, and he's right up for ripping everything into pieces and experimenting."
The new album features a rejuvenated group, one who have benefited from an outfit voice. Renowned producer Sitek stood over proceedings, helping to allow the band to find their feet.
Taking chances, BE - as Clash editor Simon Harper puts it - "finds them listening to instincts, indulging creative impulses, and elevating ambitions beyond the restrictions of blue-collar rock ‘n’ roll."
(their review rating for the album: 8/10)
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- ► September 2013 (7)
- ► August 2013 (11)
June 2013
- Beady Eye in Milan acoustic live -part 3
- Beady Eye @ Glastonbury
- R.I.P. Stefano Borgonovo
- Beady Eye documentary
- BE 13th&14th positive reviews
- Beady Eye in Milan -part 2
- Noel Gallagher's idol, the betrayer
- Beady Eye in Milan -part 1
- Sharrock interview: BE are never off
- referee admits 1 mistake. They're 4
- Beady Eye @ O2 ABC
- ignorant Fat Dancer replies
- BeadyEye @Camden Centre, who needs Noel?
- Beady Eye @ Ritz iz rite
- Beady Eye authors
- Beady Eye number 1
- Beady Eye supercompilation
- Mariocanà, Mexico-Italy 1-2
- Liam's class @ The Voice
- Beady Eye @ HMV Glasgow
- another interview with Andy
- Beady Eye @ HMV & Pretty Green +videoS added
- Beady Eye funny interview
- Beady Eye 3rd album
- BE 9th positive review
- BE is about change
- bootleg @ Abbey Road
- Beady Eye @ Rough Trade East
- "mistakes" on Beady interviews
- difference between Oasis & Beady Eye : 20%
- BE 8th positive review
- Beady should play stadiums
- Man City €40m interest in El Shaarawy
- Beady Eye @ McClusky's
- interview with Andy
- BE 4th+5th positive reviews
- Beady Eye censored
- Oasis haters ridicule themselves
- Beady Eye @ Abbey Road
- Beady Eye could play Rockin' Chair
- BE 3rd positive review
- Noel Gallagher likes Beady Eye new album
- BE preview +World
- failed Inter to be sold like a bitch
- Cara Delevingne on drugs
- Liam on tabloids bullshit
- ► April 2013 (31)
- ► March 2013 (11)
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Oasisblues copyright © 1994 - 2022
2022 Noel Gallagher gigs
- 4 June - In It Together festival, Margam, Wales UK
- 8 June - Dreamland Margate Summer Series, England UK
- 9 June - Rock'n'Roll Circus, Newcastle, England UK
- 11 June - Summer Sessions, Dundee, Scotland UK
- 12 June - Cannock Chase Forest, Staffordshire, England UK
- 15 June - Eden Sessions, Cornwall, England UK
- 16 June - Delamere Forest, Cheshire, England UK
- 18 June - Stadiwm Eirias stadium, Colwyn Bay, Wales UK
- 19 June - Kenwood, Hampstead Heath, London England UK
- 21 June - The Piece Hall, Halifax England UK
- 22 June - Bristol Sounds, Bristol Harbourside, England UK
- 25 June - Glastonbury festival, England UK
- 22 September - Football event, Emirates Old Trafford cricket ground, Manchester, England UK
- 2 December - Peter Blake concert - Royal Festival Hall, London, England UK
- more soon

