Bloc Party bunch of idiots, jealous of Oasis

First of all: who the fuck are Bloc (Block?) Party ?!
They always insult Oasis, also yesterday, asking the crowd to booo at Oasis (childish... how old are they, 3 or 4?). They're clearly jealous of Oasis success. Asking around, nobody knows these Bloc Party.
Probably Bloc Party know they are shit, so they insult Oasis 'cause it's their only way to be known around.
I found one who knows them, from one of Facebook groups against them: tuneless rubbish, lack of melodic originality or style, embarrassing lyrics, unimaginative riffs and a prime example of current indie rubbish. All of the above describe Bloc Party, the band that always seem to be on TV music/festival highlights and always make one unneccessarily leave ones comfy armchair to shoot oneself/change the channel. Stop these wankers before all musical hope is lost.
Bloc Party, poor losers, this is pure shit.

“I wouldn’t go out and buy a Bloc Party record ’cos I know it would be shit.”
(Noel Gallagher)

mwahahaha I'm listening to their music tonight for the first time... I wonder if that is music... now I understand why they insult Oasis: the singer voice is gay. He sings in falsetto.

You fuckin' twat.

Riassunto in italiano.
C'è quel gruppo col cantante nero, i Bloc Party, che insultano sempre gli Oasis e ieri hanno chiesto al pubblico di fare boooo agli Oasis (cos'è, l'asilo nido?). Sono evidentemente invidiosi del loro successo, e l'unico modo che hanno per farsi conoscere è insultare i più grandi.
Allora come sempre quando ci sono persone totalmente ignoranti do il peggio di me, divento quello che non sono (Richard Ashcroft direbbe: trouble and strife turn me into another guy...) e li ho sputtanati ovunque. Poi mi sono calmato e ho ascoltato la loro musica: musica? Adesso capisco perchè insultano gli Oasis: il cantate ha una voce da frocio e canta in falsetto.

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