Milan new place for hippies fucking in the bushes

MILAN - Election day in Milan: for the first time, a communist mayor, as in London some time ago, Red Ken, Livingstone. The rich Milan new place for "fucking hippies", as Noel & Alan say, and free love "fucking in the bushes" lol. Hasta la victoria! ahahaha
(I'm ironic)
usual comment from Liam: "devono lavarsi" (=they should wash)
video 1: Le Vibrazioni (band from Milan with my sideburns :), they used to be inspired by Led Zeppelin), "Dedicato a te (Giulia)"
"Sai, certe volte accade che ci sia bisogno di andar via..." (=you know, sometimes it happens it's necessary to go away...)

Baustelle, Un romantico a Milano

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