more or less, not precise
Noel Gallagher gigography
1 May, Concerto Primo Maggio, Roma, Italy
Thetford Forest, BrandonCannock Chase Forest, Rugeley
Kenwood House, London
Eden Project, St. Austell
Canons Marsh Amphitheatre, Bristol
Sherwood Pines, Mansfield, Nottingham
30 November 2019
Show DC Arena, Bangkok, ประเทศไทย, Prathet Thai, Thailand
27 Nov 2019
Optus Stadium, Perth, Australia
23 Nov 2019
Sydney Cricket Ground, Sydney, AU
22 Nov 2019
Sydney Cricket Ground, Sydney, AU
19 Nov 2019
The Oval, Adelaide, AU
15 Nov 2019
Marvel Stadium, Melbourne, AU
12 Nov 2019
SunCorp Stadium, Brisbane, AU
09 Nov 2019
Mt. Smart, Auckland
08 Nov 2019
Mt. Smart, Auckland, New Zealand
31 Aug 2019
Shoreline Amphitheatre, Mountain View, CA
29 Aug 2019
Five Points Amphitheatre, Irvine, CA
28 Aug 2019
North Island Credit Union Amphitheatre, San Diego, CA
25 Aug 2019
Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion, Houston, TX
24 Aug 2019
Dos Equis Pavilion, Dallas, TX
23 Aug 2019
Walmart Arkansas Music Pavilion, Rogers, AR
21 Aug 2019
Ameris Bank Amphitheatre, Atlanta, GA
20 Aug 2019
PNC Music Pavilion, Charlotte, NC
19 Aug 2019
Blossom Music Center, Cleveland, OH
17 Aug 2019
Merriweather Post Pavilion, Columbia, MD
15 Aug 2019
Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre, Chicago, IL
14 Aug 2019
DTE Energy Music Theater, Detroit MI
13 Aug 2019
Budweiser Stage, Toronto
10 Aug 2019
Darien Lake Performing Arts Center, Darien Center, NY
09 Aug 2019
Northwell Health Jones Beach Theatre, Wantagh, NY
08 Aug 2019
BB&T Pavilion, Camden, NJ
11 Jul 2019
Mad Cool Festival Madrid, Spain
09 Jul 2019
Mantova Arte E Musica, Mantova, Italy
08 Jul 2019
Pistoia Blues Festival, Pistoia, Italy
06 Jul 2019
Roskilde Festival, Denmark Roskilde, Denmark
30 Jun 2019
Sunday Sessions, Powderham Castle, Exeter
29 Jun 2019
Concert At Sea (Festival) Netherlands
16 Jun 2019
Malahide Castle, Dublin
14 Jun 2019
Isle Of Wight Festival
08 Jun 2019
Bught Park, Inverness
07 Jun 2019
Heaton Park, Manchester
26 May 2019
Sunday Sessions, Earlham Park, Norwich
25 May 2019
This Is Tomorrow Festival, Exhibition Park, Newcastle
24 May 2019
Cardiff Castle Cardiff Castle, Wales
20 May 2019
Olympic Hall, Olympic Park Seoul
19 May 2019
Olympic Hall, Seoul, South Korea
17 May 2019
Festival Hall, Osaka
16 May 2019
Aichi Arts Centre, Nagoya
15 May 2019
Makuhari Messe, Tokyo
11 May 2019
Bonus Arena Hull
09 May 2019
The London Palladium
08 May 2019
Venue Cymru Llandudno
07 May 2019
Edinburgh Playhouse
04 May 2019
Warm Up Festival Murcia
01 May 2019
Concerto del Primo Maggio, Piazza San Giovanni, Roma
10 Nov 2018
KM de Vantagens Hall, Belo Horizonte, Brasil
08 Nov 2018
Summer Break Festival, Brazil Anembi, Sāo Paulo
07 Nov 2018
Summer Break Festival, Brazil The Pedreira Paulo Leminski, Curitiba
04 Nov 2018
Luna Park , Buenos Aires, Argentina
03 Nov 2018
Metropolitano, Rosario, Argentina
31 Oct 2018
Velódromo, Santiago, Chile
30 Oct 2018
Gimnasio Municipal, Concepción, Chile
02 Sep 2018
Bingley Music Live Bingley, West Yorkshire
01 Sep 2018
The Downs, Bristol
31 Aug 2018
Electric Fields Festival, Dumfries & Galloway
26 Aug 2018
Festival du Roi Arthur, Rennes, France
19 Aug 2018
Summersonic Festival, Osaka
18 Aug 2018
Summersonic Festival, Tokyo, Japan
16 Aug 2018
Olympic Hall, Olympic Park, Seoul
22 Jul 2018
Lollapalooza, Paris
21 Jul 2018
Tramlines Festival, Sheffield
19 Jul 2018
Edinburgh Castle, Scotland
18 Jul 2018
The 02 Ritz, Manchester
14 Jul 2018
Bilbao BBK Live
08 Jul 2018
Rock Werchter festival, Belgium
07 Jul 2018
Greenwich Music Time, Old Royal Naval College, Greenwich, London
06 Jul 2018
Scarborough Open Air Theatre, Scarborough
04 Jul 2018
Open'er Music Festival Gdynia-Kosakowo Airfield, Gdynia
23 Jun 2018
I-Days Festival Milano, Italia
22 Jun 2018
Roma Summer Fest, Auditorium Parco della Musica, Cavea, Rome, Italia
21 Jun 2018
Etes Arena Flegrea, Napoli, Italia
19 Jun 2018
Teatro Antico Taormina, Italy
16 Jun 2018
Pinkpop Festival Landgraaf, Netherlands
15 Jun 2018
Nocturne At Blenheim Palace, Blenheim Palace
02 Jun 2018
Adrenaline Stadium, Москва, Moscow, Росси́я, Russia
01 Jun 2018
A2 Green, Санкт-Петербург Sankt-Peterburg, Saint Petersburg, Russia
27 May 2018
Neighbourhood Weekender Festival, Victoria Park, Warrington, UK
26 May 2018
Scone Palace (Radio 2's Big Weekend) Scone Palace, Perth, UK
14 May 2018
Watford Colosseum Rickmansworth Rd, Watford
10 May 2018
3Arena, Dublin, Ireland
09 May 2018
SSE Arena, Belfast, UK
07 May 2018
First Direct Arena, Leeds, UK
06 May 2018
Motorpoint Arena, Cardiff, UK
04 May 2018
Manchester Arena, UK
03 May 2018
Metro Radio Arena, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK
01 May 2018
Arena, Birmingham, UK
30 Apr 2018
Motorpoint Arena, Nottingham, UK
27 Apr 2018
SSE Arena, Wembley, London, UK
25 Apr 2018
AECC BHGE Arena, Aberdeen, UK
24 Apr 2018
The SSE Hydro, Glasgow, UK
22 Apr 2018
Brighton Centre, Brighton, UK
20 Apr 2018
Rockhal Esch Sur Alzette, Luxembourg
19 Apr 2018
AFAS Live Amsterdam, Netherlands
17 Apr 2018
Schlachthof, Wiesbaden, Germany
16 Apr 2018
Max-Schmeling-Halle, Berlin, Germany
14 Apr 2018
Lucerna Velký sál, Prague, Česká republika, Czech Republic
12 Apr 2018
Zenith, Die Kulturhalle, München, Germany
11 Apr 2018
Fabrique, Milan, Italy
09 Apr 2018
Mitsubishi Electric Halle, Düsseldorf, Germany
08 Apr 2018
Mehr! Theater am Großmarkt, Hamburg, Germany
06 Apr 2018
Forest National / Vorst Nationaal, Brussels, Belgium
04 Apr 2018
L'Olympia, Paris, France
03 Apr 2018
L'Olympia, Paris, France
17 Mar 2018
Vive Latino (Festival) Mexico City
13 Mar 2018
Orpheum Theatre, Los Angeles, US
12 Mar 2018
Orpheum Theatre, Los Angeles, US
10 Mar 2018
Fox Theater, San Francisco Bay Area, US
09 Mar 2018
The Chelsea, The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas, US
06 Mar 2018
Majestic Theatre Dallas - Fort Worth, US
05 Mar 2018
Austin City Limits Live at The Moody Theater, Austin, US
03 Mar 2018
House of Blues, Houston, US
02 Mar 2018
Orpheum Theater, New Orleans, US
28 Feb 2018
The Tabernacle, Atlanta, US
27 Feb 2018
Ryman Auditorium, Nashville, US
25 Feb 2018
Murat Theatre, Old National Centre, Indianapolis, US
24 Feb 2018
Chicago Theatre, US
23 Feb 2018
Goodyear Theater, Akron, US
20 Feb 2018
Sony Centre for the Performing Arts, Toronto, Canada
18 Feb 2018
Place des Arts, Montreal, Canada
17 Feb 2018
Boston Opera House, Boston / Cambridge, US
15 Feb 2018
Radio City Music Hall, New York, US
13 Feb 2018
Merriam Theater, Kimmel Center, Philadelphia, US
12 Feb 2018
The Anthem, Washington, US
10 Feb 2018
Express Live! Columbus, US
09 Feb 2018
Scottish Rite Cathedral Theatre, Masonic Temple Detroit, US
01 Nov 2017
York Hall, London
25 Oct 2017
Estádio Cícero Pompeu de Toledo (Morumbi) São Paulo, Brazil
22 Oct 2017
Estádio Cícero Pompeu de Toledo (Morumbi) São Paulo, Brazil
21 Oct 2017
Estádio Cícero Pompeu de Toledo (Morumbi) São Paulo, Brazil
19 Oct 2017
Estádio Cícero Pompeu de Toledo (Morumbi) São Paulo, Brazil
14 Oct 2017
Estadio Nacional, Santiago, Chile
11 Oct 2017
Estadio Único de la Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina
10 Oct 2017
Estadio Único De La Plata, Buenos Aires
07 Oct 2017
Estadio el Campin, Bogotá, Colombia
04 Oct 2017
Foro Sol, Mexico City
03 Oct 2017
Foro Sol, Mexico City
01 Aug 2017
Stade Roi Baudouin / Koning Boudewijn Stadion, Brussels, Belgium
29 Jul 2017
Amsterdam ArenA, Netherlands
25 Jul 2017
Stade De France, Paris
22 Jul 2017
Croke Park, Dublin, Ireland
18 Jul 2017
Estadi Olímpic Lluís Companys, Barcelona, Spain
16 Jul 2017
Stadio Olimpico, Rome, Italy
15 Jul 2017
Stadio Olimpico, Roma, Italia
12 Jul 2017
Olympic Stadium, Berlin, Germany
09 Jul 2017
Twickenham Stadium, London, UK
08 Jul 2017
Twickenham Stadium, London, UK
06 Sep 2016
O2 Academy Brixton, London, UK
04 Sep 2016
Festival Number 6 2016, Criccieth, UK
03 Sep 2016
Electric Picnic 2016, Galway, Ireland
02 Sep 2016
Singleton Park, Swansea, UK
28 Aug 2016
Victorious Festival 2016, Portsmouth, UK
26 Aug 2016
Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, UK
23 Aug 2016
Titanic Belfast, UK
20 Aug 2016
Lowlands Festival, Holland
19 Aug 2016
Pukkelpop Festival, Belgium
18 Aug 2016
Open Air Gampel 2016, Gampel, Switzerland
17 Aug 2016
