MILAN - Tonight Beady Eye in Verona, Italy.
I explain you briefly what's going on, I hope you can understand, 'cause sometimes I post in Italian language, it's always something about politics-football-music.
There's a lack of news as in the summer, so today is about politics, I know you don't like it, lol.
You know I don't like him, the man speaking about politics in a so different way from Noel, and dressing as a fat woman lol, but I have to give all the news (and this is about our Hollywood club) and I think everybody should have their space, also those who think different from us. But I know that communists don't do this, they speak about tolerance and are the first ones to be intolerant, this is what I see.
By the way, why do I find so many Irish racists? Paul, City fan, is almost Irish, probably not racist, but I find many intolerant people from Ireland. Well, the Gallaghers are half Irish, and they've always been quite intolerant against everything.
In East Europe where I have contacts with many beautiful girls ^_^, even the communist symbol is forbidden, it's an offence, 'cause they've known communism (that is, 100 million dead people in the world, even much more than nazifascism).
While in Italy they play to be communist "rebels" (with rich parents, also nobles, so I laugh when I see Oasis against the royals), and they even say laughable things as "I will marry a poor worker"...oh then they only find the prince of Montecarlo, how unlucky.
We are the only country in the world where the communist symbol is even inside the symbol of many political parties... absurd. Even though the Berlin Wall fell 22 years ago.
This is because we had Mussolini 70 and more years ago (probably the only period in Italian modern times when things were quite working), but their feeling against him is still strong and they even think Berlusconi is Mussolini, and they blame him for everything, even the ozone hole (about this there should be Noel here with his sentences against the environ-mental-ist Greens). In England there's a similar feeling against nazifascism but the English have a bigger sense of nation. This is probably because Italy is a very young country, 150 years this year. We were big but only centuries ago during Romans times, while in modern times Italy is a very divided country, inside. The regionalism is very strong, as in England.
Communists say that Berlusconi supporters idolize him, and they're right, in fact I think he's God, lol.
No, I just think he's misunderstood (or they like to misunderstand).
But communists, blaming him for everything, and having him always on their minds, the so called "anti-berlusconismo", they spend all their time thinking about him, and they are the first ones idolizing him, in a negative way for themselves.
We are still discussing as fascists vs communists, not a good way to grow. Communists even thought Obama was a communist as them. They didn't even understand Berlusconi's joke about him, saying that he's "tanned", he meant that the colour of the skin is not important. Oh racist! scandal! This is a very moralistic country and they always want some scandal to discuss, we are similar to English tabloids, we paparazzi, lol. The 'funny' thing is that the people criticizing are those who usually behave much worse.
Can you imagine what happened with Berlusconi and his young lovers. One thing I don't like is when foreign tabloids judge our news, I always see they don't know anything.
Oh mamma mia, I think Italians argue so easily between them, the "noisy neighbours" lol as Man Utd Ferguson called Manchester City fans. I should marry a foreign girl, lol.
There's a positive part in not growing, Oasis "stay young" :) - Peter Pan, this is something in our "spirit", you know.
Appropriate period for politics, 'cause from Monday, Milan will probably have a new mayor (it was a conservative woman), now for the first time a communist one, and we think it's gonna be a disaster. Not really the right city for one like that. If there wasn't, that means something. And Milan has been carrying on the Italian economy for so many years. Without Milan and the North... Italy would surely be a Third World country, in fact we are close to Africa.
So I should stop promoting Milan, close all the webs, not going anywhere, and boycott my own city. I'm not gonna do that, the mayor is gonna be a disaster with his own hands. You might think: oh a communist, maybe he's a poor peasant, a working class hero... no, a lawyer. Who had some problems with law.
In these days in Italy everybody is speaking about this election. The funny thing is that many are not voting 'cause they don't live in Milan, and in the first turn we were about 650,000 people voting (Milan city is about 1.5 million inhabitants, plus millions all around it), while Italy is about 60 millions. But everybody think it's so important because Milan is the economic capital. They even think that when this mayor wins, even the Italian government could change, but it's not going to happen, Berlusconi party (called "People of Freedom") is still the first one. I don't think he's Mussolini, on the contrary there's too much freedom... there should be much less.
Recently there's a big discussion going on between a sort of music guru (I met him recently for a band) organizing events for young bands, concerts dedicated to John Lennon (even a park), "pacifist gigs", etc., but he's supporting the conservative woman as mayor, so the young communists got angry with him, they even thought he's "one of them". They always want their enemy to be intolerant, racist, etc., I think they should look at themselves.
"A good politician is a rich one, 'cause he's already rich".
(Noel Gallagher)
"I want more police in the streets".
"Fuck morals".
"Fuck off Wenger and his socialist football".
"China! Fuck me them communists..."
(Noel Gallagher)
"They're making you taking the blame...and I think that it's not quite right. Hey, stay young and invincible!"
(Noel, Stay young Silvio :D)
Noel was recently in Blue Moon Rising, Manchester City film, produced by Berlusconi.