Liam Gallagher, Лиам Галлахер «Это мы е...аный народ, мужик!»

MOSCOW - Today was Beady Eye 1st birthday, 25 May 2010 they announced their name with their (baby) site. Even if they often refer to Oasis last day as Beady Eye first day (photo, the morning after the split, 29 August 2009, I hve some pics). The end is the beginning is the end.
This photo always reminded me of the film Almost Famous, there's a similar scene: the airplane and the band taken from behind (here without Liam).
For the Zodiac fans, Oasis end was under Virgo sign, as Liam.
Beady Eye birth under Gemini sign, as Noel...
And today was also Paul Weller's birthday, on 29 it's Noel's, of course all Gemini as me and so many great musicians.

Here's an automatic translation from Russian language. Sounds funny, see if you can understand. It's from some weeks ago.

Liam Gallagher "This is what we are and. .. every nation, man!"
Come to Russia Beady Eye - a new group of Liam Gallagher of Oasis. Management of musicians, however, separately asked questions about Oasis Gallagher did not ask. Instead, the "Playbill" talked to him about the working class, football, Radiohead and aging.
- Here's your album called Different Gear, Still Speeding: Another program, the rate of the former. It's in the sense that you have a new group? Or do you mean, what has changed?
- Without a doubt. Another "transfer" - means, other circumstances. We definitely feel that this is another group that we have a new position.
- But it's something that most of your rivals on Britpop - the people of the Pulp, Damon Albarn - they have moved somewhere in terms of music. On this you can not say.Beady Eye - the same eggs, just in front.
- Well, Damon Albarn, then there was a need to get rid of Blur - it did not satisfy what they have going on there. We're quite happy to play that and play well: we all like something really, really. And the dick then you need to call themselves «Gold-something, burn CDs to electronics, to do something like fashion? We roast rock 'n' roll - these things.
- Is it possible you have never experienced the desire to build something very, very different? I was thinking that because you would have made a good rapper - vocal delivery to disposal.
- Yes, but ... No! No way I will not rap. Only in the shower!
- But you always had acted as a voice of the proletariat, the working class. A current proletarian youths are increasingly listening to just hip-hop, electronica and club stuff. Do not you think that you have lost touch with these people?
- It's not entirely true, brother. In my opinion, a lot of children ... a lot of the rich Maltsov enjoys rap - but perhaps it is my opinion that. In any case, still full of guys from working-class families, who love rock 'n' roll. We are quite in the spirit of the time, brother. And I certainly do not feel like fallen from the holder - I just did on the b ... dskom horse!
- And you yourself, then still ranked as the working class? Feel a bond with these guys?
- Yes, certainly. I do not think it has anything to do with how big you, man, house. Or how much money you spend on running shoes. I'm from the workaholic, but I do not scale of this language. I was born and raised in a family business - but I still did not apply even in those times when everything else is obviously belonged to this class itself. I never said something like: "Listen to us, we are of the workers!" Well, yes, we, b ... gb of workers - have passed, we go further.
- Still difficult to imagine how people Beady Eye fun in the pub with ordinary people.
- It is difficult to believe that we do so? We did so yesterday! We all shlyaemsya, Big Brother, many times it happened. Too many times! With people ... That is, we have .. any nation, man! And it's not about Buckingham Palace, if you are about it.
- That's just about it. You were one of the symbols of Cool Britannia second half of the nineties, the Labour Party actively supported. As you are a new government?
- Yes, I know nothing about politics. And I think many of these politicians do not understand it, too. So you do not need my opinion, I assure you.
- Okay.
- Do something you think? I've no idea, did not know ... But in general now, everything seems pretty shitty, right?
- How do you say!
- No, of course, when you're in the Beady Eye, everything is fine - well, and that ordinary people? No one else now, it seems, especially not money. But on the other a hand, not about the money because the whole thing?