Pukkelpop 2016, Hasselt, Belgium
16 Aug 2016
Tvornica kulture, Zagreb, Croatia
15 Aug 2016
Sziget Festival, Budapest, Magyarország, Hungary
13 Aug 2016
Pure & Crafted Festival 2016, Berlin, Deutschland
12 Aug 2016
A Summer's Tale 2016, Hamburg, Germany
11 Aug 2016
Koncerthuset, Koncertsalen, Copenhagen, Denmark
04 Aug 2016
Proms Arena Lytham Green, Lytham St. Annes, UK
04 Aug 2016
Lytham Green, Lytham, UK
03 Aug 2016
Scarborough Open Air Theatre, York, UK
29 Jul 2016
Y Not Festival 2016, Derby, UK
28 Jul 2016
Kendal Calling 2016, Penrith, UK
15 Jul 2016
Arena District, Columbus, US
15 Jul 2016
PromoWest Fest 2016, Columbus, US
14 Jul 2016
Pemberton Music Festival 2016, Vancouver, Canada
13 Jul 2016
Stage AE, Pittsburgh, US
12 Jul 2016
Meadow Brook Amphitheatre, Detroit, US
10 Jul 2016
TD Echo Beach, Toronto, Canada
09 Jul 2016
Place des Arts, Montreal, Canada
06 Jul 2016
Artpark Amphitheater, Buffalo, US
06 Jul 2016
Ottawa Bluesfest 2016, Ottawa, Canada
05 Jul 2016
Beacon Theatre, New York, US
02 Jul 2016
Ryman Auditorium, Nashville, US
01 Jul 2016
The Tabernacle, Atlanta, US
30 Apr 2016
Bournemouth International Centre (BIC) Bournemouth, UK
29 Apr 2016
Genting Arena, Birmingham, UK
27 Apr 2016
First Direct Arena, Leeds, UK
25 Apr 2016
Echo Arena, Liverpool, UK
25 Apr 2016
O2 Academy, Liverpool, UK
24 Apr 2016
Aberdeen Exhibition & Conference Centre (AECC) Aberdeen, UK
21 Apr 2016
The SSE Hydro, Glasgow, UK
18 Apr 2016
AFAS Live, Amsterdam, Nederland
17 Apr 2016
Forest National / Vorst Nationaal, Brussels, Belgium
15 Apr 2016
Palladium, Köln, Germany
12 Apr 2016 Bank Austria Halle Gasometer B, Vienna, Österreich
12 Apr 2016
Zenith, Die Kulturhalle, Munich, Germany
11 Apr 2016
X-TRA, Zürich, Switzerland
09 Apr 2016
Sant Jordi Club, Barcelona, España
08 Apr 2016
La Riviera, Madrid, Spain
01 Apr 2016
Crown Theatre, Perth, Australia
30 Mar 2016
Adelaide Entertainment Centre, Adelaide, Australia
29 Mar 2016
Margaret Court Arena, Melbourne, Australia
27 Mar 2016
Tyagarah Tea Tree Farm, Gold Coast, Australia
26 Mar 2016
Hordern Pavilion, Sydney, Australia
26 Mar 2016
Tyagarah Tea Tree Farm Gold Coast, Australia
24 Mar 2016
Byron Bay Bluesfest 2016 Gold Coast, Australia
19 Mar 2016
Lollapalooza 2016, Buenos Aires, Argentina
17 Mar 2016
Lollapalooza 2016, Santiago, Chile
16 Mar 2016
Luna Park, Buenos Aires, Argentina
15 Mar 2016
Teatro De Verano "Ramón Collazo", Montevideo, Uruguay
13 Mar 2016
Lollapalooza 2016, São Paulo, Brazil
09 Mar 2016
Teatro Metropólitan, Mexico City, Méjico
08 Mar 2016
Teatro Diana, Guadalajara, Mexico
10 Dec 2015
Royal Albert Hall, London, UK
08 Dec 2015
The SSE Hydro, Glasgow, UK
02 Dec 2015
O2 Apollo, Manchester, UK
24 Jul 2015
Fuji Rock 2015, Niigata, Japan
24 Jul 2015
Ansan Valley Rock Festival 2015, Ansan, Republic of Korea
16 Jul 2015
Latitude Festival 2015, Southwold, UK
16 Jul 2015
Festival Internacional de Benicàssim - FIB 2015, Valencia, Spain
16 Jul 2015
Super Bock Super Rock 2015, Lisbon, Portugal
14 Jul 2015
Live at the Marquee, Cork, Ireland
11 Jul 2015
Summer in the City 2015, Manchester, UK
11 Jul 2015
Castlefield Bowl, Manchester, UK
10 Jul 2015
T In The Park 2015, Auchterarder, UK
09 Jul 2015
Rock in Roma - Ippodromo delle Capannelle, Rome, Italy
08 Jul 2015
Anfiteatro Camerini, Vicenza, Italy
06 Jul 2015
Summer Arena Assago - Area Esterna Mediolanum Forum, Milan, Italy
04 Jul 2015
Calling Festival 2015, London, UK
02 Jul 2015
Gröna Lund, Stockholm, Sverige
27 Jun 2015
Roskilde Festival 2015, Roskilde, Danmark
25 Jun 2015
Rock Werchter 2015, Werchter, België
23 Jun 2015
OUÏ FM Festival 2015, Paris, France
19 Jun 2015
Best Kept Secret Festival 2015, Hilvarenbeek, Netherlands
06 Jun 2015
Boston Opera House, Boston / Cambridge, US
06 Jun 2015
The Governors Ball Music Festival 2015, New York, US
04 Jun 2015
Lincoln Theatre, Washington, US
03 Jun 2015
Merriam Theater, Kimmel Center, Philadelphia, US
02 Jun 2015
House of Blues, Cleveland, US
31 May 2015
Royal Oak Music Theatre, Detroit, US
30 May 2015
Pabst Theatre, Milwaukee, US
29 May 2015
Riviera Theatre, Chicago, US
26 May 2015
Teatro Metropólitan Mexico City
23 May 2015
The Joint, Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Las Vegas, US
22 May 2015
The Joint, Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Las Vegas, US
20 May 2015
Orpheum Theatre, Los Angeles, US
18 May 2015
The Warfield, SF Bay Area, US
16 May 2015
Humphrey's Concerts by the Bay, San Diego, US
14 May 2015
Majestic Theatre Dallas - Fort Worth, US
13 May 2015
House of Blues, Houston, US
10 May 2015
Civic Theatre, New Orleans, US
08 May 2015
Shaky Knees Festival 2015, Atlanta, US
07 May 2015
Webster Hall, New York, US
04 May 2015
Sony Centre for the Performing Arts, Toronto, Canada
03 May 2015
Sony Centre for the Performing Arts, Toronto, Canada
16 Apr 2015
Nippon Budokan|日本武道館 Tokyo, Japan
15 Apr 2015
Nippon Budokan|日本武道館 Tokyo, Japan
13 Apr 2015
Zepp Nagoya Nagoya, Japan
11 Apr 2015
Zepp Fukuoka Fukuoka, Japan
09 Apr 2015
Hiroshima Bunka Gakuen (HBG) Hall - 広島文化学園HBGホール Hiroshima, Japan
07 Apr 2015
Osaka Festival Hall (フェスティバルホール) Osaka, Japan
06 Apr 2015
Osaka Festival Hall (フェスティバルホール) Osaka, Japan
04 Apr 2015
Walker Hill Theater, Seoul, Republic of Korea
03 Apr 2015
Walker Hill Theater, Seoul, Republic of Korea
28 Mar 2015
Royal Albert Hall, London, UK
22 Mar 2015
Ancienne Belgique (AB) Brussels, Belgium
20 Mar 2015
TivoliVredenburg, Utrecht, Netherlands
19 Mar 2015
Mitsubishi Electric Halle, Düsseldorf, Germany
17 Mar 2015
VEGA Musikkens Hus - Store Vega (Main Hall) Copenhagen, Denmark
16 Mar 2015
Max-Schmeling-Halle, Berlin, Germany
14 March 2015
Show DC Arena, Bangkok, ประเทศไทย, Prathet Thai, Thailand
27 Nov 2019
Optus Stadium, Perth, Australia
23 Nov 2019
Sydney Cricket Ground, Sydney, AU
22 Nov 2019
Sydney Cricket Ground, Sydney, AU
19 Nov 2019
The Oval, Adelaide, AU
15 Nov 2019
Marvel Stadium, Melbourne, AU
12 Nov 2019
SunCorp Stadium, Brisbane, AU
09 Nov 2019
Mt. Smart, Auckland
08 Nov 2019
Mt. Smart, Auckland, New Zealand
31 Aug 2019
Shoreline Amphitheatre, Mountain View, CA
29 Aug 2019
Five Points Amphitheatre, Irvine, CA
28 Aug 2019
North Island Credit Union Amphitheatre, San Diego, CA
25 Aug 2019
Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion, Houston, TX
24 Aug 2019
Dos Equis Pavilion, Dallas, TX
23 Aug 2019
Walmart Arkansas Music Pavilion, Rogers, AR
21 Aug 2019
Ameris Bank Amphitheatre, Atlanta, GA
20 Aug 2019
PNC Music Pavilion, Charlotte, NC
19 Aug 2019
Blossom Music Center, Cleveland, OH
17 Aug 2019
Merriweather Post Pavilion, Columbia, MD
15 Aug 2019
Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre, Chicago, IL
14 Aug 2019
DTE Energy Music Theater, Detroit MI
13 Aug 2019
Budweiser Stage, Toronto
10 Aug 2019
Darien Lake Performing Arts Center, Darien Center, NY
09 Aug 2019
Northwell Health Jones Beach Theatre, Wantagh, NY
08 Aug 2019
BB&T Pavilion, Camden, NJ
11 Jul 2019
Mad Cool Festival Madrid, Spain
09 Jul 2019
Mantova Arte E Musica, Mantova, Italy
08 Jul 2019
Pistoia Blues Festival, Pistoia, Italy
06 Jul 2019
Roskilde Festival, Denmark Roskilde, Denmark
30 Jun 2019
Sunday Sessions, Powderham Castle, Exeter
29 Jun 2019
Concert At Sea (Festival) Netherlands
16 Jun 2019
Malahide Castle, Dublin
14 Jun 2019
Isle Of Wight Festival
08 Jun 2019
Bught Park, Inverness
07 Jun 2019
Heaton Park, Manchester
26 May 2019
Sunday Sessions, Earlham Park, Norwich
25 May 2019
This Is Tomorrow Festival, Exhibition Park, Newcastle
24 May 2019
Cardiff Castle Cardiff Castle, Wales
20 May 2019
Olympic Hall, Olympic Park Seoul
19 May 2019
Olympic Hall, Seoul, South Korea
17 May 2019
Festival Hall, Osaka
16 May 2019
Aichi Arts Centre, Nagoya
15 May 2019
Makuhari Messe, Tokyo
11 May 2019
Bonus Arena Hull
09 May 2019
The London Palladium
08 May 2019
Venue Cymru Llandudno
07 May 2019
Edinburgh Playhouse
04 May 2019
Warm Up Festival Murcia
01 May 2019
Concerto del Primo Maggio, Piazza San Giovanni, Roma
10 Nov 2018
KM de Vantagens Hall, Belo Horizonte, Brasil
08 Nov 2018
Summer Break Festival, Brazil Anembi, Sāo Paulo
07 Nov 2018
Summer Break Festival, Brazil The Pedreira Paulo Leminski, Curitiba
04 Nov 2018
Luna Park , Buenos Aires, Argentina
03 Nov 2018
Metropolitano, Rosario, Argentina
31 Oct 2018
