Oasis are not together, they SPLIT

There are some people around, who don't have anything to do.
Some internet sites and Liam said that Oasis are still together........
bullshit, as the shit that idiot is.
He surely said that bullshit, it's the usual situation for a drunk man who insulted and menaced his brother as usual.
It's very useful for Liam to say those things, 'cause the main job was always done by Noel, and Liam always needs to be helped. First he insults and menaces, then he goes on holidays and says Oasis are still together. Very smart. Oasis are a game for this little child called Liam, he thinks he can do what he wants but now the toy is broken. The tale "Oasis are mad, that's why they're great" doesn't worth anymore. And many fans are fuckin' angry. Oasis split up and Liam is the person to blame. He should know that if he's rich now, it's thanks to the fans, and he had no respect towards us.
Noel surely agrees with Liam tonight: in fact, Noel is in Mexico.
But Oasis are still together eh, we believe the idiots.
I really hope that Oasis will never make peace, but Noel goes on in his solo career.
Oh yes, Oasis are still together, in the opposite sense:
"Oasis will never split up 'cause I am Oasis".
Liam worths as a piece of shit at the bottom of the toilet bowl.
I love you Noel :)

www.oasisblues.com could become www.noelblues.com but anyway Oasis are Noel, above all.

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