- Well, on the other hand, your hometown, Manchester, in recent years, transformed.Someone from your great countryman, Morrissey seems to be saying that, say, Manchester has become so influential in the musical sense, because it was hell hole. Now that this has changed, you do not feel that the music was worse?
- Uh-uh ... Well, I'll no longer live there, man, you know.
- Yes, but this is your hometown.
- Here! This is what I wanted to say - it's my hometown. That is, I do not mind it all as a comment just because I do not live there anymore. And though I can not know exactly what is happening there, but! It can be assumed that there appears too many groups that are worthless - but the same can be said about all of England, is not it? However, there Manchester - it's not a hell hole. Who said there is, you say? Morrissey? Yes he did in Los Angeles!
- Well, maybe it's Peter Hook was, I'm not sure. A Manchester, maybe not a hole, but Manchester City is still losing.
- Loses?
- The Championship is something you will not win.
- We did not win the championship, but we take the cup in the finals and come out into the Champions League. (The interview took place before the club coped with both tasks.. - Ed.) In my opinion, this is called a "win."
- Do you still hate the fans of Manchester United as fiercely as before?
- I have no special affection for them, I know not, what about hate. To me they are more or less shit. (Pause.) I do not hate anyone.
- Really? Then this question. Radiohead recently released a letter stating that you applied for it to be their support band in 1994 - but they refused. What do you think about this story?
- Who was it again?
- Radiohead.
- It's about Oasis?!
- Well, yes.
- I never heard about this story, but it's e. .. n. .. any Dej. In 1994, we have already collected Knebworth. No, we never ask for Radiohead on tour.
- So after all you're still experiencing strong emotions at their expense? "E. .. any n. .. Dej? You're older, but still remained as before?
- Listen. Britpop - is generally ... (Raspalyaetsya.) If you ask me about that, if I have definite opinions about certain groups, then yes, it is - and it never will not go anywhere! They need to keep track of what I mean! Personally, I like to say that I think about other teams - and yes, there are a couple of crappy teams, but there are a couple of bands that I love. When getting old, it all becomes so important, but I was young and - and I'm ready for all the words I ever said about other groups. Without a doubt.
- Do you still have any goals in music?
- To conquer Russia!
- And besides this?
- (Obrechenno.) That's all. That's just it.
- This is what I mean: you have about everything you can ...
- We really can not wait how come, play a few songs and get to know people. It is quite a goal, man. We will not let you disappoint us.
- You and a half years will be the same age, how much was your idol, John Lennon, when he died. You have something to feel about this?
- I, you know, I do not think about it. I will be a year older. All point. At this age, do not end there. Can not wait for that moment when I'm forty. At that age, there is no problem.
- You think you are in any way can compare with him in terms of achievements at this point?
- No, no, no, man. John was great and he wrote great fucking music. One that changed the world. In this my ambition, really - to write cool music that will change people's lives. Get it or not - another question entirely.
- I still think that Be Here Now - the best album Oasis. What do you think?
- Big Brother (Gallagher is referring to his brother Noel.. - Ed.) did not like it - longish. But there was an excellent quality video and a few good songs. Many of the Oasis albums are excellent. I really think that we would never let anything crappy.
- You now have greater authority to the same nostalgia for 1990 is gaining momentum. Would you like to become a mentor for someone - to act in the role that Paul Weller has played for you?
- It's not that. We all, each team member, I want to write a great album and these inspire kids to the fact that they continue to make great music and live the life of rock 'n rollschikov - but this does not turn us into mentors. We ourselves are still learning, we just do not know, you know?
- Well, you do not want to come to someone in the studio or wherever and poukazyvat - do not, they say, so do commercials?
- No-e.
- Not at all?
- Nope. None.
- Is not it would amuse your self-esteem?
- We have everything in order with the conceit.
Liam Gallagher and a group Beady Eye will play on 2 June in St. Petersburg Glavklube, and June 4 - Milk in a club in Moscow.

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