Velódromo, Santiago, Chile
30 Oct 2018
Gimnasio Municipal, Concepción, Chile
02 Sep 2018
Bingley Music Live Bingley, West Yorkshire
01 Sep 2018
The Downs, Bristol
31 Aug 2018
Electric Fields Festival, Dumfries & Galloway
26 Aug 2018
Festival du Roi Arthur, Rennes, France
19 Aug 2018
Summersonic Festival, Osaka
18 Aug 2018
Summersonic Festival, Tokyo, Japan
16 Aug 2018
Olympic Hall, Olympic Park, Seoul
22 Jul 2018
Lollapalooza, Paris
21 Jul 2018
Tramlines Festival, Sheffield
19 Jul 2018
Edinburgh Castle, Scotland
18 Jul 2018
The 02 Ritz, Manchester
14 Jul 2018
Bilbao BBK Live
08 Jul 2018
Rock Werchter festival, Belgium
07 Jul 2018
Greenwich Music Time, Old Royal Naval College, Greenwich, London
06 Jul 2018
Scarborough Open Air Theatre, Scarborough
04 Jul 2018
Open'er Music Festival Gdynia-Kosakowo Airfield, Gdynia
23 Jun 2018
I-Days Festival Milano, Italia
22 Jun 2018
Roma Summer Fest, Auditorium Parco della Musica, Cavea, Rome, Italia
21 Jun 2018
Etes Arena Flegrea, Napoli, Italia
19 Jun 2018
Teatro Antico Taormina, Italy
16 Jun 2018
Pinkpop Festival Landgraaf, Netherlands
15 Jun 2018
Nocturne At Blenheim Palace, Blenheim Palace
02 Jun 2018
Adrenaline Stadium, Москва, Moscow, Росси́я, Russia
01 Jun 2018
A2 Green, Санкт-Петербург Sankt-Peterburg, Saint Petersburg, Russia
27 May 2018
Neighbourhood Weekender Festival, Victoria Park, Warrington, UK
26 May 2018
Scone Palace (Radio 2's Big Weekend) Scone Palace, Perth, UK
14 May 2018
Watford Colosseum Rickmansworth Rd, Watford
10 May 2018
3Arena, Dublin, Ireland
09 May 2018
SSE Arena, Belfast, UK
07 May 2018
First Direct Arena, Leeds, UK
06 May 2018
Motorpoint Arena, Cardiff, UK
04 May 2018
Manchester Arena, UK
03 May 2018
Metro Radio Arena, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK
01 May 2018
Arena, Birmingham, UK
30 Apr 2018
Motorpoint Arena, Nottingham, UK
27 Apr 2018
SSE Arena, Wembley, London, UK
25 Apr 2018
AECC BHGE Arena, Aberdeen, UK
24 Apr 2018
The SSE Hydro, Glasgow, UK
22 Apr 2018
Brighton Centre, Brighton, UK
20 Apr 2018
Rockhal Esch Sur Alzette, Luxembourg
19 Apr 2018
AFAS Live Amsterdam, Netherlands
17 Apr 2018
Schlachthof, Wiesbaden, Germany
16 Apr 2018
Max-Schmeling-Halle, Berlin, Germany
14 Apr 2018
Lucerna Velký sál, Prague, Česká republika, Czech Republic
12 Apr 2018
Zenith, Die Kulturhalle, München, Germany
11 Apr 2018
Fabrique, Milan, Italy
09 Apr 2018
Mitsubishi Electric Halle, Düsseldorf, Germany
08 Apr 2018
Mehr! Theater am Großmarkt, Hamburg, Germany
06 Apr 2018
Forest National / Vorst Nationaal, Brussels, Belgium
04 Apr 2018
L'Olympia, Paris, France
03 Apr 2018
L'Olympia, Paris, France
17 Mar 2018
Vive Latino (Festival) Mexico City
13 Mar 2018
Orpheum Theatre, Los Angeles, US
12 Mar 2018
Orpheum Theatre, Los Angeles, US
10 Mar 2018
Fox Theater, San Francisco Bay Area, US
09 Mar 2018
The Chelsea, The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas, US
06 Mar 2018
Majestic Theatre Dallas - Fort Worth, US
05 Mar 2018
Austin City Limits Live at The Moody Theater, Austin, US
03 Mar 2018
House of Blues, Houston, US
02 Mar 2018
Orpheum Theater, New Orleans, US
28 Feb 2018
The Tabernacle, Atlanta, US
27 Feb 2018
Ryman Auditorium, Nashville, US
25 Feb 2018
Murat Theatre, Old National Centre, Indianapolis, US
24 Feb 2018
Chicago Theatre, US
23 Feb 2018
Goodyear Theater, Akron, US
20 Feb 2018
Sony Centre for the Performing Arts, Toronto, Canada
18 Feb 2018
Place des Arts, Montreal, Canada
17 Feb 2018
Boston Opera House, Boston / Cambridge, US
15 Feb 2018
Radio City Music Hall, New York, US
13 Feb 2018
Merriam Theater, Kimmel Center, Philadelphia, US
12 Feb 2018
The Anthem, Washington, US
10 Feb 2018
Express Live! Columbus, US
09 Feb 2018
Scottish Rite Cathedral Theatre, Masonic Temple Detroit, US
01 Nov 2017
York Hall, London
25 Oct 2017
Estádio Cícero Pompeu de Toledo (Morumbi) São Paulo, Brazil
22 Oct 2017
Estádio Cícero Pompeu de Toledo (Morumbi) São Paulo, Brazil
21 Oct 2017
Estádio Cícero Pompeu de Toledo (Morumbi) São Paulo, Brazil
19 Oct 2017
Estádio Cícero Pompeu de Toledo (Morumbi) São Paulo, Brazil
14 Oct 2017
Estadio Nacional, Santiago, Chile
11 Oct 2017
Estadio Único de la Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina
10 Oct 2017
Estadio Único De La Plata, Buenos Aires
07 Oct 2017
Estadio el Campin, Bogotá, Colombia
04 Oct 2017
Foro Sol, Mexico City
03 Oct 2017
Foro Sol, Mexico City
01 Aug 2017
Stade Roi Baudouin / Koning Boudewijn Stadion, Brussels, Belgium
29 Jul 2017
Amsterdam ArenA, Netherlands
25 Jul 2017
Stade De France, Paris
22 Jul 2017
Croke Park, Dublin, Ireland
18 Jul 2017
Estadi Olímpic Lluís Companys, Barcelona, Spain
16 Jul 2017
Stadio Olimpico, Rome, Italy
15 Jul 2017
Stadio Olimpico, Roma, Italia
12 Jul 2017
Olympic Stadium, Berlin, Germany
09 Jul 2017
Twickenham Stadium, London, UK
08 Jul 2017
Twickenham Stadium, London, UK
06 Sep 2016
O2 Academy Brixton, London, UK
04 Sep 2016
Festival Number 6 2016, Criccieth, UK
03 Sep 2016
Electric Picnic 2016, Galway, Ireland
02 Sep 2016
Singleton Park, Swansea, UK
28 Aug 2016
Victorious Festival 2016, Portsmouth, UK
26 Aug 2016
Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, UK
23 Aug 2016
Titanic Belfast, UK
20 Aug 2016
Lowlands Festival, Holland
19 Aug 2016
Pukkelpop Festival, Belgium
18 Aug 2016
Open Air Gampel 2016, Gampel, Switzerland
17 Aug 2016
Pukkelpop 2016, Hasselt, Belgium
16 Aug 2016
Tvornica kulture, Zagreb, Croatia
15 Aug 2016
Sziget Festival, Budapest, Magyarország, Hungary
13 Aug 2016
Pure & Crafted Festival 2016, Berlin, Deutschland
12 Aug 2016
A Summer's Tale 2016, Hamburg, Germany
11 Aug 2016
Koncerthuset, Koncertsalen, Copenhagen, Denmark
04 Aug 2016
Proms Arena Lytham Green, Lytham St. Annes, UK
04 Aug 2016
Lytham Green, Lytham, UK
03 Aug 2016
Scarborough Open Air Theatre, York, UK
29 Jul 2016
Y Not Festival 2016, Derby, UK
28 Jul 2016
Kendal Calling 2016, Penrith, UK
15 Jul 2016
Arena District, Columbus, US
15 Jul 2016
PromoWest Fest 2016, Columbus, US
14 Jul 2016
Pemberton Music Festival 2016, Vancouver, Canada
13 Jul 2016
Stage AE, Pittsburgh, US
12 Jul 2016
Meadow Brook Amphitheatre, Detroit, US
10 Jul 2016
TD Echo Beach, Toronto, Canada
09 Jul 2016
Place des Arts, Montreal, Canada
06 Jul 2016
Artpark Amphitheater, Buffalo, US
06 Jul 2016
Ottawa Bluesfest 2016, Ottawa, Canada
05 Jul 2016
Beacon Theatre, New York, US
02 Jul 2016
Ryman Auditorium, Nashville, US
01 Jul 2016
The Tabernacle, Atlanta, US
30 Apr 2016
Bournemouth International Centre (BIC) Bournemouth, UK
29 Apr 2016
Genting Arena, Birmingham, UK
27 Apr 2016
First Direct Arena, Leeds, UK
25 Apr 2016
Echo Arena, Liverpool, UK
25 Apr 2016
O2 Academy, Liverpool, UK
24 Apr 2016
Aberdeen Exhibition & Conference Centre (AECC) Aberdeen, UK
21 Apr 2016
The SSE Hydro, Glasgow, UK
18 Apr 2016
AFAS Live, Amsterdam, Nederland
17 Apr 2016
Forest National / Vorst Nationaal, Brussels, Belgium
15 Apr 2016
Palladium, Köln, Germany
12 Apr 2016 Bank Austria Halle Gasometer B, Vienna, Österreich
12 Apr 2016
Zenith, Die Kulturhalle, Munich, Germany
11 Apr 2016
X-TRA, Zürich, Switzerland
09 Apr 2016
Sant Jordi Club, Barcelona, España
08 Apr 2016
La Riviera, Madrid, Spain
01 Apr 2016
Crown Theatre, Perth, Australia
30 Mar 2016
Adelaide Entertainment Centre, Adelaide, Australia
29 Mar 2016
Margaret Court Arena, Melbourne, Australia
27 Mar 2016
Tyagarah Tea Tree Farm, Gold Coast, Australia
26 Mar 2016
Hordern Pavilion, Sydney, Australia
26 Mar 2016
Tyagarah Tea Tree Farm Gold Coast, Australia
24 Mar 2016
Byron Bay Bluesfest 2016 Gold Coast, Australia
19 Mar 2016
Lollapalooza 2016, Buenos Aires, Argentina
17 Mar 2016
Lollapalooza 2016, Santiago, Chile
16 Mar 2016
Luna Park, Buenos Aires, Argentina
15 Mar 2016
Teatro De Verano "Ramón Collazo", Montevideo, Uruguay
13 Mar 2016
Lollapalooza 2016, São Paulo, Brazil
09 Mar 2016
Teatro Metropólitan, Mexico City, Méjico
08 Mar 2016
Teatro Diana, Guadalajara, Mexico
10 Dec 2015
Royal Albert Hall, London, UK
08 Dec 2015
The SSE Hydro, Glasgow, UK
02 Dec 2015
O2 Apollo, Manchester, UK
24 Jul 2015
Fuji Rock 2015, Niigata, Japan
24 Jul 2015
Ansan Valley Rock Festival 2015, Ansan, Republic of Korea
16 Jul 2015
Latitude Festival 2015, Southwold, UK
16 Jul 2015
Festival Internacional de Benicàssim - FIB 2015, Valencia, Spain
16 Jul 2015
Super Bock Super Rock 2015, Lisbon, Portugal
14 Jul 2015
Live at the Marquee, Cork, Ireland
11 Jul 2015
Summer in the City 2015, Manchester, UK
11 Jul 2015
Castlefield Bowl, Manchester, UK
10 Jul 2015
T In The Park 2015, Auchterarder, UK
09 Jul 2015
Rock in Roma - Ippodromo delle Capannelle, Rome, Italy
08 Jul 2015
Anfiteatro Camerini, Vicenza, Italy
06 Jul 2015
Summer Arena Assago - Area Esterna Mediolanum Forum, Milan, Italy
04 Jul 2015
Calling Festival 2015, London, UK
02 Jul 2015
Gröna Lund, Stockholm, Sverige
27 Jun 2015
Roskilde Festival 2015, Roskilde, Danmark
25 Jun 2015
Rock Werchter 2015, Werchter, België
23 Jun 2015
OUÏ FM Festival 2015, Paris, France
19 Jun 2015
Best Kept Secret Festival 2015, Hilvarenbeek, Netherlands
06 Jun 2015
Boston Opera House, Boston / Cambridge, US
06 Jun 2015
The Governors Ball Music Festival 2015, New York, US
04 Jun 2015
Lincoln Theatre, Washington, US
03 Jun 2015
Merriam Theater, Kimmel Center, Philadelphia, US
02 Jun 2015
House of Blues, Cleveland, US
31 May 2015
Royal Oak Music Theatre, Detroit, US
30 May 2015
Pabst Theatre, Milwaukee, US
29 May 2015
Riviera Theatre, Chicago, US
26 May 2015
Teatro Metropólitan Mexico City
23 May 2015
The Joint, Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Las Vegas, US
22 May 2015
The Joint, Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Las Vegas, US
20 May 2015
Orpheum Theatre, Los Angeles, US
18 May 2015
The Warfield, SF Bay Area, US
16 May 2015
Humphrey's Concerts by the Bay, San Diego, US
14 May 2015
Majestic Theatre Dallas - Fort Worth, US
13 May 2015
House of Blues, Houston, US
10 May 2015
Civic Theatre, New Orleans, US
08 May 2015
Shaky Knees Festival 2015, Atlanta, US
07 May 2015
Webster Hall, New York, US
04 May 2015
Sony Centre for the Performing Arts, Toronto, Canada
03 May 2015
Sony Centre for the Performing Arts, Toronto, Canada
16 Apr 2015
Nippon Budokan|日本武道館 Tokyo, Japan
15 Apr 2015
Nippon Budokan|日本武道館 Tokyo, Japan
13 Apr 2015
Zepp Nagoya Nagoya, Japan
11 Apr 2015
Zepp Fukuoka Fukuoka, Japan
09 Apr 2015
Hiroshima Bunka Gakuen (HBG) Hall - 広島文化学園HBGホール Hiroshima, Japan
07 Apr 2015
Osaka Festival Hall (フェスティバルホール) Osaka, Japan
06 Apr 2015
Osaka Festival Hall (フェスティバルホール) Osaka, Japan
04 Apr 2015
Walker Hill Theater, Seoul, Republic of Korea
03 Apr 2015
Walker Hill Theater, Seoul, Republic of Korea
28 Mar 2015
Royal Albert Hall, London, UK
22 Mar 2015
Ancienne Belgique (AB) Brussels, Belgium
20 Mar 2015
TivoliVredenburg, Utrecht, Netherlands
19 Mar 2015
Mitsubishi Electric Halle, Düsseldorf, Germany
17 Mar 2015
VEGA Musikkens Hus - Store Vega (Main Hall) Copenhagen, Denmark
16 Mar 2015
Max-Schmeling-Halle, Berlin, Germany
14 March 2015
Fabrique, Milano, Italia
12 Mar 2015
Zénith de Paris, France
10 Mar 2015
The O2 Arena, London, UK
09 Mar 2015
Manchester Arena, UK
07 Mar 2015
The SSE Hydro, Glasgow, UK
06 Mar 2015
Motorpoint Arena, Nottingham, UK
04 Mar 2015
3Arena, Dublin, Ireland
03 Mar 2015
SSE Arena, Belfast, UK
12 Mar 2015
Zénith de Paris, France
10 Mar 2015
The O2 Arena, London, UK
09 Mar 2015
Manchester Arena, UK
07 Mar 2015
The SSE Hydro, Glasgow, UK
06 Mar 2015
Motorpoint Arena, Nottingham, UK
04 Mar 2015
3Arena, Dublin, Ireland
03 Mar 2015
SSE Arena, Belfast, UK
09 Nov 2012
Revention Music Center, Houston, US
08 Nov 2012
Austin Music Hall, Austin, US
07 Nov 2012
Verizon Theatre at Grand Prairie Dallas - Fort Worth, US
05 Nov 2012
Ryman Auditorium, Nashville, US
04 Nov 2012
Louisville Palace, Louisville, US
03 Nov 2012
The Venue, Horseshoe Casino, Chicago, US
01 Nov 2012
Arvest Bank Theatre at The Midland, Kansas City, US
31 Oct 2012
Roy Wilkins Auditorium, St. Paul Rivercentre Twin Cities, US
30 Oct 2012
Centennial Concert Hall, Winnipeg, Canada
28 Oct 2012
Stampede Corral, Calgary, Canada
27 Oct 2012
Edmonton Expo Centre At Northlands, Edmonton, Canada
25 Oct 2012
Revention Music Center, Houston, US
08 Nov 2012
Austin Music Hall, Austin, US
07 Nov 2012
Verizon Theatre at Grand Prairie Dallas - Fort Worth, US
05 Nov 2012
Ryman Auditorium, Nashville, US
04 Nov 2012
Louisville Palace, Louisville, US
03 Nov 2012
The Venue, Horseshoe Casino, Chicago, US
01 Nov 2012
Arvest Bank Theatre at The Midland, Kansas City, US
31 Oct 2012
Roy Wilkins Auditorium, St. Paul Rivercentre Twin Cities, US
30 Oct 2012
Centennial Concert Hall, Winnipeg, Canada
28 Oct 2012
Stampede Corral, Calgary, Canada
27 Oct 2012
Edmonton Expo Centre At Northlands, Edmonton, Canada
25 Oct 2012
Rogers Arena, Vancouver, Canada
24 Oct 2012
WaMu Theater, Seattle, US
23 Oct 2012
Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland, US
12 Oct 2012
Le Bikini, Toulouse, France
11 Oct 2012
Transbordeur, Lyon, France
08 Oct 2012
Capitol, Offenbach, Germany
06 Oct 2012
Paladozza, Bologna, Italy
05 Oct 2012
Teatro Obihall, Firenze, Italy
03 Oct 2012
Mitsubishi Electric Halle, Düsseldorf, Germany
27 Sep 2012
Twinkle Rock Festival 2012, Taipei, Taiwan
25 Sep 2012
Jiulongwan Zhanlan Zhongxin, Hong Kong, China
21 Sep 2012
Singapore Formula 1 Grand Prix 2012
20 Sep 2012
Bitec Bangna, Bangkok, Thailand
12 Sep 2012
iTunes Festival 2012, London, UK
10 Sep 2012
Motorpoint Arena, Nottingham, UK
09 Sep 2012
Motorpoint Arena, Cardiff, UK
07 Sep 2012
SSE Arena, Wembley, London, UK
06 Sep 2012
O2 Academy, Liverpool, UK
06 Sep 2012
Echo Arena, Liverpool, UK
04 Sep 2012
Bournemouth International Centre (BIC) Bournemouth, UK
25 Aug 2012
Rock en Seine 2012, Paris, France
23 Aug 2012
24 Oct 2012
WaMu Theater, Seattle, US
23 Oct 2012
Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland, US
12 Oct 2012
Le Bikini, Toulouse, France
11 Oct 2012
Transbordeur, Lyon, France
08 Oct 2012
Capitol, Offenbach, Germany
06 Oct 2012
Paladozza, Bologna, Italy
05 Oct 2012
Teatro Obihall, Firenze, Italy
03 Oct 2012
Mitsubishi Electric Halle, Düsseldorf, Germany
27 Sep 2012
Twinkle Rock Festival 2012, Taipei, Taiwan
25 Sep 2012
Jiulongwan Zhanlan Zhongxin, Hong Kong, China
21 Sep 2012
Singapore Formula 1 Grand Prix 2012
20 Sep 2012
Bitec Bangna, Bangkok, Thailand
12 Sep 2012
iTunes Festival 2012, London, UK
10 Sep 2012
Motorpoint Arena, Nottingham, UK
09 Sep 2012
Motorpoint Arena, Cardiff, UK
07 Sep 2012
SSE Arena, Wembley, London, UK
06 Sep 2012
O2 Academy, Liverpool, UK
06 Sep 2012
Echo Arena, Liverpool, UK
04 Sep 2012
Bournemouth International Centre (BIC) Bournemouth, UK
25 Aug 2012
Rock en Seine 2012, Paris, France
23 Aug 2012
Belsonic festival, Custom House Square, Belfast, Northern Ireland
19 Aug 2012
V Festival, Stafford, UK
18 Aug 2012
V Festival 2012, Chelmsford, UK
17 Aug 2012
V Festival 2012, Wolverhampton, UK
16 Aug 2012
Austria Green Park, St Polten
27 Jul 2012
Fuji Rock 2012, Niigata, Japan
17 Jul 2012
Edinburgh Castle, Scotland, UK
15 Jul 2012
Festival Internacional de Benicàssim - FIB 2012 Valencia, Spain
13 Jul 2012
Musilac 2012, Chambéry, France
07 Jul 2012
Les Déferlantes d'Argeles 2012, Perpignan, France
06 Jul 2012
T In The Park 2012, Kinross, UK
05 Jul 2012
Heineken Jammin Festival 2012, Milano, Italia
04 Jul 2012
Auditorium Stravinski, Montreux, Switzerland
29 Jun 2012
Montreux Jazz Festival 2012, Switzerland
29 Jun 2012
Kollen 2012, Oslo, Norge, Norway
28 Jun 2012
Rock Werchter 2012, Belgium
23 Jun 2012
Isle of Wight Festival 2012, UK
21 Jun 2012
Isle of Wight Festival 2012, UK
20 Jun 2012
Plac Zebrań Ludowych, Gdańsk, Polska, Poland
14 Jun 2012
Hultsfredsfestivalen 2012, Hultsfred, Sweden
10 Jun 2012
Maxidrom Festival 2012, Moscow, Russian Federation
29 May 2012
Yes24 Live Hall, Seoul, Republic of Korea
28 May 2012
Yes24 Live Hall, Seoul, Republic of Korea
26 May 2012
Municipal Central Gymnasium (大阪市立中央体育館) Osaka, Japan
24 May 2012
Great Hall, Aichi Prefectural Arts Theater - 愛知県芸術劇場 大ホール 愛知 Nagoya, Japan
23 May 2012
Nippon Budokan|日本武道館 Tokyo, Nippon
08 May 2012
Jockey Club del Paraguay, Asunción, Paraguay
06 May 2012
Club Gimnasia y Esgrima (GEBA) Buenos Aires, Argentina
03 May 2012
Vivo Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
02 May 2012
Espaço das Américas, São Paulo, Brazil
26 Apr 2012
Municipal Central Gymnasium (大阪市立中央体育館) Osaka, Japan
24 Apr 2012
Great Hall, Aichi Prefectural Arts Theater - 愛知県芸術劇場 大ホール 愛知 Nagoya, Japan
23 Apr 2012
Nippon Budokan|日本武道館 Tokyo, Japan
20 Apr 2012
Pearl Concert Theatre, Palms Casino Resort, Las Vegas, US
20 Apr 2012
Coachella 2012, San Diego, US
18 Apr 2012
Orpheum Theatre, Phoenix, US
17 Apr 2012
Balboa Theatre, San Diego, US
13 Apr 2012
Coachella 2012, San Diego, US
11 Apr 2012
Teatro Metropólitan, Mexico City
19 Aug 2012
V Festival, Stafford, UK
18 Aug 2012
V Festival 2012, Chelmsford, UK
17 Aug 2012
V Festival 2012, Wolverhampton, UK
16 Aug 2012
Austria Green Park, St Polten
27 Jul 2012
Fuji Rock 2012, Niigata, Japan
17 Jul 2012
Edinburgh Castle, Scotland, UK
15 Jul 2012
Festival Internacional de Benicàssim - FIB 2012 Valencia, Spain
13 Jul 2012
Musilac 2012, Chambéry, France
07 Jul 2012
Les Déferlantes d'Argeles 2012, Perpignan, France
06 Jul 2012
T In The Park 2012, Kinross, UK
05 Jul 2012
Heineken Jammin Festival 2012, Milano, Italia
04 Jul 2012
Auditorium Stravinski, Montreux, Switzerland
29 Jun 2012
Montreux Jazz Festival 2012, Switzerland
29 Jun 2012
Kollen 2012, Oslo, Norge, Norway
28 Jun 2012
Rock Werchter 2012, Belgium
23 Jun 2012
Isle of Wight Festival 2012, UK
21 Jun 2012
Isle of Wight Festival 2012, UK
20 Jun 2012
Plac Zebrań Ludowych, Gdańsk, Polska, Poland
14 Jun 2012
Hultsfredsfestivalen 2012, Hultsfred, Sweden
10 Jun 2012
Maxidrom Festival 2012, Moscow, Russian Federation
29 May 2012
Yes24 Live Hall, Seoul, Republic of Korea
28 May 2012
Yes24 Live Hall, Seoul, Republic of Korea
26 May 2012
Municipal Central Gymnasium (大阪市立中央体育館) Osaka, Japan
24 May 2012
Great Hall, Aichi Prefectural Arts Theater - 愛知県芸術劇場 大ホール 愛知 Nagoya, Japan
23 May 2012
Nippon Budokan|日本武道館 Tokyo, Nippon
08 May 2012
Jockey Club del Paraguay, Asunción, Paraguay
06 May 2012
Club Gimnasia y Esgrima (GEBA) Buenos Aires, Argentina
03 May 2012
Vivo Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
02 May 2012
Espaço das Américas, São Paulo, Brazil
26 Apr 2012
Municipal Central Gymnasium (大阪市立中央体育館) Osaka, Japan
24 Apr 2012
Great Hall, Aichi Prefectural Arts Theater - 愛知県芸術劇場 大ホール 愛知 Nagoya, Japan
23 Apr 2012
Nippon Budokan|日本武道館 Tokyo, Japan
20 Apr 2012
Pearl Concert Theatre, Palms Casino Resort, Las Vegas, US
20 Apr 2012
Coachella 2012, San Diego, US
18 Apr 2012
Orpheum Theatre, Phoenix, US
17 Apr 2012
Balboa Theatre, San Diego, US
13 Apr 2012
Coachella 2012, San Diego, US
11 Apr 2012
Teatro Metropólitan, Mexico City
10 Apr 2012
Teatro Metropólitan Mexico City
10 Apr 2012
Auditorio Banamex - Monterrey, Mexico (cancelled)
06 Apr 2012
The Tabernacle Atlanta, US
Teatro Metropólitan Mexico City
10 Apr 2012
Auditorio Banamex - Monterrey, Mexico (cancelled)
06 Apr 2012
The Tabernacle Atlanta, US
04 Apr 2012
Egyptian Room, Old National Centre, Indianapolis, US
03 Apr 2012
Pabst Theatre, Milwaukee, US
01 Apr 2012
Riviera Theatre, Chicago, US
31 Mar 2012
Royal Oak Music Theatre, Detroit, US
29 Mar 2012
Express Live! Columbus, US
28 Mar 2012
Warner Theatre, Washington, US
15 Mar 2012
Komplex 457, Zürich, Switzerland
13 Mar 2012
Atlantico, Roma, Italia
11 Mar 2012
Tonhalle - Kultfabrik, Munich, Germany
09 Mar 2012
Max-Schmeling-Halle, Berlin, Germany
08 Mar 2012
Sporthalle Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
06 Mar 2012
Le Grand Rex, Paris, France
04 Mar 2012
Razzmatazz, Barcelona, Spain
01 Mar 2012
The Ballroom, Birmingham, UK
01 Mar 2012
The Other Room, Birmingham, UK
01 Mar 2012
Barclaycard Arena, Birmingham, UK
29 Feb 2012
O2 Academy Brixton, London, UK
26 Feb 2012
The O2 Arena, London, UK
24 Feb 2012
Scottish Exhibition & Conference Centre (SECC) Glasgow, UK
23 Feb 2012
Metro Radio Arena, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK
21 Feb 2012
The BRIT Awards 2012, London, UK
19 Feb 2012
Sheffield Arena, UK
17 Feb 2012
The Grand Social, Dublin, Ireland
16 Feb 2012
SSE Arena, Belfast, UK
14 Feb 2012
Aberdeen Exhibition & Conference Centre (AECC) Aberdeen, UK
14 Feb 2012
Manchester Arena, UK
13 Feb 2012
Egyptian Room, Old National Centre, Indianapolis, US
03 Apr 2012
Pabst Theatre, Milwaukee, US
01 Apr 2012
Riviera Theatre, Chicago, US
31 Mar 2012
Royal Oak Music Theatre, Detroit, US
29 Mar 2012
Express Live! Columbus, US
28 Mar 2012
Warner Theatre, Washington, US
15 Mar 2012
Komplex 457, Zürich, Switzerland
13 Mar 2012
Atlantico, Roma, Italia
11 Mar 2012
Tonhalle - Kultfabrik, Munich, Germany
09 Mar 2012
Max-Schmeling-Halle, Berlin, Germany
08 Mar 2012
Sporthalle Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
06 Mar 2012
Le Grand Rex, Paris, France
04 Mar 2012
Razzmatazz, Barcelona, Spain
01 Mar 2012
The Ballroom, Birmingham, UK
01 Mar 2012
The Other Room, Birmingham, UK
01 Mar 2012
Barclaycard Arena, Birmingham, UK
29 Feb 2012
O2 Academy Brixton, London, UK
26 Feb 2012
The O2 Arena, London, UK
24 Feb 2012
Scottish Exhibition & Conference Centre (SECC) Glasgow, UK
23 Feb 2012
Metro Radio Arena, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK
21 Feb 2012
The BRIT Awards 2012, London, UK
19 Feb 2012
Sheffield Arena, UK
17 Feb 2012
The Grand Social, Dublin, Ireland
16 Feb 2012
SSE Arena, Belfast, UK
14 Feb 2012
Aberdeen Exhibition & Conference Centre (AECC) Aberdeen, UK
14 Feb 2012
Manchester Arena, UK
13 Feb 2012
MEN Arena - Manchester
31 Jan 2012
Big Day Out 2012, Melbourne, Australia
29 Jan 2012
Big Day Out 2012, Melbourne, Australia
26 Jan 2012
Big Day Out 2012, Sydney, Australia
23 Jan 2012
Big Day Out 2012, Sydney, Australia
22 Jan 2012
31 Jan 2012
Big Day Out 2012, Melbourne, Australia
29 Jan 2012
Big Day Out 2012, Melbourne, Australia
26 Jan 2012
Big Day Out 2012, Sydney, Australia
23 Jan 2012
Big Day Out 2012, Sydney, Australia
22 Jan 2012
Big Day Out 2012, Gold Coast Parklands, Gold Coast, Australia
17 Jan 2012
Tokyo Dome City Hall (東京ドームシティホール) Tokyo, Japan
16 Jan 2012
Tokyo Dome City Hall (東京ドームシティホール) Tokyo, Japan
10 Dec 2011
Valley View Casino Center, San Diego, US
10 Dec 2011
KROQ Almost Acoustic Christmas 2011, Los Angeles, US
06 Dec 2011
Casino De Paris, France
04 Dec 2011
Palladium, Cologne, Germany
03 Dec 2011
Koncerthuset, Koncertsalen, Copenhagen, Denmark
01 Dec 2011
Ancienne Belgique (AB) Brussels, Belgium
30 Nov 2011
17 Jan 2012
Tokyo Dome City Hall (東京ドームシティホール) Tokyo, Japan
16 Jan 2012
Tokyo Dome City Hall (東京ドームシティホール) Tokyo, Japan
10 Dec 2011
Valley View Casino Center, San Diego, US
10 Dec 2011
KROQ Almost Acoustic Christmas 2011, Los Angeles, US
06 Dec 2011
Casino De Paris, France
04 Dec 2011
Palladium, Cologne, Germany
03 Dec 2011
Koncerthuset, Koncertsalen, Copenhagen, Denmark
01 Dec 2011
Ancienne Belgique (AB) Brussels, Belgium
30 Nov 2011
Alcatraz, Milano, Italia + review here+video bootleg here +audio and video bootleg here
26 Nov 2011
La Riviera, Madrid, Spain
26 Nov 2011
La Riviera, Madrid, Spain
Live @ Later with Jools Holland, bootleg)
19 Nov 2011
Orpheum Theatre, SF Bay Area, US
18 Nov 2011
Royce Hall, UCLA, Los Angeles, US
17 Nov 2011
Royce Hall, UCLA, Los Angeles, US
15 Nov 2011
Beacon Theatre, New York, US
14 Nov 2011
Beacon Theatre, New York, US
12 Nov 2011
Wang Theatre, Boch Center, Boston / Cambridge, US
11 Nov 2011
Academy of Music Philadelphia, USA
08 Nov 2011
Massey Hall, Toronto, Canada
07 Nov 2011
Massey Hall, Toronto, Canada
19 Nov 2011
Orpheum Theatre, SF Bay Area, US
18 Nov 2011
Royce Hall, UCLA, Los Angeles, US
17 Nov 2011
Royce Hall, UCLA, Los Angeles, US
15 Nov 2011
Beacon Theatre, New York, US
14 Nov 2011
Beacon Theatre, New York, US
12 Nov 2011
Wang Theatre, Boch Center, Boston / Cambridge, US
11 Nov 2011
Academy of Music Philadelphia, USA
08 Nov 2011
Massey Hall, Toronto, Canada
07 Nov 2011
Massey Hall, Toronto, Canada
BBC radio Theatre, London, bootleg
31 Oct 2011
Roundhouse, London, UK
30 Oct 2011
O2 Forum, Kentish Town, London, UK
29 Oct 2011
Eventim Apollo, London, UK
27 Oct 2011
31 Oct 2011
Roundhouse, London, UK
30 Oct 2011
O2 Forum, Kentish Town, London, UK
29 Oct 2011
Eventim Apollo, London, UK
27 Oct 2011
coming up next... main events calendar
when you want:
football game, Girls vs Boys
- - -
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"A morning-glory at my window satisfies me more than the metaphisics of books".
(Walt Whitman)
..... "What's the story morning glory?", American expression (something like "what's up?"), but also spicy thai vegetable :), and girls say it's also a morning male erection

What's the story morning glory - the most famous Oasis album - London at dawn, Soho, Berwick Street, known for its independent record shops. On the left it's Sister Ray records shop, then it went into administration...

..... Who feels love? - Arizona - video inspired by Zabriskie Point, movie by Italian director Michelangelo Antonioni, with Mark Frechette

2000, Twin Towers down there... before September 11... on the single "Sunday morning call" there was New York with a fallen glass... New York City skyline from the rooftop of the Rockefeller Center. The album's title was taken from the words made famous by Sir Isaac Newton: "If I can see further than anyone else, it is only because I am standing on the shoulders of giants". Noel saw the quote on the side of a £2 coin while in a pub and liked it so much he thought it would be a suitable name for the new album. He then wrote the name on the side of a cigarette packet while drunk. When he awoke in the morning, he realised he had written "Standing on the Shoulder of Giants", not "shoulders"
..... video with Milano Lambretta
Our Lady, Milan symbol in "Stop crying your heart out" video. Oasis have catholic origins

Heathen chemistry - the title came from a t-shirt Noel bought in Ibiza which featured a logo reading, "The Society of Heathen Chemists"

in the little picture: Rodney Marsh, 1972-75 City player (and next to the tv: George Best). A poster of a young Burt Bacharach. They were watching The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, spaghetti western movie by Italian director Sergio Leone, music by the great maestro Ennio Morricone. The room was at Bonehead's house. On the floor, a glass of wine, but it was bilberry juice

as all the greatest music albums covers, almost all Oasis albums covers have summat mysterious, it seems a curse. The last one had an atomic bomb... then they split. In '95 they put the pier of Weston-super-Mare on "Roll with it" cover, then it was burnt
"La musica non ha mai spostato niente, neanche negli anni '60, ai tempi del Vietnam. Il rock incide nel look, negli atteggiamenti, ma non nella politica. Forse conoscendolo Lennon era un cretino, non ci sarei andato d'accordo e l'avrei odiato. La gente parla troppo della sua vita, del pacifismo e così via, quello che mi interessa sono solo le sue canzoni.
E se qualcuno organizza una marcia contro la guerra, io preferisco andare al parco con mia figlia".
(Noel Gallagher, Oasis)
Music never moved anything, not even in the '60s, at Vietnam times. Rock influences look, attitudes, but not politics. Maybe knowing him Lennon was an idiot, I wouldn't got on well with him and would have hated him. People speak too much of his life, pacifism, and so on, I'm interested only in his songs.
Music never moved anything, not even in the '60s, at Vietnam times. Rock influences look, attitudes, but not politics. Maybe knowing him Lennon was an idiot, I wouldn't got on well with him and would have hated him. People speak too much of his life, pacifism, and so on, I'm interested only in his songs.
And if anybody organizes a march against war, I prefer going to the park with my daughter.
..... vote for Noel Prime Minister: 1) a good politician is a rich one, 2) more police on the streets
Seguo gli Oasis dall'inizio, dal 1994 (da quando c'è lo zio Silvio in politica ahaha), il Britpop iniziava a conquistare il mondo, e in Inghilterra noi 16enni-17enni compravamo cd con una certa canzone appena uscita che diceva proprio: Mister Sifter sold me songs when I was just 16...
..... The meaning of soul (live in Milan @ Alcatraz) - This one's not for Marco :) but I dedicate it to Melissa, a girl with heart problems I took out from gig mayhem. Escape from Alcatraz ghghgh It used to be the song on English tv, for Premier League Sky Sports ad.
"...I'm a different breed, I'm outta your league, I'm 10 outta 10 alright... All rise, I see the love in your eyes, if it's alright then I'll be your light"
..... Rockin' chair , my favourite song ever.
Video with a final surprise at the end...........
I played this song till my fingers bled.
The shape of England is not so different from Italy one.
Notice the images and the turtle as my turtle Alberta in "I'm older than I wish to be" :) (and the turtle then is also on Noel plectrum, he played with it, I played with it).
And yes, that pier in Weston-super-Mare was burnt. And Oasis are over now (definitely maybe).
For going around we were still using a tour bus, and as it was our first time there, we had a big surprise when a bus full of British people overtook us, all of them smiling and waving their hands but suddenly they turned and showed us their arses ahahaha
Video with a final surprise at the end...........
I played this song till my fingers bled.
The shape of England is not so different from Italy one.
Notice the images and the turtle as my turtle Alberta in "I'm older than I wish to be" :) (and the turtle then is also on Noel plectrum, he played with it, I played with it).
And yes, that pier in Weston-super-Mare was burnt. And Oasis are over now (definitely maybe).
For going around we were still using a tour bus, and as it was our first time there, we had a big surprise when a bus full of British people overtook us, all of them smiling and waving their hands but suddenly they turned and showed us their arses ahahaha
"The one who's got right ideas among confused people, he's like one with a working clock in a city where all the clocks are wrong. He's the only one knowing the right time, but what's the use? Everybody's following the others one, even those who know the right time..."
That was the meaning of the word "Oasis", an isolated place in a desert.
"As a remedy to life in society I would suggest the big city. Nowadays, it is the only desert within our means".
That was the meaning of the word "Oasis", an isolated place in a desert.
"As a remedy to life in society I would suggest the big city. Nowadays, it is the only desert within our means".
Noel Thomas David Gallagher

2009. I was at 3 Oasis gigs in 1 month, even climbing the Italian Alps, highest European mountains, and arriving first in Switzerland, my last Oasis gig, seen it on the front row in front of Noel winking an eye at me ;) (and Glasvegas did the same) playing as in room for me and two Swiss birds lol, the "veline" :))
"The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars. And in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes 'Awww!'".
(Jack Kerouac)
(Jack Kerouac)
mad fer it !!!
..... "Slide away" piano music: we have a real piece of Moon next to my house, that is Manchester City symbol. The World Cup too, it was made here by a Milan artist. You can see Capello table @ the Football English pub here and also Jesi, the town of former Inter Milan then City and Italy manager Mancini, where my uncle was born
"Italy why always you?! what is it with you Italians? why do you seem to 'get it' more than anyone else? it's a constant source of fascination for me"
"I'm currently in Milan. Its been fucking always is. It's fair to say The Italians love me and long may that continue 'cause I love them right back...the beautiful bastards.
The gig was amazing, the kind of gig you'd never want to end. Easily my favourite so far."
= "We get chatting to Marco who was around for Paolo Nutini arriving and had given him a quick hand shake then sloped off, (you know how cool guys like to play it), he is really a Brit Indie lad at heart trapped inside the body of an Italian guy, his taste in music is fabulous. The tempo was troppo caldo (too hot weather), the Duomo is breathtaking to say the least. Milano women are ridiculously stylish and fabulously slim, gorgeous beings. He shaped my pizza into a love heart. Italian men are so smooth!"
The gig was amazing, the kind of gig you'd never want to end. Easily my favourite so far."
"L'Italia è la casa spirituale degli Oasis.
I ragazzi italiani sono come me, molto passionali.
4 elementi li contraddistinguono: il calcio, la musica, la famiglia e l'amore per l'eleganza. I miei amici italiani sono dei fighi, indossano vestiti e scarpe stupende, sciarpe favolose, occhiali da sole anche di notte e donne bellissime al loro fianco. Beh, sono considerato una figura santa in Italia. E' Milano... l'Italia è grande amico, cazzo se mi piace andarci".
4 elementi li contraddistinguono: il calcio, la musica, la famiglia e l'amore per l'eleganza. I miei amici italiani sono dei fighi, indossano vestiti e scarpe stupende, sciarpe favolose, occhiali da sole anche di notte e donne bellissime al loro fianco. Beh, sono considerato una figura santa in Italia. E' Milano... l'Italia è grande amico, cazzo se mi piace andarci".
Italy is Oasis spiritual home.
Italian boys are like me, very passionate.
4 elements mark them: football, music, family and love for elegance. My Italian friends are cool, they wear wonderful clothes and shoes, fabulous scarves, sunglasses even at night and beautiful women by their side. Well, I'm considered quite a holy figure in Italy, It's Milan... Italy's great man, I fucking love going there.
4 elements mark them: football, music, family and love for elegance. My Italian friends are cool, they wear wonderful clothes and shoes, fabulous scarves, sunglasses even at night and beautiful women by their side. Well, I'm considered quite a holy figure in Italy, It's Milan... Italy's great man, I fucking love going there.
"Milano è il miglior fottuto pubblico, e lo dico davvero!".
(toccandosi il cuore)
Milan is the best fucking crowd, and I really mean it!
(touching his heart)
"Milano è una città bellissima. Molta gente pagherebbe per stare qui. Non vado quasi mai a fare shopping, quello che mi piace di Milano è la gente".
(David Beckham, Ac Milan, Oasis friend)
Milan is a beautiful city. Many people would pay for staying here. I almost never go shopping, what I like in Milan is the people.
The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night.
(Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)
"I've got the pre-emption over anyone proud boastin' music royalties about you :). When you told me to be not so good, I thought you were just humble. Now, on the contrary, I think you're a famous incognito singer, determined to cheer up the world with your voice, for free"..
"nice jacket"
(Liam embracing me)
..... Balotelli ahahaha and City symbol on Noel's guitar :). This tune was my alarm clock to wake up in the morning from '97 to 2000. At a 1997 gig after the first chord of 'Be here now' I was literally flying, gone fuckin' mad fer it, continuously shouting and jumping embraced with all the people. Best fun of my life.

Be here now: a Milano Lambretta (name from Milan river Lambro), owned by Noel, and a Rolls-Royce. Photo at Stocks House hotel in Hertfordshire
London->Milan, November 2009, with Milan legend Paolo Maldini
..... love the welcome ahahahaha with a Milan Lambretta behind... waiting for a PG shop in Milan.
In the same days: new AC Milan shop in Milan
..... the centre of the world.
Milan Expo 2015 Masterplan, the new zone where Oasis had to perform their last concert in history... before the "break" of 5 years... we're all part of a Masterplan...
(the music is the anthem of North Italy, capital city: Milan, of course, titled "Va pensiero - sull'ali dorate", "Go, thought - on golden wings", by Verdi).
A new Milan part with strange skyscrapers is gonna be called 'City Life'.
In his 'Tales From The Middle Of Nowhere', Noel refers to Italy as the bands’ 'spiritual home' and anyone who has been to an Oasis gig in Italy will know why. It’s fitting that Oasis have chosen Milan to stage the final show...
(from the official site )
Milan, not Rome. Against Rome:
"Domani, be' cos'è domani? Lasciamo che Roma si dissolva nel Tevere! E che il grande impero crolli! Questo è il momento; i regni sono fatti d'argilla".
(Oasis, What's the story book)

Oasis 1st album: they were watching The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, spaghetti western movie by Italian director Leone, music by the great maestro Morricone

Milan last gig

our club

Milano... seems like going to Paris for splitting up...
Pretty Green "fan" Hateley
..... I carry madness everywhere I go! 5:22 Italian flag :) (Turn up the sun @ City of Manchester stadium)

Milan Futurism and photos by Harri Peccinotti (Milano Pirelli calendars 1968 & 1969)
..... Oasis' Hung in a bad place, by Gem
SAINT MARK'S CHURCH 1880 (West Gorton)

Man City since 1894
..... fancy some silverware? ;) When it seems to finish, it's not over yet :)
somewhere down the line, YOU are Italian too. Watch your jealous tongue before saying anything against Italy
..... live in Milan. There were girls who wanted to pay me to stay on the front row and gave me their bra ^^. Some even wanted to take a photo with me :D
..... in Budapest, Hungary. Go let it out + Roll with it + Led Zeppelin's Whole lotta love
..... my first Oasis gig

similar shape

meaningful contact: Man's creation by Michelangelo

oasisblues - English tabloid, Italian paparazzi ^_^